JUNGKOOK!!!! (past)

A/N: this was when y/n was around 10 years old. 

So therefore..

 Jin is 23

Yoongi is 22

Hobi is 21

Joon is 20

 Tae and Chim are 19

Kookie is 17..

But all of them were still part of mafias..

(so how old is Y/N at present? 😝 calculate)

Here are the pics of them at those ages to warm ur heart before we get into the story..

Now lets get on with the story >w<


Its night time..where are hyungies?🥺

They told me to go to sleep before they came..but I can't...

I hope they are oki...😔

I should sleep tho...

I tried closing my eyes...Then I heard some noises coming from downstairs

huh? are hyungs home???  let me go see them!😁

I ran outside my room...and I was walking down the stairs. When I saw...



Covered in blood..


Jimin: Today was tough. The opposite gang was stronger than we thought

Jungkook: Yeah.. we are covered in blood 

Jhope: are u ok Jungkookie? 

Jungkook: mhmm..

Namjoon: I told you guys we shouldn't have underestimated them..

Taehyung: we still killed them...

Yoongi: Yeah...I guess..

Jin: Will you guys shut up?? Y/N might be awake and she might hear us-

They saw me..their eyes widened

My eyes were teary but scared ...

Y/N: y-you guys...kill people??

Jin: Princess.. Why are you still awake??


Namjoon: Y/N-ah its not like that. We only kill bad guys-


Jimin: y/n-

Y/N: Don't call behind me..I hate ya all!

I ran up the stairs, entered my room and closed the door behind me

I hid my face in my pillow and tears started rolling from my eyes..

So..All those times. They were lying to me??

They are disgusting. Killing people

"we only kill bad guys" they say..

It doesn't matter...No matter what a person did. They don't have to be killed..

How are they even my brothers??

Wait. Will they get mad at me and kill me too??

They w-won't right..?

My anger turned into fear...

But both fear and anger were just sadness in disguise..

My tears were still falling..

I would have probably finished up my tears if it was possible..

but I still can't believe that they-

..I couldn't think anymore..


Namjoon POV

we were shocked seeing Y/N..


"Don't call behind me..I hate ya all!"

These words kept echoing in our heads..

We tell that kids are innocent and the things they say are from their heart.. 

So It  hurt even more...

All of us had injuries and blood was dripping...

But her words hurt more than any wounds...

Jungkook suddenly burst into tears... 

Jungkook: She hates us....I made my only younger sibling hate me..I am a bad brother

My heart broke into even more pieces. I feel bad for Jungkook too. I mean he is still a kid as well..

Jhope: Ya don't say that. Please stop crying. You are hurting us even more...

Jin: ... I-


Jin: how are we supposed to calm her down...?

Yoongi: Maybe we can do things that she likes..?

Jimin: Yeah....Maybe lets take her to the park. Or buy her stuff

Namjoon: don't be ridiculous.. I don't think she wants those..

Taehyung: T-there is no harm trying...r-right?

Tae's voice seemed shaky...It was obvious he was hurt. Just like the rest of us

We all looked at Jin hyung...

He sighed ..

Jin: fine then. Lets try.. Maybe she might love those ideas...


The next day


I opened my eyes..

I barely got sleep last night

...My head hurts from all the crying..

I took a bath ..

I didn't feel like going down and facing hyungs..

I am mad and sad at them...

...but...They are still my hyungs right..?


Suddenly someone knocked on my door..

"Miss Y/N? Are you there Sweetie?"

It was one of the maids..

Y/n: Yes...I am here...Do you need something..?

Maid: The masters told you to get ready.. They said they are taking you somewhere.

Y/N: I dunno.. If I want to go tho...

Maid: Darling. Its ok...They are still your sweet brothers that you always had...

Y/N: ... Y-yeah..I guess you are right... 

Y/N: ...

Y/N: I will get ready..

Maid: okay miss..I will take my leave now

Y/N: oki...

I changed into a dress

(A/N: yes she wasn't a tomboy then. I MEAN SHE IS 10!)

I took a deep breath and and then went downstairs..

Jhope: aww you look adorable!

Namjoon: Oh wow what a cutie pie ..

Jin: Of course. She is my little princess..

Jimin: yeah..but she is my little sister

Taehyung: oh please. She clearly loves me more..

Yoongi: She is OUR little sister ffs

Y/N: ...

"They are still your  brothers that you always had..."

I guess what the maid said was true...

...but I ain't giving in that easy😤

(omg..look at this kid. So stubborn. Aish🤦‍♂️)

Y/N: I thought we were going somewhere...?

Jungkook: oh yes! we are going to the park!

Y/N: oh okay..

Jimin POV

She is usually more excited ...

I mean I can't blame her for being mad..

Anyways we all walked to the car...and got in..

It was really silent..

because it was usually Y/N lighting up the mood..

So I Tried breaking the silence..

Jimin: Why don't we get some ice cream ?

Jin: Hm..that's a good idea. What do you think Y/N?

Y/N: I don't mind..

... "I don't mind" ? Her usual response to ice cream is


Jungkook: Lets get your fav ice cream!!

Jungkook said excitedly trying to make Y/N happy 

Y/N: yeah..sure

Jungkook: ....Ok-okay

Kookie seemed hurt...

It was like he would cry if Y/N wasn't here

Yoongi hyung just patted his back...


We reached the park..

We first went to ice cream shop as we said..

And we all got ourselves a ice cream..

We all ate it...

Jhope: why don't we take a selfie together?

Namjoon: yeah..lets do that!

Y/N: mhmm...

Y/N was smiling

but not the cheerful one. a fake one


After we took the selfie

We just walked and talked..

Namjoon: Aren't these trees beautiful?

Yoongi: here you go again with those trees

Namjoon: what? trees are beautiful and so helpful..

Jin: I don't trust these trees..

Jhope: what? why? ;-;

huh?? 😶

Jin: Cause they are a bit shady

Jimin: 😂😂🤣

Y/N: 😂 Wow hyung. That was so unexpected

Namjoon: that wasn't bad..

Jin: finally people appreciate my amajin jokes😎

Jungkook: Well...Try saying jokes that can be appreciated 😝

Jhope: 😂😂

Yoongi: Yeah..then we don't have to fake laugh every time

Jin: ya all are so disrespectful U-U

I mean...I am quite enjoying this..

The anger, sadness and fear went away..

I completely forgot about everything..

we laughed and said jokes 😜 


then suddenly..



a bullet just went right in front of me..


and hit..




Everything happened in a second

I saw Jungkook hyung  lying on the ground..

Then I heard a lot of gun shots ..

It was my other hyungs trying to shoot the person


I didn't know what was happening...

I crouched near Jungkook hyung and shouted

"HYUNG!!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!! JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tears were falling from my eyes...I started shaking him strongly but he didn't wake up..

From all these shock ...I felt my mind going dizzy...

My eyes were closing...

as i heard voices


"Ya! Leave him.!! Lets get these two to the hospital"

"Jungkook! Y/N! wake up!"

Then everything went black..




Hey hope ya all enjoyed! <3

The next chapter will come soon!

