Finding out

A/N: I realized that in some devices you cannot see a certain emoji. For those who see a ⬜ or a white box in any sentences. Its a puppy eyes emoji. Enjoy!💜




This happened when I after I left YA school(Y/N and Ara used to go here when they were kids..But Y/N left first)

I was around 13...

That day after school I came home late because of a soccer practice..

I couldn't find hyungs in the hall.

So, I checked my room, their rooms, dining room, our garden, soccer ground, gaming room, dance room, our gym and almost everywhere of our big ass mansion..

But I still couldn't find them.

Then I went to a maid..

Y/N: Umm..

Maid: Oh. Hello Miss! Do you need something?

Y/N: Where are hyungs..?

Maid: Oh- They are ..

Maid: ...

Maid: ..Somewhere..

Y/N: ...Ok...🙂

(A/N: I felt the need to add this gif..Don't ask me why)

I have no idea where they are..

But I am going to find out UwU

I was standing there when I saw a guard going towards Jin hyung's office

I should have just been like "They are probably going there to take something"

But...My mind was like

"Follow them"

Me: "Why?"

"Do it"

Me: "Ok"

So I did!

I followed that guard quietly..

They went inside but didn't close the door completely. 

So I was able  to see through a small gap..

That guard went inside ..

And went to a plant pot(??)

And they moved it aside-


There is a handle on the floor where the Pot was..

They opened it and went underneath.

And then they put back the pot from inside


We had a basement underneath!?

I have been living in this house for 13+ years and I didn't know this!

The door got shut by the wind.

I sneaked to the door but realized there was a password 

Aw man..

I tried "Jin" since hyung loves himself so much

But it didn't work...

Then I tried other hyungs name since he loves them too..

But that didn't work either..


What else is important in his life?

Maybe I will try their Gang name "Bts"

Unfortunately that didn't work either😭

What else?????

He doesn't have that much close friends..


Could it be...

(A/N: I am still improving in animation TwT Sorry if its bad!)

He kept my name as the Password??🥺

Anyways..Let me get in before anyone sees me.

I went inside

I slowly moved the pot aside and went down..

Fortunately there was no guards near the stairs.

I walked a bit to the front-

Oh shoot-

I quickly hid behind a wall.

I peeked a lil and saw some guards in front of a certain room..

There was a sign..


It is written so small..


Meaning roo-

Meeting room!

Oh meeting room!

Suddenly the door opened and hyungs walked out of it.


They are arguing I guess..

About what tho?


Her? Are they talking about me?

Namjoon: Tae...Think rationally...Y/N will be upset when she finds out.

Oh..So its about me..But why would I be upset?

Jimin: But hyung...She is 13..Don't you think she is old enough to understand...?

Hobi: No..I think we should wait till she is more older..

Yoongi: Well.. We found out when we were much younger.

Jungkook: Yes hyung.

Namjoon: But that's because we had to.

What are they even talking about?

Jimin: Hyung. Let's say it simply to Y/N.. And then explain it.

Say what to me?

Jin: How are we supposed to say that she is adopted that simply!?


Y/N: I- I am adopted..?

I came out from the hiding...

They were shocked to see me.

Hobi: Y/N!?

Y/N: So..You a-are not my r-real brothers..?

Tears were forming in my eyes

Jungkook: Y/N-ah..Its not like that-


I ran away to the stairs and up crying.

I quickly opened the door and ran to my room.

I shut my door and locked it.

Then I jumped to my bed and started crying on the pillow.


Author POV

All 7 of them quickly got on the elevator and went up.

Y/N didn't know there was a elevator to the basement since she never entered the elevator alone. Because she was afraid of getting stuck incase the electricity goes off.

Anyways..They go into your room and your room is locked.

Jin: Princess...You there?

Y/N: ...

Namjoon: Y/N-ah...Let us in please

Y/N: ...

Y/N: Leave me alone..

Yoongi: Hear us out first.

Y/N: ...

Y/N: ..Fine..

Y/N opened the door and they noticed your eyes were teary..


Jimin suddenly hugged you

Y/N: !?

Y/N: H-hyung-

Jimin: We are sorry!

Y/N: ...

Y/N: Is...Is it true..?

Jungkook: U mean the-

Y/N: Yes...Is it true that I am adopted..? 

Jin: Well..You see-

Yoongi: Yes.

Taehyung: *whispers* Damn...Hyung. You cold.

Yoongi: *whispers back* Its better to rip the bandage quickly.

Y/N: Oh- ...

Namjoon: Let us explain. Sit down.

You sat down on the bed.

Namjoon also sat down.

Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Tae stood next to him.

Jungkook sat on the ground.


Jin: So...Back when Dad was alive...

Y/N: ....

Jin: He was a crazy psycho.

Y/N: Oh. How surprising.

Namjoon: You really hate him, don't you?

Y/N: Don't you hate him too? I mean he fricking tortured all 7 of you guys in your childhood by making you guys work for him at such a young age.

Jin hyung itself was like 14 only. So the others were much younger.

Yoongi: Yeah...

Yoongi: But after hearing this, you will hate him more.

I didn't know that was possible at that time..But I was wrong..

Y/N: ...?

Tae: Your real mom...

Tae: ...

Tae: was killed by...him.


Jin: I don't remember that well. It was around 8 years ago when I was 16. I think he killed her over a measly debt.

My eyes were even more Teary.

Y/N: ...I regret even going to funeral now.

Hobi: *sigh*  Anyways...You were like 4 around that time.. So...Our mom took you in.

Y/N: About that. You guys said that "Our" Mom died while giving birth to me. Which is a lie, So What happened to Mom?

Jimin: Well... Mom and Dad got into a argument about adopting you....And Dad shot Mom in anger. Mom was taken to the hospital but she died a few days after.

Y/N: Your Mom died because of me..?

Yoongi: Don't say it like that. It wasn't your fault.

Y/N: ...

Y/N: Then?

Jungkook: You know what happened next. He started drinking and a few years later he died.

Y/N: Oh. I remember that..


Tae: Are you....

Tae: Mad?

Y/N: Huh? No. I am just...

Y/N: upset and sad..

Hobi: I know. Its tough realizing that you are adopted and that Your mom was killed by your adoptive dad..Especially for your ag-

Y/N: No its not because of that... I mean that's upsetting. But..

Yoongi: But what?

Y/N: Its more upsetting knowing that you guys aren't my actual brothers..

Namjoon: *sigh* Don't worry.. That ain't going to change anything..

Y/N: But I feel like a outcast...All of you are the same blood while I am no-

Jimin: No.

Y/N: W-what?

Jimin: All of us aren't blood brothers either.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Taehyung: Jimin and Yoongi hyung are blood brothers..But they are not blood brothers with us...They are also adopted..

Jungkook: And Myself along with Hobi hyung are step brothers to the rest...Dad cheated on mom with another woman AKA my mom...And for some stupid fricking reason mom forgave him.

It was confusing at first but then I understood..

Y/N: Wait. So..Only Taehyungie hyung, Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung are Kims???

Jin: As in blood? Yeah... But as in love? No..We are all Kims 

Jin: Including you.

Y/N: ...

Tears came in my eyes and I hugged Jin hyung...

Jin: Shh. Its okay...

Jimin hyung, Hobi hyung and Jungkookie hyung hugged me too...

Jin: Don't let this change anything. We are still a family...

Y/N: T-thank you hyungs..

Namjoon: Why are you thanking us for? If anything, we should be thanking you for understanding.

Jimin:  Let's have a family hug!

Taehyung: Sure *Chuckles*

Everyone except Yoongi hyung hugged me..

Hobi: Come on! Join the hug! Feel the comfort :)

Yoongi: No...I hate hugs. They are disgusting

I pulled Yoongi hyung into the hug..

Yoongi: What the-

He didn't try to go away tho..

Jungkook: Not even try to go away? Huh hyung? *Smiles*

Yoongi: Shut up you demonic bunny!

Jungkook: Whatever. Cat hyung..

Yoongi: Why you-

Kookie hyung ran away and Yoongi hyung ran behind him to chase him..

We all laughed as we broke the hug...


Y/N: So yeah...That's what happened..

Ara: Oh wow...

Y/N: And now thinking about those stuff makes me even more sad...They hate me now.

Ara: No they don't.. Its just that they are blind! They will never hate you.

Y/N: You think so?

Ara: yes. Also. Your lip-

Y/N: Oh- Don't worry. It stopped bleeding..

Ara: Does it hurt?

She came close to my face.

I quickly pushed her.

Y/N: Ah! Its okay! Don't get too close! >//-//<

Ara: I- I am sorry! I didn't mean to- O//-//O


Y/N: Hey..Ara..

Ara: Hm?

Y/N: Can we get out of here?

Ara: The school?

Y/N: Yeah..Let's get out.




Hope you enjoyed!

I AM SO SORRY! I am so sorry that I haven't been uploading!

You see...Right now. There is a lot going on with my life right now.

I just feel like giving up on literally everything including life..

But I will try to post chapter here whenever I feel like I can pull myself together

The next chapter maybe will take a while too. Please understand..

Sorry. I am really sorry...

But regardless..

Love you guys <3

Stream PTD

💜💜Stay safe and healthy💜💜

(My parents took away my stylus cause I am 'Obessed' ..So I had to draw this without it)

