A/n this one is bittersweet. You'll probably want to play the song at the top. It goes with the story. (Not a songfic tho.)

T/w: Major character death (duh). Mentions of child abuse.

Hope you enjoy it!!!

*Dick pov*

I sat in the hospital bed listing to the sounds around me. The beeps of the heart monitor we're getting aggravating.

"He probably won't make it. I'm sorry Mr.Wayne.''

I heard crying.


Why did that villain have to attack?

You know...

I never feared death. I honestly thought it would be quite peaceful.

I feared what came after it. After I had lost my parents I felt so much pain and heartbreak. I never wanted anyone to feel like I did.

Yet here we are.

'Do something! He's the only one who is slightly tolerable in this family!'


He may act cold but I knew the real him. He was a softie. Whether he liked to admit it or not.


That would be Tim. Damn, I hope he doesn't overwork himself over this.

I heard footsteps come near me.

'I'm sorry. I never deserved you as a brother.'

That made want to cry.

You did deserve me, Jason. I don't deserve you.

But then he said something. Something that caught me off guard.

'Don't fear the reaper. And don't be afraid to ask questions.'

Then a loud shrill rang through the room.

And then silence.

I could see now.


I wasn't in a hospital.

"Where am I?"

*Play the song now*

*Here it is again. Wippity woo. It's almost as of the song and story go to together for it to come up twice*

Then out of nowhere, a man made himself known.

"You are in between afterlives. Between Hell and Heaven. I'm the Reaper."

I felt myself take a step back.

That's when I began to take in my surroundings.

The place was regal. It had paintings of past lives of heroic acts. It reminded me of the old Greek coliseum's. Except it was entirely black.

Then I looked at him.

He had short black hair that was kinda messy. Brown almond eyes and a jawline that would make anyone drool.

He wore the black robe that we expect every reaper to have. Except the hood was down. Giving me perfect access to look at his face.

He looked human.

Then I remembered what Jason had said.

'Don't fear the reaper.'

"Let's see. A superhero who refused to kill? You seem like a very good man Richard. I do believe-"

"I have a question, " I interrupted.

He started at me and sighed.

"If you're gonna ask if you made it to heaven I can assure you-"

"What have you seen?"

He seemed baffled.

"What, " he whispered.

"What have you seen?'' I whispered back.

He smiled for a split second. Before something flashed across his face.

"Are you sure you want to know?" still whispering.

"Yes, " I said breathlessly.


He cleared his throat.

"I've seen people beg for life.

I've seen people sob because they lost in life.

I've seen kids."

He chocked at this part.

"Ask where they're family was. Beg for me to tell them.

I've seen superheroes, "

He looked me in the eyes

"Fall after trying so hard.

I've seen people relieved after car crashes that it's only them that has died.

I've seen other reapers beg to be released. Regretting the questions they so desperately needed to be answered.

I've seen good people like you be forced into a life so full of crime and hate.

I've seen suicide jumpers both cry of joy and sadness when they realize they're dead.

But the worst thing I've seen...

Was a little girl. She couldn't have been older than 8.

She asked me if she would still have to hide under the bed when someone drank alcohol.

When I said no. That she could live in peace now she seemed relieved.

And then she asked if her brother would be with her.

Her only family.

Her only friend.

And I had to tell a little girl no older than 8 that for the next 70 years she would not see her 12-year-old brother.

She asked if he would live with daddy still. If he would still have to hide under the bed when someone drank.

I've never seen someone light up so much when I said no.., " he looked at me silent tears streaming down his face to now.

It was ok. I was crying too.

"What...what have you seen?"

I cleared my throat.

"I've seen women be defiled for the clothes they wear.

I've seen people be kicked out of their homes for loving the same gender.

For being born in the wrong gender.

I've seen people best children simply for the sick pleasure of it.

I've seen people destroy our world as if it didn't matter.

I've seen people beg for me to save them. To help them.

I've also seen people beg for death. So they no longer had to feel the pain.

The worst thing I've seen...

Is a 12-year-old boy beg me to not save him from the man who was killing him.

But his 8-year-old sister.

I saw as he cried at her funeral in his mother's arms.

Because he couldn't protect her. Because he couldn't keep her safe.

I saw the mother cry.

Because she couldn't protect either of them.

I saw them live in constant fear that the man would return.

I saw the way the boy always hesitated to take go clothes off.

I saw the boy fall in love. And hate himself for it.

Because why should he be happy if she's dead?"

I wiped my tears away.

"What's your story?" I asked.

"I was a gay boy who was born in the holocaust.

I was a boy who tried in vain to hide who he was.

Who I was.

When they found me they killed me. I didn't go to a concentration camp. I was just killed.

It probably didn't help that i wasn't only gay but Jewish.

What's your story?"

He wiped his tears.

I was falling into a dark pit. But for once... I didn't mind.

"I was a boy who watched his parents die at the age of 8.

Who tried so hard to keep everyone safe.

I was a boy who fell in love with his best friend. And who was completely destroyed when he got denied.

I was a boy who trained himself to not feel emotion.

And to only fail in vain.

I was a boy who never truly was happy.

A boy who died from 6 bullets to the chest for my brothers.

I have one last question for you..."

He looked me in the eyes. There were so many emotions. It was hard to pinpoint one.

"Shoot, " he whispered.

Why were we still whispering?

" it lonely being a reaper?"

"Incredibly lonely."

"Would you like some company, " I had begun walking towards him.

"I thought you only had one question?"

I realized he was shorter than I thought once I had stopped in front of him.

He was 5'8. I was 5'10.

"Just answer the damn question."

He chuckled. It was low and soft. Kinda like a blanket. I liked it.

"Yes. I would like some company. Someone to share the good and bad times with."

"And how did you become a reaper?"

I placed my hands on his hips leaning down.

"I asked a bunch of questions."

"Can I become a reaper?"

Our lips were inches apart.

His eyes looked into mine. I could get used to this.

"Are you sure... Would...would you be happy?"

He seemed worried about my happiness.

But I knew. We could both be happy together.

"I would be ecstatic. To be able to stay with you..."

I could feel his breath on my lips.

"I feel like I've known you for years..."

I wanted... no needed to kiss him.

"Me too. I don't think even my family knew his much about me."

Our foreheads were touching.

"You can become a reaper. Don't worry. You'll still be able to see your parents."

I felt myself smile.

He does know me, doesn't he?

"What's your name?"

I pulled our bodies impossibly closer.


"It means Angle in Italian right?"

He nodded mutely.

"It suits you."

And then I pushed our lips together.

He wrapped his arms around my neck deepening the kiss.

Yeah, I could get used to this.

We pulled apart and he laid his head on my chest.

"I don't have to be alone anymore..."

"No, " I whispered. "No, you don't."

A piece of advice for all of you reading this.


Don't fear the reapers.

A/n; After writing this i realized how similar my character was to Nico di Angelo...

I promise they have no connection.

Lol. But seriously I'm actually kind of proud of this one.

I MIGHT write a part two where everyone in the bat fam and the justice league dies...

Would you guys read that?

Also, don't forget to request if they're's something you want me to write.

If you have requested your story is in the works.

Until next time!

Love you all!

