The Cure! (Plot B)

Normal P.O.V:

Ballooney, Gelatin, Lollipop and Ruby continue to search the school for Leafy and Bubble all the while avoiding zombies. Gelatin opens a supply closet hoping to find Leafy and/or Firey Jr hiding out.

Gelatin: Hey what are you doing in There?

Balloony: You find Leafy?

Gelatin goes into the closet and comes back out pushing a handcart with Roboty on it.

Gelatin: No, but I found Roboty.

Roboty: .... . .-.. .-.. --- / .... .- ...- . / -.-. --- - ...

Balloony: Roboty? I thought you were with the E.X.I.T.ors and Infinity club, what happened?

Roboty: - .... . -.-- / --. --- - / .. -. ..-. . -.-. - . -.. --..-- / .- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / - .... . --

Lollipop: Could someone tell me what he's saying?

Ruby: They must've gotten attacked by the undead. Poor fella solely managed to get away.

 Gelatin: Hey Roboty, you haven't happened to have seen Leafy around have ya? Or at least Bubble?

Roboty: -. ---

Balloony: That's unfortunate, well you can at least come with us. 

The group now with Roboty with them continue their search, having a few close encounters with some zombies. But eventually upon turning a corner they run into Bubble with a very surprising bit of company. 

Bubble: Guys! 

Ruby: BUBBLE! You're alive! 

Gelatin: Phew, we pretty thought you were a goner- AAAHHH!

Zombie Fanny: *groan*

Gelatin: Zombie fan at ten o'clock!

Bubble: Gelatin wait-!

Gelatin throws a flower pot at Zombified Fanny only for her to deflect with her sword, aggravated she begins to attack him and the others, Lollipop fights her with her shovel however Fanny slices it in two and Ruby... she was easy to avoid. Before Fanny could kill any of them Bubble stands in the way causing her to immediately stop in place. 

Bubble: Stop Fanny they're our friends!

Zombie Fanny: Bleeahg...

Without any sort of resistance Fanny lowers her blade.

Lollipop: Bubble, can you PLEASE explain why you have a zombified Fanny follow you around without being bitten?

Gelatin: Yeah and why does she have a sword?!

Ruby: Oh that's obvious, she takes jeweljitsu and katana wielding lessons from my sister Jade. But seriously though, what's going on with what Loli said?

Bubble: I don't really know. I just found like this but, even as a zombie... she saved me and she's been keeping me safe from then against other zombies. 

Ruby: Aww her love and will to protect you must have over come the zombie urges, that's so beautiful!~

The gang look to Fanny seeing her lightly nom on Roboty's shoulder. 

Roboty: .... . .-.. .--. (help)

Lollipop: Are you positive she's friendly Bubble? 

Bubble: She's still in there, I know that. She probably just lashed at you guys because Gelatin attacked first.

Gelatin:  Huh. I'm sorry for spooking ya Fanny.

Zombie Fanny: Graaaah...

Balloony: We still need to find Leafy, she ran off on her own to find her son and we can't find her!

Bubble: Fanny and I can help. 

Ruby: Yay! Let's go!

Meanwhile Dora stills runs around carrying Firey on her back until they stop at a certain classroom.

Firey: Stop over there Dora, I pretty sure Are you Okay were hiding out here. 

Dora: DADADADADADADADADA... (I don't like how the door is left wide open...)

They go inside with nobody in except for an empty non-green Barf Bag and a jar of vomit.

Firey: GB? TB? Fries? Hm... hey look. It's Barf Bag, and she's not green albeit empty again but this means they must've found a cure!


Firey: Hmmm, maybe it's this thing?


Firey: I know it's only a jar of vomit but think about it, the cause of all this was vomit mixed with lava, this vomit could be mixed with something else! C'mon, something may have happened to Are you Okay?, so we're gonna have to find a way to use this cure!


Firey and Dora head back out to find other survivors and a way to cure everyone with what they found. 

~To be Continued~
