Happy Birthday Leafy~! (Pt 3)

Leafy's P.O.V:

I put my Zodiac Companion Leo with my other opened gifts then I feel someone tug lightly on my dress. When I turn around I find it to be Teardrop, she gives me a big envelope decorated with drawings of balloons and confetti, I open it and pull out what looks to be a comic book.

Leafy: A comic book, did you make this yourself?

Teardrop: *nods*

Teardrop: *signs* "And all with my own typewriter!"

Leafy: Oh wow, I'm so proud of you. 

I give Teardrop a couple of pats on her head when Gelatin takes my comic to look at.

Gelatin: What sort of comic is it? "Teardrop's Pirate Adventure. Issue #1" I never saw this one before, mind if I have a look Leafy? I'll give it back when I'm done.

Leafy: Sure.

Teardrop: *frantic arm waving*

Leafy: Calm down Teardrop, I don't mind sharing.

Gelatin: Ooh you have radioactive powers, that's cool. *turns a page* Oh, you killed me with them, that's cool.

David: Aww Seriously?

Leafy: Yeah David-?

When I turn to David he throws me a crudely wrapped box without a ribbon, poor condition aside I open the gift and inside is... 

Leafy: A.. glittery traffic cone?

David: Seriously?

Leafy: Oh no no David, It is a random gift but I do like it. The glitter is pretty.

David: Aww.

Clock: Here's my present, it's a small one but size doesn't usually matter.

Leafy: Ooh a cute clock. But I already have one.

Clock: Wait for it...

*tick tick tick*



Nickel: Seriously? Cuckoo clocks aren't even that funny.

Clock: Well obviously Leafy's the kind of person that's easy to please. |:)

Firey: Yeah, sounds about right. 

I lay on the grass still laughing over the birdie living in the clock until Loser and Eggy slide their presents to me and I try to calm down.

Leafy: Oh- my sides. Oh! oh.. okay okay. Hehe. 

I open Loser's gift first to see it to be one of those CD cases with Loser's image on it. 

Leafy: What's this?

Loser: It's one of my most popular albums. 

Eggy: Open mine now Leafy.

I pick up Eggy's present and unwrap it.

Leafy: *gasp* YOSHIIII!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOSHI!

Cake: Hey Firey, why haven't offered your present to Leafy yet?

Firey: It's a pretty special gift, I want to save it for last.

Rocky: *squeak*

Leafy: Oh thank you Rocky.

Rocky: *squeak*

I accept Rocky's present and open. Inside is something nice yet a little unexpected. 

Leafy: Is this a crystal growing kit?

Balloony: Rocky likes crystals and thought you would too.

Leafy: I do, they're pretty. Thanks Rocky.

Rocky: *happy squeak*

Nickel: Just take this alright so I can go home.

Nickel thrusts an envelope to me and walks away without another word, deciding not to question I open it to find a card inside.

Cake: Ooh a birthday card. 

I notice Nickel look back to me slightly from the corner, I open the card he gave me and read it to myself.

Nickel's card: "I'm sorry for what I said in BEEP's first ever meeting. I shouldn't have said such a thing, I've heard you found your Mother a while ago. Glad one us learned their birth parent always loved them... Anyway Happy Birthday."

Leafy: .... 

Needle: What does it say? Leafy?

I put the card down and go over to Nickel.

Nickel: Eh- what do you want-? 

Immediately after approaching Nickel I kneel down and hug him, leaving him in a stunned silence. 

Leafy: Thank you.

Nickel: ... Y-yeah whatever.

Firey Jr comes back outside and walks to me.

Firey Jr: Hey Mom, I made a level for your birthday. Wanna try it out?

Leafy: You did? Aww, of course I'll play it.

We all go inside and I hook up Jr's switch to the tv to play his level. It was quite well designed there was an underwater section, a vertical platform jump in the sky with a Koopaling boss rush in a toxic jungle at the end, and the best part about it all was that I got to ride Yoshi the entire course! 

Firey Jr: Do you like it?

Leafy: I love it! Thank you dear.

Firey Jr: Happy Birthday Mom.

Firey's P.O.V:

The rest of the party goes out nicely, everyone was given a goodie bag and they all head home. 

Leafy: Wait I just realized, Firey I never got a present from you.

Firey: You will now though, just wait a moment.

I go into my closet and pick up a box hidden under a coat and went back to Leafy.

Firey: Here you go.

I give Leafy the gift wrapped box and let her open it, once she looks inside she pulls up a small dachshund puppy wearing a green ribbon. She squealed so much I had to cover my ears. 

Dachshund: *bark bark bark*


Seeing Leafy laugh as the puppy licks her face brings a smile to my own face.

Leafy: I think I'm gonna call you... Slinky!

Firey: Happy Birthday Leafy.

Leafy: Thank you Firey.

~To be Continued~ 

(Author's NOTE: Happy Birthday to our favorite lemon leaf!)
