


wooyoung stepped through the door of his home and smiled at the smell of baked goods. he kicked off his shoes and set his bag down on the stairs. 

"oh honey, you're home! taste this for me and tell me if it's good." wooyoung looked up as he placed his shoes neatly against the wall and chuckled at his smiling mother who had a red velvet cupcake in her hand. he took it and took a bite before humming in satisfaction.

"you never fail to amaze me." wooyoung laughed as he slung an arm around his mother's shoulders, walking into the kitchen with her. haru shook her head with a smile.

"youngie!" wooyoung whipped his head around as he entered the kitchen to see his little brother.

"hey jae, how was your day?" wooyoung ruffled his brother's hair as he sat on one of the chairs. haru watched the boys with a smile as she went back to her baking.

"it was good, i made so many friends! there's also one really cute guy." wooyoung raised an eyebrow as a light blush spread across the ten year old's cheeks.

"a cute guy, huh? go on, tell me more." wooyoung leaned back against the chair with his arms crossed, waiting for the younger boy to continue.

jae giggled and took a seat next to his brother. "his name is xun and he's japanese so he can't speak korean very well, but i helped him and he gave me a hug in return." jae looked at his lap as his cheeks reddened.

"does someone already have a crush on his first day?" wooyoung jokingly nudged jae's shoulder, earning a soft punch on his arm in return. wooyoung stifled a laugh as he forced a serious expression on his face. "now, make sure you take care of him and don't ever hurt him."

jae rolled his eyes with a groan, standing up from his seat. "mom, wooyoung's being annoying, i'm going to my room." the younger stuck his tongue out at his brother before leaving the room.

wooyoung laughed as he sat up straight, watching his mother as she baked.

"so, what about you?"

wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows at her question. "what do you mean?"

"any love interests or new friends? when are you going to let me meet your current friends?"

wooyoung cleared his throat, avoiding her eyes. "not yet, i already have enough friends. you'll meet them soon."

haru smiled at her son as she cleaned up the ingredients and kitchen utensils. "my son is so handsome and talented, no wonder he's popular."

wooyoung forced a smile as he nodded, standing up from his chair. "i'm going to start on my homework." haru nodded, telling him she'd call him down for dinner before he left and went upstairs to his room.

he checked his phone to see no new notifications as usual and sighed, sprawling across his bed. he always felt guilty for lying to his mom but he didn't want her to worry about the truth.

the truth that actually wooyoung had no friends and nobody to turn to.

a/n: hi i hope you all had a good halloween !!

also no jae isn't jae from day6 and if there's an idol called xun then it's just a coincidence, i didn't base them off anybody :]
