Somethings Wrong

"Is it just me or is Something off.. Paige asked as she looked around the cafeteria, "yeah it feels safe manny says. "Anyways have you heard about Derek? Apparently he showed up in handcuffs and I'm not even surprised i mean he did try to- "ah Danny didn't even notice you there. "So hows school going for you guys Jane asked. "Boring its like something's missing.

"Yeah i think its- Emma said as she sat their frozen, "Emma whats wrong liberty asked. "What the hell are they doing?! Everyone looked and Saw Derek and Craig hand in hand. *Retches* "Derek and Craig damn and the viewers thought crashly was rayed D-tier. "What are they doing together Danny asked.

"Oh shit thier walking over here pretend like your dead manny says. "Or just ignore them jane says sticking her fork into her mashed potatoes. "Ignore who? "Ah! The group jumped at the sudden appearance of Derek and Craig. "Um no one Emma says. "So how did this happen Paige asks with slight chuckle. "Well i took spinners advice and i checked myself into the nearby mental hospital, thats when i noticed Derek and we clicked he says. (Is that even possible?)

"And how long have you two been dating Danny asked. "About 3!weeks Derek responded. "Mhm yeah thats cute can you turn around for me. "Anyways I'm just happy you guys found each other fast because some people like to take their own- "ahem! Jane kicked liberty in the foot. "Ow what the heck? I was just about to say that some people take their own time when new to a relationship. "Well thanks liberty we were thinking of eating with you guys ya know like old times Derek says.

"Old times Paige repeated "since when?!- "uhh yeah sure manny says smiling, "Thanks we'll be right back.

"Aiden! Dave yelled from across the hallway. (Just ignore him) "hi dave.."look I'm sorry i ran away so quickly i just got nervous. "Why Aiden asked. "Well you kinda did dye your hair grey it kinda came from shock. "Why did you cover your neck so fast Aiden asked. Dave sighed "look I'll tell you about later after school ok he says.

"Aye guys guess what Peter asked "what manny responded. "I just heard something about some new students coming to exam the school! "Exam..the school? Why liberty asked. "I don't know thats all i heard. "Well it must be for a good cause then Emma said.

After School

As Aiden waited patiently for dave to come to the picnic table he finally showed up. "So i just wanna go ahead and get this out of the way dave said as he took a deep breath. "A week after you left i felt alone and scared he started, "uh huh Aiden says as he deeply stares dave in the eyes. "And i kinda met someone-*Slap!* Aiden slapped dave across the face and stood up "you cheated on me how could you?! You promised!. "No no i didn't just please calm down dave says. "Oh I'm sorry he says sitting back down.

"Me and the other someone hooked up later I'm the week. "Who's this other person? Aiden asked. "His name is Oliver..(Oliver Oliver Olive Garden) memories started flooding back to Aiden making his eyes watery. "Aiden are you ok dave asked as he reached for his hand. "No! You cant be with him!.."why?! "Because! Aiden yelled. "Because what?!

"N-nothing...he replied, "no it's something tell me what did he do?!. Aiden then got up and started walking away. Dave then followed him. "Leave me alone Aiden says with tears in his eyes. "Please tell me! "No! "See thats your problem aiden you bottle and keep everything up inside and its not ok its a problem you need to handle.

"P-problem oh really Aiden said as he got into Dave's face, "what else is the problem huh? Am i too innocent? Too dumb to clueless? "Aiden stop you aren't dumb! "Yes i am! Aiden yells as he pushes dave on the ground. "I-I'm sorry dave got up and brushed himself he moved closer to Aiden. "I-I'm sorry please don't hurt me! Daves figure turned into a dark shadow. "Please don't-i-I'm sorry please don't hit me i-it was an accident! He cried out.

"Aiden?..Aiden looked up at dave still on the ground. "Im not going to hurt you I promise dave says as he slowly walks towards him. "He then reaches his arms out causing Aiden to flinch hard. (Don't cry Dave Do not cry you have to be strong for him.) dave wrapped his hands around the small boy. "Im so sorry i cheated you know i didn't mean to right dave asked. "Y-yes i know Aiden replied as he wiper the tears away from his eyes.

"Come on lets go dave says as he picks Aiden up and guided him out of the woods. Meanwhile Johnny Eli,and V were waiting in the car in the bus lot. "Aiden are you ok V asked as dave opened the door for him.

"Dave what happened Johnny asked. "Well we we're arguing and i guess i kinda made him snap and he pushed me and i guess he thought that i was going to hit him because- he started yelling not to and that he was sorry, he didn't mean to. "Do you know why dave asked

Pass the point that our dad used to beat us..his ex dare i speak of his name used to beat on Aiden a-lot and it took me a while to even notice it and one day he tried taking it to far. "I guess it been a while since he's let some emotions out you know he always act bland and shows no emotion Johnny says.

"But thanks for telling me, we gotta go but stay safe Johnny says as he jumps into the passenger seat. Dave sighs and walks away in mixed emotions.
