Chapter 35: Illusions

It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real...

Over and over again I would tell myself those three words as I walked the horror show that were these woods. But then again, was the statement that true even? Everything felt real and I could touch everything around me. Maybe it was real...?

All I knew was that I was being mind screwed by some ghost Pokemon as their take on 'fun'. The way he laughs after everything he does... I know he enjoys what he's doing. My frightened expression after every jump scare or horrifying image of those I was close too. And at times I found myself wondering that maybe just maybe this was one of Greninja's training sessions. Maybe Greninja just got someone to do this to me?

If he did, it will probably lead to quite the argument. There was no proof of my accusation, but a lot of evidence. The fact he wanted us to split up, how this ghost knows my name and my family, it sure didn't seem like a coincidence.

Whatever it was, I hated it. I was terrified and if it was Sir Greninja's doing it was cruel and unusual to do. Then again, when is anything he does not cruel and unusual? This time he's gone too far. And even If this wasn't a training session, why wouldn't he have come back for me?

"Good morning, Damian. Ready for another day of fun?" the ghostly voice asked in all its wickedness.

I woke up with a gasp as Blaziken stood in front of me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Damian... Why did you do this to me... You let them kidnap me..."

"You're not real... Blaziken would never say that..." I snarled past my sluggishness.

"Damian they're going to kill me soon. And all because you were too inconsiderate of me and everyone else. You should have just given yourself to Team Plasma when you had the chance," he said with sigh.

"Not real... Not real... Not real..."

"Damian... You've done this to me... To Staraptor... To Ampharos...... I thought you love us."

I tried with all my might to fight back the tears. This guy wanted me to be sad. To be afraid of his tricks. I was a pawn in his game, and giving him the satisfaction of winning wasn't my goal.

This pawn has a mind of its own.

I snarled and threw a mighty aura sphere towards the premonition. Blaziken vanished in a puff of smoke. I gasped for air, taking heaving breaths to keep my eyes from welling up. I shook my head and growled.

"Damian you realize you just killed Blaziken, right? Wow... That's really harsh of you. At least you put him out of his misery," the haunting voice cackled.

I bared my fangs as I felt an overwhelming energy ebb throughout my body. With a grunt I fired an aura sphere into the darkened forest. One sphere became two. Then three. Then an all out rampage with my attacks.

"Behave yourself. If you hurt my precious forest you will regret it," the voice guaranteed.

I snarled and tossed another energy blast into the darkness, hearing it strike something in the distance. I chuckled in slight satisfaction which was soon replaced by unrelenting pain. I fell to the ground as my head was bludgeoned with enough force to be from a Tyranitar. I moaned and rolled around in the dirt, grabbing my head which was now pulsating. My ears ringing from the strike.

"I warned you..." His voice echoed.

The pain was excruciating, unbearable even. And it was caused by a mere illusion in this wretched forest formed by the menacing mind of whomever was doing this.

After revovery, I looked up to see my family.




"Damian, you actually want to be a Pokemon the rest of your life?!" My mom sobbed into my fathers arms as a horrific scene fledged on.

"We don't want you back anyways..."

I shook my head from the earlier pounding and growled, "My parents would never say that."

"Damian... I love you. Please come back. If you be a Pokemon then... Then you can't be my big brother anymore."

I bit my lip to fight back the tears. Hearing their voices as this scene flowed from one terrifying statement to the next. My emotional state escalated to its peak as I fired an aura sphere towards the premonitions that were my family.

With heaving, shaky breaths I begged, "Please... Just let me go..."

The ghostly figure laughed and laughed. Cackling to taunt his dominance upon me.

"What's in it for me?"

I shook my head as I lay with my paws sunken into the mud.

"Let me go... Just... let me please..."

That evil cackle echoed in my head like a cave.

"Nope. Not a good enough reason."

"Sir Greninja! I get it! This it some stupid training thing, can you please just end it now? Tell this guy to stop!" I yelled.

Nothing changed. The ghost howled in laughter as he listened to me beg.

"This is hilarious!"

I sighed, knowing this was only the beginning to this game.


Buniot opened his eyes and yawned to soon see Greninja sleeping in a meditative stature. He looked to his his left, then his right and sighed.

"Damian's still not here, Greninja," Buniot stated.

"I made it clear that I will not be looking for him. That is final," Greninja replied stubbornly.

Buniot let out an audible "Hmph".

"Greninja, don't you think he could be in real trouble right now?! Team Plasma could have him for all you know! Look... If you're not gonna go look for him, I will... It's been a day and he's not back yet," Buniot stated with a flaming passion in his heart.

Greninja stood, staring down at Buniot threateningly,

"No... If he's learned what I've taught him then he will return without any assistance!"

"This isn't training though Greninja. I don't know why I'm wasting my breath, I'm going to find him!"

Buniot wasn't going to allow his best friend to slip away from his paws, with or without Greninja's help.

"It's your choice Buniot..." Greninja scowled, "He walked that direction and I told him to go only that direction. If he followed my orders correctly we may find him. If we do not find him by nightfall, we will return here. Considering there is obviously no way of changing your mind I shall go with you. If we do not find him today, you are free to continue your search for the remaining time if he is still gone of course."

"I'll go alone. He'll probably come back if he's okay," hoped Buniot.

Greninja sighed, "The things you two force me to do."

"What?" Buniot inquired.

Greninja shot Buniot a look, "Just stay here Buniot. I cannot believe I'm saying this but if you're so concerned about Damian I... I'll go look for him. Just know I'm not doing this for him, because if he is completely capable of defending himself he would here right now."

"That's just the thing though Greninja! You're way too hard on Damian! He's only capable of so much y'know? If he ran into a hundred Team Plasma guys you might be able to get away but he can't! You need to stop comparing yourself to someone so much weaker than y-"

"I AM NOT COMPARING MYSELF TO HIM!!!" Greninja screamed at the huffing Bunnelby before him.

Greninja breathed, "This is my training, not yours. I make the rules. I decide what is fair and unfair and if Damian objects to what is unfair, then I show him what is truly unfair. I'm pushing him past his limits. I'm showing he is capable of more than he thinks he is. He is capable more than what he is even capable of. He agreed to train with me completely aware of the stakes. And here's another thing I'd like to add. I am training him. I never devoted my life to saving his."

Buniot shook his head, unable to concept what Greninja had just said.

"You're a monster Greninja. You don't have feelings for anyone. Damian's great to everyone... If it were you, he'd look for you. He went out the other day just to see if you were okay cause you were upset. You wouldn't even do the courtesy of that," Buniot piped with a tear running down his cheek, "Grow a heart why dontcha?"

And with that Buniot whirled around and walked away from Greninja. Greninja scowled at the grim situation. He bit his lip, and the first tear had fallen from Greninja's face for over thirty years.

Authors Notes:

Guys! I just wanna start off by saying... I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY!!! This chapter was long awaited and I have some excuses. Number one: I've been sick. Now I've been sick for the past two and a half weeks and sickness just has a way of uninspiring me to write. :*( Next excuse: College. Between writing a 6000 word essay and studying for Midterms I am exhausted by the end of the day. By that time all I wanna do is just sit down and play Battlefield 4 and watch TV. Those are my two excuses and again I'm really sorry I left you guys waiting! D:

Now... I promised a good friend of mine on this site I would showcase his Pokemon fanfiction here! Actually, I'll showcase ALL of his work. This friends username is CometFire321 and he has 6 Pokemon, 1 Super Smash Bros and 1 Minecraft fanfiction. I looked over a couple of his works and he's a great aspiring author just like myself! We have similar writing styles, for we both write about Pokemon that talk hehe so it's kinda like Amazon saying "If you like this, then you'll LOVE this!" He's been an avid reader of ALL of my fanfics and I can consider him a friend. CometFire321 just to clarify his name and know that it is the love and support of readers who keep us authors thriving to keep you entertained! :)

P.S. I'm gonna do this again from now on. If you have a story you want to get known, ask me to post it on the next chapter! :^D
