Chapter 20: The Shoe is on the Other Paw

Lewis sighed as he lay down in the room with the many other first evolution Pokemon doing their own activities. The room was arid and felt empty. He'd seen it before, but never thought about how tortuous it was. It was enough to drive anyone insane.

*Maybe even Damian.*

Lewis couldn't get his mind off of Damian. And he couldn't help but feel like he deserved this. The irony was what hit Lewis the most. Or was it the complete hatred of himself for being such a jerk to his best friend? Lewis didn't even know anymore. He didn't care he was a Pokemon. He didn't care if he ever escaped from the prison he now lived in. He didn't even care about his dad's feelings about him. All he cared about... Was if Damian is okay or not.

The Zorua approached Lewis directly. Lewis hadn't said a word to anyone since he was transformed into a Pokemon. He was in an endless state of depression and pity. The only sound he could make were his cries at night.

"Hey dude? I know things are kinda hard right now. I'm Josh, again. Can you at least tell us your name. We don't wanna have to call ya Pichu all the time."

Lewis bit his lip, at least that's what he assumed he had. Lewis hadn't even focused on his new body. He would lay still and occasionally get up to eat and drink.

Lewis sighed, uttering the first words he'd said within the past three days.

"Lewis. My name... Is Lewis..." he muttered almost silently.

A few of the Pokemon now stared at Lewis, making him feel even smaller than the Pichu he now was.

"Lewis Frederick?" blurted the Kirlia.

Lewis was awe struck.

*How does she know my name?*

"Y... umm..."

Everyone eyed him carefully now. Waiting for his response.

He sighed.

"Yes... Lewis... Frederick... I'm guessing Damian told ya about me hunh?"

Josh the Zorua created an illusion over the security camera, then the Kirlia slammed him into the wall head first. Everyone now standing and ready to beat him senseless.

"You monster! You're the reason we're like this! Because of you, your best friend is working his ass off to survive! Scum like you have taken everything from him! He can't step outside without fear of being captured again! I don't even know Damian personally, but I know he's a good person. Just like everyone else in this room... Except you! I hope when he saves us, that you stay here. I hope you rot here. And if not here, some kind of Pokemon prison. For now, I think it's time you understand the pain of being ripped from your families arms!" screamed the Kirlia.

Not an ounce of fear struck Lewis, only more self-pity and despair. The only thought in his mind, you deserve whatever happens to you.

He was pressed hard against the wall, the back of his head pulsating from the impact. Everyone was now circling him shouting out additional comments to what Kirlia had said.

For the billionth time, Lewis closed his eyes and muttered, "I'm sorry Damian."

Kirlia seemed as though she wanted to murder Lewis on the spot, as did the entire room. But he was saved as the Poochyena said, "Guys... If we beat him senseless, how are we any better than him? Would Damian want this! He said he doesn't hate Lewis, he's just really disappointed."

Kirlia glared at Lewis intensely not releasing him, hesitating to listen. She then sighed, a few tears running down her face and Lewis fell to the ground with a thud.

"She's right, Kirlia. I mean... What would Damian want us to do?" added Josh.

Kirlia replied by whirling around and sobbing as she sat down, her face buried in her arms.

The death stares still haunted Lewis. Josh's illusion faded and he moved to comfort Kirlia as did some of the others.

"That's just the thing... Damian could be dead for all we know...You heard Azelf...they can't find him. Not since he was attacked with Swellow..." Kirlia cried.

As Swellow's name came up, Lewis wasn't sure what to think. It must've been Swellow who helped Damian escape. That made Lewis feel some comfort that Damian had help. But the part about him gone missing worried Lewis. Then questions arose. How does Damian know Azelf? How has he been hiding this well for so long? How many Pokemon are helping him?

Lewis began to focus his thought into less self-pity, and more taking action to somehow assist Damian. But what could he do? No one on the planet was willing to help Lewis at this point. He would give his own life to help at this point. He had to plan something... And fast to ensure Damian is safe.

"Hello again everyone," a young female voice appeared from almost inside Lewis' brain.

"Mesprit! Did you find Damian yet?!" exclaimed the Munchlax.

"Sadly no... Sorry guys..." another voice said.

Lewis had no idea what was going on. Did he say Mesprit?

"Well... If you do find him... Let him know something. We found Lewis. He's right there..." sniffled Kirlia.

There was a short pause.

"Lewis... You mean Damian's--"

"Yeah... Lewis Frederick," interrupted Josh.

A much longer pause approached.

"That is very shocking indeed. We only wanted to tell you about where we believe Damian is," the first voice said.

"Where is he?" asked Josh,

"Like I said, we don't know precisely. However, we have an idea that he is near a place known as Wisp Town. It is also possible that he is underground in a tunnel somewhere. We're still looking into it more. Apparently there is a tunnel system hidden within different trees created by several Pokemon who want to escape from danger."

"At least you've got a hunch. What about Swellow?" asked the Pawniard.

"Swellow is safe. He made it to the Frosty Forest, but his wing is broken, so he had to walk. Okay guys, we should really get back to searching now. We're really close now," said the second voice.

Lewis stood up, grunting past the pain.

"Wait! Please... Look, I know I'm a horrible person for everything I've done. But I think I can help Damian now. Please hear me out..." begged Lewis.

"How could you possibly help Damian? Is this going to be some scheme for Team Plasma? What are the chances you still work for them hunh?"

Lewis stared down at the ground, scowling.

"Because what I'm about to do will probably get me killed. I need you to open the door somehow. If I can get out of the room, I can release Blaziken, show him the way out, and fight my way through anyone who tries to stop him."

"You think saving Blaziken is going to relieve you of what you've done--"

"I'm also going to release every Pokemon in this entire facility. I have the password to every door here. There's only one room that they store the larger Pokemon in. But... No... Before I do any of that, I'm going to destroy the one thing that made us all into what we are now."

Everyone seemed confused.

"I'm going to blow up the Pokemon Gene Infuser and everything else in the lab. The explosion will probably kill me, but I don't even care. I'm probably better off dead at this point anyways..."

No one had any clue what to think at this point. Was he serious? Was this just an attempt to tell someone about Damian's location?

"Just tell Damian that I'm sorry. I was glad to be his friend, and I hope he makes it out okay. Tell him I said to put Team Plasma in their place..." Lewis thought that should do it.

"That is noble of you, Lewis. Especially after putting Damian through everything he has faced. Which is why I am refusing to allow you to do what you have planned. I can sense a lot of woe and empathy for what you have done. I have enough faith in Damian to know that he is well. This does not excuse the error of your ways, but it does prove your regret for them. We will inform you, as well as everyone else when we learn of Damian's location."

"Thank you Uxie..." Lewis started.

"I'm Mesprit."

"I'm Uxie."


Lewis could now distinguish each of their voices.

"Don't do anything you'll regret, Lewis. Damian still thinks of you as his friend, he just doesn't know how to output his anger for you," added Uxie.

There was a long pause.

"Later everyone," concluded Azelf, "keep on training."

"Will do. Thanks for everything," said Kirlia as she wiped her eyes.

And with that, the voices faded away.

The death stares now turned into surprised stares. Lewis felt uneasy. He collapsed to the ground resting his face into the ground. Crying softly to himself.

"Umm... You heard em guys. Let's get back to it... Josh, you know the drill," said Munchlax.

Josh nodded and formed his camera fooling illusion over the security camera.

Lewis could feel a weight on his left shoulder, soon being revealed as Kirlia resting her hand on him.

"I hate everything you've done. I hate who you work for. But I think you've learned your lesson so... I take back what I said. And... Sorry for slamming ya into the wall..."

Lewis was no longer sure what to think anymore. All he knew was that he had stop feeling and start acting. No matter what it takes, he'll fix his mistake.
