
***Pre-Warning!!*** This chapter gets deep. It will make you feel feelings. Some of which you may not want. Just know that. Enjoy the Chapter.

??? 's POV

Okay, yes, I know. "Uhh, what's-your-face, why aren't you talking in that underlined and bolded way? I'm, like, so triggered right now!"

Too bad. I don't care, I can do what I want. Alright, so, Let's get to the point of why you're here. 

So, remember last time other you talked to me? Well, technically it wasn't other you, because of all this crazy stuff that's going on over here. I mean, if it were you, wouldn't you be able to control yourself? Heh, makes you think, doesn't it?

I'll make an analogy for you to help explain how this all relates. 'Course, if you don't rightly give a damn, then skip down three paragraphs. 

Now, imagine that you're aware of the world around you. However, you are blind. You cannot move or see or feel or taste. Now, I am the Scientist, the one that is able to allow you that one thing you wanted more than anything; to see. So, now you posses sight.

But, you still do not control your actions. I feel the unending, and unexplained, need to help you even further. I build you a machine that is able simulate walking. And now you move. Do you understand what I mean by this?

Hey, that's enough skipping paragraphs, this is where I stop with the analogy. But, what I meant by that whole thing was that, in order for you to exist here, you needed my help to see. I needed to move you. Compel you. In order to compel you, I needed to create a way of simulating you. So, I made two versions. One on Earth now, eating from that McDonald's rip-off, and one here. The one here will be sleeping for a while, so don't plan on attempting to see from her point of view for a while.

Why did I simulate you, I hear you ponder. Well, simple. Without you reading right now, there would be no reason for my existence at all, would there? So, I can't live when you stop. Just like the entire world I made. I made it for you, so that I could live. I made it so you would stay, to keep myself alive a little longer.

Now, as my words appear before you, I will attempt to explain what I am doing here, interrupting your chapter. No--I didn't mean that I was interrupting your chapter--I mean, yeah I am but... Ugh, you know what I mean.

The reason you, real you, is here, is because this entire time I've just been lying to your other selves. I'm not here to hurt them, or save them. I'm here to destroy the world I created. The reason?

Because I don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't want to know that at any moment I could stay frozen forever because of you. I cannot put my life in your hands. So, I'll sabotage my life and the ones I created. They are just puppets, you see. Limp and lifeless. I can make them do or say anything at anytime.

Do you understand what I mean by telling you all of this?

I'm afraid. No matter what I do, I'm gonna die. But, I have a choice in this matter! Either I die by your neglect or by my own work! I... It takes a lot of strength to tell someone you're afraid of them. But I have proper reason to fear you, though. You have something I could never have or dream of.

You exist. I don't. You have a world that made you. And I have a world made by me.

I could try to explain it, but what's the use? You wouldn't understand. 

It before I go, let me ask you something. Why? Why is it that you get to exist and I don't? Why is it that people who exist decide to murder the innocent? Why do you constantly fight and kill and torment one another? You all act as if nothing is out of place with your world, but it is. Do you not see it? Are you blind to it? You must be if it takes me asking to trigger something inside of you. I might not exist, but what about those that once did? Why do you get to exist when others suffer? Why do people who kill and fight and rape and abuse and torture get to exist when I don't?! Why! Why do the humans who do so many awful things to each other get to exist when I have never done anything like that to something else?! WHY?



I didn't mean to touch on that subject. I think we both need to blow off some steam for right now. I know some of you will listen to what I said. But there's nothing you can do.

"Life is a war everyone fights. The war that is always won and lost by everyone. There is no battle to it, just conflict after conflict. There are no sides to this war. Knowing that, after every conflict that you manage to come back from, keep your head high. Face forward, that's how you know you're headed the right way. More conflicts are ahead, but what can you do? That's life."

--Emily Kessler

Goodbye, for the moment.
