strings attached

They have found a novel that they all like. It's by him. I wonder if thats why they like it, almost like the connection is pulling them.
As I keep observing them they seem to now only read books or papers by him. Sometimes I can even here them crying just by opening one of those books, it hurts to feel their greif but not be able to help them. These strings that bind them to whatever memories they have are just a puppeteers' work. No matter how much I tell myself that they are things.
I just can't.
They are children.
My children.
Not puppets.

I laid the journal on my bed and looked down at the little kitten. It was curled up in my coat, sleeping soundly I had to get back to work soon. I can't just leave him here, he'll pee everywhere. He shifted slowly and tilted his head to me, I still had to name him. 'Well lest see, he's and all black cat, and his eyes are like stars in the dead of night. Midnight. That's it.'

"Hey, Midnight how about we take a quick trip to Snake Eyes market?" I chirped.

Midnight just looked at me and meows, so I pick him up and put him in my satchel for safe keeping as he slept. I still couldn't get over how soft his fur was. Looking down at my court cloak reminded me that Snake Eyes was not a place to look like a bum, and I put them on Just for good measure. I knew walking out the door seemed to difficult with lust still around so I took a shortcut through the window and fled the mansion I called home.

The clouds in the sky let no light through, making it truly pitch black. Cold air seeped through my cloak and gave me a chill down my spine, it was in the middle of fall, all of the sounds that used to fill the forest behind the mansion were gone. It was... unnatural, to say the least. It worried me, I know Life and she doesn't do this for no reason.

She'll have to wait though. The Puppeteer was possibly still out there, still taking effect on my brothers.

"You know you could just ask me to take you there." An all too fimilur voice called.

"Malik," I hissed through my teeth. "How did you know?"

"I'm a Fate it's my job to know. You know?"

"So you know what happens next, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. You're going to fight me, then you're going to find the keeper of the gate. After that you find Grayson and Ravka, you kill Ravka then tourter Grayson. You don't get the result you want. So you kill half the population in Snake Eyes. You then come back to me, your heart filled with rage, hopelessness, and fear. You don't return to your brothers, instead you go off on your own. In time you find the 'puppeteer' as you call him, and you kill him too. Just out of hatered for the man. You then take your blade and flee to life's garden, there you seek refuge. You get it. But the cost is everyone you love. No. You just simply leave them to wonder if you are dead."

I was speechless. I stood there like an idiot. Not knowing what to do at this point.

"So, it seems you also have some strings attached."
