goodbyes and hellos

After all this time, this is where he was, stuck up in his lab raising THINGS! You couldn't even call them horsemen. When I scolded him on conducting the experiments he looked at me like I was the one in the wrong, saying that 'they would fix the problem of monarchy with the positions'. That the things were going to be the new War, Pestilence, and Lust. He just needed a bit more time to make a Death. We all need it, more time....
But as we stand here his time is getting cut short.
By me.

"You're back! we were getting worried that your night would- that you had gone away for awhile... like last time." Lusts' sentence faltered as I walked past him, not even glancing up at him.

I could sense his worry. The hallway seemed to only get longer, leaving only me and Lust. I could only look back to see him start to cry. With every tear, I could feel my walls start to shatter, I could see him in his room ten years ago, and how broken he felt. How Pest and War would tease him for his style of clothing and how he was.

I always hated them for that.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you like that or for you to see me do that to Pest. I was just... tired." I sighed. "I hope you can forgive me for saying that stuff."

He turned around to face me, the tears in his eyes staining his cheeks. "It's ok, I know that we shouldn't be drinking and slacking off. And for what it's worth I'm sorry for making do all of my work while I was either drunk or hungover. In all honesty I hate the way we do things, keeping secrets from you, using you to do our jobs, it's horrible how we treat you."

Lust just looked down and let his hands drop down to his sides. I couldn't hold it in any more. I ran up to him, tears threatening to fall, I pulled him into a tight hug. Sobbing on his shirt. What came next only shocked me more, he pulled us down so we were sitting then started to rock us back and fourth. It almost felt like how it was back when I was five. 'No it's different. This time I understand everything.' I told myself.

We were so caught up in the moment that I didn't notice that the little journal fell out of my inside coat pocket. Lust was the one to break the hug. It was right there and then that I realized what he was looking at. He began to glare at it as if it was the devil himself. I could never understand why Lust hated his past so much, why any of them would be so ashamed of it. Though I haven't gotten past page 7, (I have to admit reading Russian was proving to be very inconvenient,) all I know is that they were made and that the person who made them was going to make a person to take my place too.

"I-I've got to go!" With that he ran off.

'I made a big mistake!'
