My Wolf-Girl (Evan Hansen X Werewolf! Reader)

Evan Hansen X Werewolf! Reader

(Note: The reader is less of a classic werewolf, more of a Wolf Children type werewolf)

TRIGGER WARNING: Anxious/nervous Evan, Lots of crying


Evan's POV

A new family is moving in across the street. It's been a week, and they haven't opened their curtains once. They also haven't talked to the neighbors at all. I can kind of relate on a weird level.

Heidi's POV

I have an idea. These new neighbors could be just what we needed. I go into Evan's room. "Hey, sweetheart. How you holding up?" I ask. He shrugs. "Well, I have a great idea. Why don't you go over to the new neighbors' house and introduce yourself?" I say. He looks anxious, but he has to shake this problem.

Evan's POV

Did she really just say what I think she said!? My stomach fills with dread. For her sake, I have to nod. Mom, why... I leave the house and walk to their front door. I hear barking and it sounds like their dog is chewing on stuff. I knock. I remember that the adults are out right now. Do they have children? What if they don't have children and I'm the stupid kid that went to knock on the door when nobody was there!? I hear a dog yip. A couple minutes pass and a girl who looks about my age opens the door. 

"Hi. Sorry about the wait. I was getting dressed." she says. 

I now truly take in the casual beauty that is this girl. Her H/L, H/C hair, her bright/dark (whichever works best) E/C eyes, I could honestly list everything. My anxiety is doing that weird thing it does again..

"H-Hi.. I-I'm Evan Hansen.." I say, stuttering. 

She gestures for me to enter. I nod, accepting the offer. 

"CASEY, WE HAVE A GUEST!" she yells towards the stairs. 

I wonder what the barking was about. I don't see anything to hint that they have a dog anywhere. Nothing. A few minutes pass of awkward silence between us, and a fourteen year old kid comes downstairs. His hair is messy and H/C, from his smile, I notice he's missing one of his front teeth, and his eyes look extremely curious. 

"Took you long enough." she mumbles, going over to him and ruffling his hair. 

They smile at each other, and they understand that they're both joking with each other. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. This is Casey." she says, gesturing to the boy. 

She looks at him, saying "Casey, this is our neighbor, Evan Hansen." 

he smiles at me and says, "Nithe to meet you Evan!" enthusiastically. We talk about random things about ourselves. It starts out awkward, and it ends up being really lighthearted.

~Timeskip 4 Weeks~

Evan's POV

Instead of trying to knock on the door, since their parents aren't home, I decide to try the doorknob to see if it's locked. It turns easily. Unlocked. I open the door. I see a H/C furred wolf and a smaller H/C wolf. The smaller one has a very chewed up book in its mouth. They run upstairs, and I stand there, shaking and scared out of my mind. What is happening.. I hear two door slams and after a few minutes, Y/N and Casey come downstairs. 

"I-Is that where all the barking was coming from..?" I ask, hesitantly. She gestures for Casey to go upstairs, and he nods, going up. She walks closer to me, grabs my wrist, and shakes her head really fast. (like this but not babies: 

) Two H/C wolf ears appear on her head, her nose turns into a wolf nose, two fangs appear, and her hands turn into thumbed paws. 

 I start shaking. She stares at the floor sadly like she's in trouble. 

"W-What is happening..?" I say. 

"I.. I'm a wolf. At least, my dad is. My mom is human." she says. She can tell what I'm thinking, because she says, 

"Yeah, Casey's like this too."; 

She lets go of my arm, silent tears landing on her bare feet. 

"So you're a werewolf?" I ask. My shaking starts to decrease as she nods at me. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. 

"Everyone seems to be afraid of wolves, so we have to pretend we're completely human." she says, more tears falling. 

"I'm not scared of you, Y/N. You're my only friend. I don't want to stop that because you're a werewolf." I say. 

She hugs me, a myriad of tears spilling from her eyes. She whispers in my ear, "Thank you, Evan... Thank you..."


Evan's POV

After a month of being just friends, me and Y/N start dating. She's so different from everyone else, and she's special. I go to her house. Her parents are actually home today. She asks her parents, 

"Mom, Dad, can I go run in the forest with Evan? Can you keep Casey?" and her mom smiles sweetly. 

Her dad says, "Sure, Sweetie. Just be sure to get Evan home before his mother gets worried." and I politely butt into the conversation, saying, 

"Mom says I can stay as long as I want as long as I make it home in time for me to get to sleep and get ready for school on time tomorrow."; 

They nod, and Y/N and I leave the house. We walk to the abandoned orchard. Once we reach the edge, she hands me her backpack containing an extra set of clothes. She turns into a full wolf, and she falls onto four legs. We walk towards a tree, and I hang the backpack on one of the lowest branches. We walk for a while, just admiring the trees and occasionally staring into each other's eyes. We run and race through the orchard until we reach a clearing. A large field. We run until we reach the tallest tree. I climb until I reach the highest branch. She sits at the bottom, staring at me. The sun shines brightly on my face, and I stand on top of the branch, not holding onto the tree for balance. 

"Evan, stop! You're going to fall!" she says, despite being in wolf form. 

I sit down on the branch, and we sit, content in the serenity. The sun sets, and she sees the moon.

Your POV

I see the moon, and I start howling. I hear Evan join in, but he's kind of more yelling than howling. I stop howling to listen to his weird howl/yell, and I start laughing uncontrollably. 

"You sound like an angry boar, Ev'!" I say in between laughter fits. 

He climbs down from the tree, and I lay down at the bottom. He curls up to me, and he falls asleep with my fur as a pillow. I just stare at him. He's so sweet when he's sleeping. I love him. After ten minutes of nonstop staring at his cuteness, I nudge him lightly with my snout. I make him wait at the tree. He turns away from me, and I pad over to the tree where I left my backpack. I turn into a human and get dressed behind a tree, just in case. I know he wouldn't turn back around until I told him to, but I can't help but be paranoid. 

I head back to Evan, and we set an alarm on his phone to wake us up at 4:00 AM. That's when I'll take him home so he can sleep then get ready for school. We fall asleep cuddled together at the bottom of the tall tree again, except this time, I'm not a wolf, so we're truly embracing.

Evan's POV

I woke up, hearing my alarm going off. I look at her face. she's also newly awake. We smile at each other, and she licks my cheek. Note that she's still in human form. I am so freaked out. What is happening? Wait, she's a wolf. This is the wolf equivalent to a kiss, isn't it? My face goes red, and we retrieve her empty backpack from the other tree before heading to my home. We stand outside of my house, trying to figure out how to say goodbye. I end up licking her cheek awkwardly. She snickers before leaving for her own house. 

"I love my wolf-girl.." I whisper to myself, and I go inside. 

I unfortunately have woken up my mom. She asks me, 

"Evan, it's four in the morning.. Did you just get home? I'm not mad, just explain." and I say, 

"Y/N and I went to the orchard. I climbed a tree, we howled at the moon, then I climbed down and we fell asleep at the base of the tree."; 

She nods, smiling, and sends me to bed, before going to sleep herself.

Word Count: 1,455

Author~Chan: "Hey guys! I'm back! I've been a little out of ideas lately, and I've had this one as a rough idea for about a week now, and I just got to writing it. I thought this would turn out slightly cringe, but it turned out good, so I'm actually really proud of this one. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, so please enjoy! I'm out of ideas for this Author's note, so I guess, see you in the next story! Sincerely, Me"
