One Fault, One Punishment

I walk downstairs to go to the bathroom; I was texting on my phone with my friends. All of which were not in a class, unlike me. I was in class and Lyons. As I'm reaching the bottom of the stairs, I get a text from a certain friend, who has put me in the friend zone too many times. She tells me to wait for her, ignore it and continue walking. She sends another text language it has something to tell me, but I keep walking.

"Hey Dylan, I go down I have short legs," A feminine voice calls out.

I stop and turn towards the voice that was calling out for me. Rose 5'4" frame, her ginger red hair that normally stops at her waist is up in a bun, and her sea-green eyes shining bright. She rushes over to me but stops in front of me.

"Hey, Rose. I just saw your message," I lie to her.

"No problem figured as much. anyways got a moment?" Rose asks.

"Sure, what's up?"

"The other day I thought you were upset. So, I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"Yeah, everything is good. Just a lot on my mind."

"I see, that isn't really the only thing he won't talk about."

Rose walks closer to me, one of my hands up to her face and the other she holds in her hand.

"So, what is it that you really wanted to talk about?" I ask straight to the point.

"Lately, I realized I really like this one person, and I have no idea if he likes me back," She states.

"That good that you like someone, who is he?"

"Well, he's a wonderful guy at least towards me. When I call out that I have short legs, he stops. We over for help would have been having trouble getting stuff that's too high for me. He's always there for me when I ask, and he's standing in front of me."

Figuring out that she was talking about me, I realize she thinks of me as someone that I am not. I guess every time I helped her get stuff that was too high for her, I was watching her jump up and down for quite a while. I want I'm there for her I just really want to get in her pants.

After a minute or two of just looking at her, she walks right up to me where she was trying to kiss me, but me being 6 feet tall. I lean down, our lips touch for but a minute, when things starts to shake. I grab Rose's hand and run. Once we get to the stairs, I lose my grip on Rose's hand and just run all the way out of the doors that is one floor up from the basement. Once I was away from the building, I look towards the building to see Rose touch the doors to open them, but before she could get out the whole building collapses on her.

I look to where I last saw Rose, to only see her one hand barely making it through the rummage, as if asking for someone to hold her hand one last time.

Later that same night, I get a call from one of my hookups to see if I want to have fun tonight. I told her to come on down. As I get ready for the night, I get a knock on my door. I go over to the door and see my hook-up Traci standing there.

"Wasn't expecting you for another hour or so," I state.

"Oh, I know. But I really didn't want to hook-up though. I came to ask you something," she announces.

"Okay then, ask away."

"Do you know Rose?"

"The girl that just died today?"


"Yeah, I knew her."

"Did you know me and her are-- I mean was—roommates and siblings?"

"No, I did not."

"Well, I know what you did, before the building so-called collapsed."

"So, what? We are just fuck buddies. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Oh, wow. I did see this coming though. Since you left my sister to die, it's your turn," Traci yells while pulling out a gun.

I try to get away, but Traci fires the gun before I could do anything. I fall to the ground, holding the wound, but its bleeding so fast. I lift one hand to look at it, and its fully covered with blood. I reach out to Traci, for help, just to live. All Traci does is hold my hand.

"Since you wouldn't hold my sister's hands while she slowly died underneath the rumble. I will hold yours," she states.


Lucifer looks through one of many doors of hell, to check to see what the punishment for the new sinner was. It's too bad, that he let the girl die. He could have saved her. But he did not. He only wanted to save himself. If he saved her, he wouldn't be here, probably. He has been selfish his whole life, not caring about other's feelings. Never apologize for what he has done wrong or thank his parents for putting up with his antics. But the one fault that is worse of all is the girl dying on his watch when he could have done something to save her. So, this is the one punishment he will see repeatedly. But soon he won't be alone any longer, she will come sooner or later.
