Mental Break


Just a note before you begin reading this story, this is a three person point of view.  The assignment was to make a multpile point of view story, with out stating that it was a different point of view, just to make it obvious at a point. 

The girl looks across the room to see a person staring at her. She smiles at the person, but in return she gets a grimace back. She takes a close look at the person, they dark half circles under their bag as well as having very dull looking eyes. She moves closer to the person; the person copies her. As they get closer to each other, the girl sees something that is black and shiny, in a L shape in the person's hand. She walks a little closer to the person, and points to the shape with her left hand. The person does the same, as well as their left hand. Out of curiosity she walks close enough to hug the person, but smashes right into something solid. She touches in front of her to feel smooth, cool, glass. She looks down at her right hand to see the L shape object in her hand. She walks around the room, panicking with object still in hand. she looks around the room, and realizes she is not in her room. She panics more, thinking that the adults will be when they find out she is gone. She tosses the object to the side, and it goes off. All the sudden, smoke starts flowing through the place, and stomping of feet echoes throughout the place. People stops in front of the girl, holding similar object at her. another found the object that went off. The ones that are pointing similar objects are watching her like a hawk. The girl didn't realize it, but she was shaking and crying. As she was watching the people, her eyes grew heavy. Soon the girl's eyes closed and did not open again, for now.

As we raided the place that someone said that they saw a little girl with a gun, just walking around with in her hands, while muttering, the person also said that the girl entered an abandoned doctor's office. As we approached the building, I hear a gun shot. Hald the team foes in back, while the other half goes to the front. Everyone puts on our mask, as someone else tosses a smoke grenade into the building. after a few seconds everyone rushes in. I run into a room, that seems to be a waiting room, and see a girl crying and shaking on the ground, she is watching everyone closely. I hear from one of my team mates, that they found the gun, and everyone just looks at the girl. The little girl who is shaking and crying, clearly terrified. Terrified of what, I wish I knew. After a few minutes, she collapses on the floor. I go over to the girl, and see she has bruises and cut all over her body. I tell one of my team mates to call the paramedics. Once the paramedics arrive, I report back to my captain to tell him what I know, once I was done reporting to the boss I go to the hospital. Once I arrive, the doctor comes over to me after I spoke to the front desk. He tells me that she is a regular at the ER, mostly when she broke bones. He tells me the girls name, Elliana Jones. As well as her parent's names, Kevin Jones and Linda Jones. He also tells me that he believes she doesn't remember anything, probably due to shock, cause her brain to give her a mental break. I rush back to captain, and he tells me to bring in the parents for questioning. I get my team together, and we drive to the Jones' house. We arrive at the house; I see that the door is open. I make the motion to the team to let them know, and we all draw our guns. As we enter, we clear room by room. I get a shout from my one teammate that went upstairs, to come up and see something. Once I up there I see a room, that has a lock on the outside, as I look in the room, I see nothing in it expect a blanket. The teammate also tells me he found the parents. AS he brought me to the room with the parents. In the room I could tell that the parents just woke up when they were shot. I call the captain to tell him what we found.

So disappointed with my last house that I broke into. There was nothing of value, meaning nothing to sell, also meaning no income today. The only thing I basically did was get away with murder. I gave the gun I shot, to the little girl who was locked up in the one room. I did go in it to look for something, it was disgusting in there. Simply disgusting, so I left with nothing, so I need another house. The current house found seems perfect. I walk up to the door of the current house I was investigating and picked the lock. once the door was open, I walked in, and looked around. This house was loaded with valuables that must be worth something. As I start to gather things, when I heard someone walking around upstairs. I quickly gather my things and rush out of the house. I rush out into the street, when a car horn goes off, and I look up to see a bright light heading right at me.
