Chapter Thirty-Nine: Instincts

"Sorry Monika.." Sayori whined, glanced up at me with wide eyes, it's getting tough to maintain eye contact with her. "We tried.."

"I-it's fine!" I say, using this as an excuse to glance away. "I'm sure I'll transform when I'm ready."

"Well," Natsuki grunts, standing back up from sitting on the grass. "We should head back in. It's getting kinda dark, and cold."

I stand up as well and nod. "Good idea."

The four of us make our way out of the forest, the wind calming down as night began to approach. Quietly, we made our way inside, and stood inside the lobby-like room.

"What do you girls want to do now?" Natsuki asked, stretching.

"Can we have dinner yet?" Sayori asked, patting her stomach. "I'm hungry!"

I glance up at the round, white clock that hung on the wall, and freeze in dread. I turn back to the bickering girls and laugh quickly.

"We better head to dinner.."

Sayori glanced at me. "Oh, it started?"

"Yeah, almost twenty minutes ago."

Sayori's eyes widened as she gasped. "No! All the food's gonna be gone!"

I laugh. "Then let's hurry!"

The four of us speed walk through the halls, trying to get there as fast as possible. I'm in the lead, of course. We reach the double doors for the cafeteria and open them, stepping inside.

Most people seemed to have already gotten all their food, but some still remained in a line, looking at the options. We walk down the isle, to get to our table, noticing how every student has at least one piece of meat on their plates.

It smells good too.

Really good.

I fidget uncomfortably as we walk past all the tables, and get to our own, the four boys already eating their share of meat.

Oliver, again, is the first one to notice us. His blue eyes flicker at us curiously. "Hey, where were you guys?"

Sayori giggled. "We just lost track of time, that's all!"

Adrien shrugged nodding, and Ace smiles slyly at us. My eyes remain on the large brown stripped meat on their plates.

"W-Why does everyone have that?" Natsuki asks, noticing.

"Oh, it's a small celebration for the new chef that's in." Oliver explained. "Apparently he's really good, and he wanted to go all out on rich steak."

"And he really is good." Ace mumbles, plugging his fork into his steak hungrily. "This is my second one."

"They're huge though!" Natsuki gasped, her eyes wide. They are really big..

Ace smirked widely. "Impressed?"

Natsuki pulled away from the table, turning her head and crossing her arms. "I never said that!"

"Anyways, are you girls gonna get some?" Adrien asked, chuckling at his friends behaviour.

Sayori smiled sadly. "Well yeah, but Monika doesn't eat meat."

"Oh? Is she a vegetarian?" Oliver asked, pointing his gaze at me.

Natsuki blinked. "A what?"

"A vegetarian?" Oliver repeated. "You know, someone who doesn't eat meat."

"Yeah you could say that." Sayori giggles. "LaLa- err, our caretaker just never let her have any for some reason. She never told us why."

"That's a shame." Oliver sighed. "But yeah, there are other options then meat. Go have a look."

Natsuki grinned. "Cool, we'll be back."

She turned around and walked away to the front of the room where the food line was. I followed behind.

Mid-way in walking she stopped and turned around. "Monika?" She called.

I glance at her. "Y-yeah?"

Her eyes are glowing in concern. "Are you okay? You seem really.. fidgety."

I nod. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."


"Are you sure?" Sayori asked. "We know you can't have meat, so are you feeling sad about it?"

"Sad? No, I'm fine!" I smile. "But.. I mean, LaLa isn't here right.. So, can't I have some?"

Natsuki smirks. "Wow Monika. Never thought you would be the one rebelling against her rules."

Sayori frowns. "But what if she didn't want Monika to have meat for a reason? What if you're allergic to it?"

"If she was, wouldn't she have told her?" Natsuki asked back.

"I agree with Sayori." Yuri quietly added. "Even here, we shouldn't go against her rules."

"But look at her!" Natsuki exclaims, catching me off guard. I force my line of vision to land on her, and not the food on plates.

Sayori sighed. "I'm just worried Monika will get hurt!"

She's worried for me? That's.. That's nice..

Even as hard as I try, my eyes land on the long table at the front of the room, students lining up with their trays to get their food. Behind the counter were two large metal doors that swung open when an man wearing a white coat walked in with a pile of meat, re-filling the empty meat so students can get more.

Once finished, he turned back around and entered the large kitchen, the door swinging from behind him.

That's where all the meat is probably made.

I let the voices of the other girls fade away as my thoughts get louder. I can feel my muscles stiffen as the scent of freshly cooked meat lingers in the air.

Everyone's having some.. It shouldn't be a problem if I have some too, right?


They probably have a lot more back there..


I wonder how many animals they had to kill to get this much?


Why does it smell so strong?


Slowly, I find my legs moving forward, leaving the group.


Let's go hunting.
