Chapter Forty-Four: Schedule Addition

"What class do you have next?"

I peered over to Sayori, who looked back at me with a curious look. I quickly shut my locker door closed and took out a small sheet of paper, showing me my classes for the day.

"Mathematics with Mrs. Micheal. What about you?"

An immediate smile and hop came across from Sayori, showing that she probably shared the class with me. My theory is confirmed as she squeals, "Yay! Me too!"

Natsuki scoffed. "Math in the morning, nah. I've got biology with Mr. Ken."

Yuri smiled sadly. "I have to deal with Natsuki almost all day."

Sayori and I laughed as Natsuki whipped her head around, snatching Yuri's schedule. After comparing Yuri's to her own, Natsuki groaned.

"Hey! That means I have to deal with you almost all day!" She growled back, swiftly handing Yuri her paper back.

The four of us began to walk down the hallway; I missed this feeling. Making sure we weren't late for class. It feels nice.

Sayori glances down at her paper, "What is everyone's class before lunch?"

Natsuki took out her own schedule. "Uh, gym with Mrs. Dolly."

"I have visual arts with Mr. Feret!" Sayori exclaimed, looking up hopefully to me and Yuri.

I sigh. "No, I have history in Mr. Browns class."

Yuri shakes her head, signifying that she doesn't have any classes with us either.

"I guess that means we'll have to see each other at lunch!" Sayori said, trying to smile. She obviously didn't like the idea of being alone with none of us in her class.

I glance at her sympathetically. "Maybe one of the boys are in your class?"

Sayori let out a small smile. "Maybe. Thank you."

After reaching Sayori's and my classroom, we split up, and walk separate ways. Sayori flashed me a goofy grin of good luck as she opened the door, and I followed her inside.

Most of the students had already sat down in their seats, so we were able to know which ones were empty for us to use. My eyes scanned across the room, landing on two empty seats at the back side by side.

"I think I see some desks," I motion for Sayori to follow me, and we make our way to the back of the room. That's when we notice one brown eyed and haired boy sitting beside two empty desk.

Once he noticed us coming, he looked up from the notebook he owned, and smiled in curiosity. "Monika, Sayori! Hey! I didn't know you girls would be in this class!"

Sayori laughed, her smile beaming brightly. "I never knew we starred a class with you!"

"It's good to see you, Adrien," I chuckle. "Anyways, are these two seats taken?"

Adrien shook his head. "Nope, one of them were newly moved since they said we were having new students in the class. I guess that's you two."

"Heh, we're famous already?" Sayori playfully asked.

Adrien chuckled. "If you want to be famous in math, then sure."

The two of us sat down at a desk, Sayori sitting down next to Adrien while I sat beside her. I glance curiously at the empty desk in front of me and turn to Adrien. "Who's sitting in that desk?"

"Oliver," Adrien smiled. "Anyways, how was your first class with Sasha again?"

"Surprisingly well!" Sayori exclaimed. "Natsuki and Sasha still had a small conversation, but they're hopefully going to ignore each other."

Rolling his eyes, Adrien leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, Sasha probably just wants to get under your skin. Don't let her." He then sits back up. "Other then that, how is it like being back at school?"

I take out my math text book and a notebook while Sayori responds, "Fun! I'm really excited?"

"Excited for school?"


Adrien laughed. "You are a weird one Sayori."

I look back up and notice Oliver walking in tiredly. Once he noticed Sayori and I, his blue eyes lit up with excitement.

"Woah, you guys share this class with us?"

I nod. "Yup! Just us."

Oliver grins as he slips into the seat in front of me, placing his bag on the hook before he turned to sit backwards on the chair. "Awesome. Any of you girls good at math?"

Sayori chuckled nervously while I smiled. "I enjoy math." I respond. "Sayori.. Not as much."

"It's so long and confusing!" She whined.

Adrien nodded. "Agreed."

"Okay students." Our attentions is brought to the front of the room where a old woman's stands in a suit. "Class is starting. Let's begin."

The third period was history, which none of the girls had with me. I walked in the hallway myself, passing some idling students. My eyes scan each door number until they land on my history class. Before I can pull the door open, something pulls me back on the shoulder.

I jump and turn around, relaxing as Oliver stands behind me, removing his hand from my shoulder. "We meet again." He smirks.

"Goodness.." I sigh. "You scared me."

Oliver laughed and opened the door, "My bad."

The two of us take a empty seats at the back beside each other and talk before the lesson starts.

Class ends on a positive note, and Oliver and I walk into the hallway, joining the crowd of students that walked to the locker room.

"Okay.." I sigh. "What class do you have now?"

Oliver smiled. "It's lunch now, ahahah!"

"Oh really?" I question, surprised by how fast the day flew by.

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, three classes in the morning, lunch break, and then four periods in the afternoon."

I'm about to respond before I trip forward, stumbling to remain on my feet as something is thrown onto my back. "A-Ah!"

"Monikaaa!!" A high pitched voice squeals, her arms wrapped around me tightly.

"S-Sayori?" I choke, and look over at her.

"I missed you!" She laughs. "How was class? It's lunch now! Our first lunch here! Ohh!"

Natsuki and Yuri walks up from behind Sayori and I, Natsuki smirking. "Let the girl breathe a little."

Sayori blinks before realizing how tightly she was gripping onto me. Quickly she releases me, stepping backwards. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!"

I smile. "It's fine Sayori. I'm glad you're happy!"

Adrien joins us. "Hey, are you girls going to be okay eating lunch without us? Us four have to go out."

Natsuki scoffed. "Please. We don't need boys to make us happy."

Sayori looks at him curiously. "Oh, where are you guys going?"

Ace walks up to him, an impatient frown on his face. "Dude, hurry up. Jess is already there."

"Where?" Sayori asks again.

Oliver shrugs. "It wouldn't hurt to show them."

Adrien sighs and smiles weakly as Ace grunts. "Okay, just hurry up!"

"Okay, okay!" Adrien says, chuckling. He then turns to us four and smile. "We're going to a cafe, wanna come?"

"Sure!" I smile. "Thanks for the offer!"

Natsuki grumbles in annoyance, but doesn't disagree. The four boys lead us, and we exit the school.

The sky is clear of clouds and the light breeze is warm as it hits our school uniform. The three boys lead us out of the school campus and on the sidewalk, leading us down a path.

Only then do I realize that we never had left the school campus, other then going into the forest. Since people grow up here, I overlooked the society. Of course there would be cities, towns, houses and shops, it only made sense.

There were adults living here too, and they couldn't just leave to go back to the regular world. I sigh as a pang of homesickness hits me again, and I look at all the small restaurants and shops that we pass.

After a short walk, the boys stop and turn at a small, wooden and light brown painted cafe. The outside had a few wooden tables and small chairs outside for people who wanted to eat and drink outside, each table being set neatly.

The doors were simple strands of beads that hung from the entrance, letting people push past them as they entered. The small building in front had the large words, "Simple Cafe".

"Simple Cafe?" Sayori reads.

Ace nods and steps forward. "Yeah, us four own this place."

I widen my eyes in surprise, not expecting him to say that. I didn't think that Ace would be the one owning a cafe. "Really?"

"Yup!" Oliver says. "It's still kind of new, but we've been getting customers."

"Anyways, come on in." Oliver ushers is inside.
We move past the beads that hung down by the entrance, and take in the view.

It wasn't the biggest in the world, but not the smallest. The floor was a polished light wood planks, and the walls were white concrete. Multiple tables sat by the walls or under some windows, some beside others. They all had soft, red seats and a plastic divider that held salt or sugar.

At the far right wall held a large platform, a small stage with some bushes or plants settled in the corner. On the stage held a small folded table, holding up two guitars, and in the back was a large, red drum. At the front of the stage was a keyboard, and at the middle section of the front was a single microphone.

There was a wooden counter near the back; it was long and carried a cashier and some cups and plates, along with a blender machine and a few small foods in boxes, like cherries or strawberries.

Behind the counter were two metal doors, and one wooden one. The wooden door opened and Jess walked out, holding a clipboard.

"Okay, I've finished printing-" He stopped and looked up, curiously glancing at us. "Oh, you brought them?"

"This place is so cool!" Sayori gasped, taking in her surroundings.

"Yeah!" Natsuki agreed grinning. "Good job."

Ace smirked. "If you like it so much, you should just work here."
