Chapter 28

The plane finally landed, and I was happy we did.

I hated planes, never liked them as a child.
But now I was a big grown up teenager""" my mother reminds me every day.

It was the long ass process of getting out of here that bugged me.

I had gotten all my bags and all my things ready, only for my brother to start randomly yelling at me.

"Hey, I'm gonna to the toilet. I'll meet you out there."
I said, trudging down to the woman's bathrooms.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my blonde curly hair. My green piercing eyes, pale skin.

It all bugged me, I didn't like the way I looked.
My mother always told me.
"It was your great grandparents that gave you those looks, be great full you don't have our dull features."
Like I really cared, I was a bit weird looking in my opinion.

We were staying in New York for a month, we have family here, I was born in New York but my parents were quick to move to Australia.

We were staying in a hotel where my family use to live a while ago.

Apparently it was "vintage", I was excited to be in New York. I loved it here, and I wish we actually lived here.

We caught a taxi to the hotel, and I loved the look of it.

I ran up the stairs eggar to relax.
"Honey your rooms the second one to the left, make yourself at home yeah."
I nodded.

I throw my bags on the bed, the view was amazing. Breath taking really.

The floor boards were all squeaky, kind of annoying me.

I'm such a picky person, dam.

I scrolled on my phone, texting friends.
After a while I was bored, I should be exploring New York! Not on my phone!

I was staring at the corner of the room, taking in every detail, the white painted walls the wooden floor boards.
But just this one wooden floor board in the corner of the room facinated me.

It was slightly lifted then the rest.
I tilted my head, getting up from my bed sitting next to it.

I put my ear to it, knocking on it.

Now this was exciting.
Probably just an old part of the house. Nothing to exciting.

I got my nails under it, it was moving slightly but not enough.

So I got up and ran to the kitchen grabbing a knife.

I ran back practically throwing myself to the ground.

I stabbed the ground, it was lifting the floor board up Until it flew up.

A bunch of dust long with it.
I coughed slightly blowing the dust away.
When my eyes widened seeing a book wedged into the ground.
I put my hand down and pulled it out.

It was covered in dirt.
I blew it, a sheet of dust falling off it.

Revealing a title.
"Millies photo album <3"

Now this was cool.
The book was a creamy yellow decorated with cute blue little flowers.

The date.
"2019- forever! Lola wrote that, I guess it fits."
The writing was scribbled hand writing.

I flipped the page, seeing amazing quality photos of people, woman and a guy.

They were really pretty, one was blonde and one had brown hair.
And the guy had black? Maybe brown? Curly hair.
Kind of resembles my curly hair, but mine is longer.

I smiled flipping through all the pages, there was heaps and heaps of photos, telling the story of the one girl and her friends.

Millie, and Lola. I guess.
I didn't recognise any of them, but it kind of made me struck by emotions.

Seeing this girls life, she had kids and got old with some guy? Timothee. Friends with a girl, Lola who also had kids with Harry?

From what I gathered they had a happy life.
Timothee chalamet.
His name was, I got on my phone maybe I could find some news about them.

I punched in "timothee chalamet"
Getting millions of results.

Timothee Hal Chalamet is an American actor. He began his acting career in short films, before appearing in the television drama series Homeland in 2012. Two years later, he made his feature film debut in the drama Men, Women & Children and subsequently appeared in Christopher Nolan's science-fiction film Interstellar.

He met his wife in 2019, Amelia chalamet. They had 3 kids and lived in Australia.
Look up Amelia chalamet.

I pressed the link.

Amelia rose chalamet, rose to fame with her award wining photography skills, married to famous actor timothee chalamet soon to have three kids. Best friends with Harry styled artist musician and his wife Lola Amy styles.

I dropped my phone, this was crazy!
I got back to the photo album flicking to the last page.

Ran out of space today, crazy seeing my life in one book. But all good things come to an end I guess. So to sum up my story I'd say, I lived a good life, with the love of my life. Moved back to home. Had kids, watched them grow. My life started off, and I really wanted it to end. But now I'm so incredibly happy, I wouldn't change anything. And to those who are reading this, I advise you don't either. Times may seem bad, but in the end problems will resolve.

So yeah, bye I guess?
Amelia rose chalamet
Timothee hal chalamet
Lola Amy styles
Harry Edward styles
Matilda chalamet
Charlie chalamet
Delia chalamet.

"Good girl. Oh my god timtohee it's not funny anymore."

My eyes were tearing up, this was sad.
I ran out to my mum, showing her the book.
"Where did you find this Lola?"
Mum asked.

"In a floor board mum."
I said, crying now.
"Read it it's so sad!"
I said.

She smiled.
"Hey mum! Look at this."
Mum yelled to her mother, my grandmother.
"Hey Lizzy ask Lola if she wanted to come look at Empire State- where did you find that!"
Grand mother yelled.

"What? What is this?"
I asked sniffling.

My mum passed it to granny.
"It's my parents photo album."
My eyes widened.
"My names Delia chalamet."
Granny said smiling flicking through the pictures.

She smiled nodding.
"Timothee chalamet, and Amelia chalamet. Quite a tragic love story. Hey you keep this, look at all the pages."
Granny said passing it to me.

I smiled taking it.
I walked back in my room, checking the floor board again.

Finding a note and a necklace wrapped around it.

I smiled holding the necklace up wrapping it around my neck.
Unfolding the the note.

Smiling at the writing.
I got up sitting on my bed.
Sighing, it was weird finding that.

They were my great grandparents?
I could almost see Lola and Millie walking in.
I was named after Lola, I knew that. But I didn't know the whole story.

I smiled looking out the window.
I guess I never will.
