Chapter 12

The rain crashed down, it hadn't rained in New York since I came. Iconic really, I ran down lolas apartment stairs not because I was late for work, but for him.

I was such an idiot why would I ever think to hurt him. I didn't know he wanted me, no one really has ever.

I denied crying for him, I won't I wouldn't. I ran down New York's paths I felt like the only one without an umbrella but that didn't even occur to me.
"Wait! Wait!"
I yelled, seeing his mop of wet hair slowly walking away. I couldn't let this happen.

"Your worthless".
"Your worth nothing to anyone."
"I wish you were more great full."

I yelled clearing my head.

I ran up to him smashing into his back falling back.
I slowly opened my eyes facing his ones.
I smiled seeing that he had caught me in mid air before I met with the cold pavement.
"I'm sorry- I love you too."
He slowly smiled.
Stop playing the music
Millies Pov
I laughed as timothee flipped a pancake perfectly in the air.

"Dancing with myself" was blasting through my speaker as we danced together.

Timmy was in only his boxers, and I was in my bra and underwear. Iconic really.
"Now you try."
He said handing me the frying pan.
I smirked pouring the batter on the frying pan waiting a while before flipping the pan up, sending the pancake up higher then I wanted and it splattered on the ceiling.

Timothee laughed his hardest but then the pancake slowly detached from the ceiling and fell on his face.

He stopped laughing and I started.
I yelled bringing him into an embrace so I could lick the half cooked pancake off his smug face.
Once I finished he put his hand in the batter and put more on his face.
"You little-"
He smiled.
"Come on babe this batter won't lick itself off."
He said.
"Yeah but he will."
I said picking out cat jimminy from the floor, he started licking timothees face clean.
"Ahhh! Eww!"
He yelled washing his face off.

I smirked jumping in his arms.
"Your looking nice this morning."
I said kissing his cheek.
"Guys have you seen-"

We both looked over to Lola, she smiled backed outside.
"I'll be back."
I said half chuckling.

I ran out seeing Lola at the door.
She smiled slowly clapping as I approached.
"You didn't tell about this!!"
She said.
"Well actually I told you all about it but you were vomiting all over timmys floor."
I said smiling.

Her face went straight.
"God don't remind me, I felt like shit."
She said.

"Oh god I have to show you some photos, come in."
We walked in and Timmy had put on a shirt.
"Nice ass chalamet."
I said.

He smirked.
"Yeah I could say the same about you."
I smiled.

He came over.
"I've got to go, I have a meeting with my agent. See you".
He said kissing me passionately, then kissing Lola on the head.

She smirked.
I yelled once hearing the door shut.

I looked around and Lola was smiling.
She shook her head.
"No it's just I haven't seen you this happy in a long time I love it".
She said hugging me.
"It's him I swear, he just makes me feel nuts I can't explain the feeling."
She smirked.
"Oh boy I know the feeling. Your in love!"
She yelled throwing her hands up.
"No! I'm not in love!"
I said.

"You so are! And it's with the most best dressed man!"
She said.
"Shut up and look at these pictures I've taken of you, and Timmy."
I said chucking a shirt over my head.

"Oh look it's me and Tom what a duo I'm sending him that."
Lola said smiling at my photo album I've had for a while now, full of photos that is.
"Look at this one!"
I exclaimed flipping the page.

She gasped

"Nawwwh is that you and Tim Tim how adorable, he looks so short."
She said smiling.
"Yeah he was kneading down to pick me up, I wanted the photo to be him picking me up, but I love this."
I said smiling as well.

"That's you dead drunk asleep."
I said.

She laughed.
"I mean I look good though."
I smirked shutting my album and throwing it on the ground.
"Can we go grocery shopping we need milk."
Lola said as I wrapped my arms around her and we collapsed down onto my bed.
I said.

She yelled.
I said.

We jumped up and I threw some yellow corduroy pants on.
"Nice fit lovey".
She said grabbing her bag.
"Why thank you."
She smirked.

We ran downtown trying to get to our favourite Amal little shop before it shut.
"Hurry up!!"
Lola yelled.
"Slow down!"
I yelled.

She smirked and ran faster.
We finally got there just before he shut it down.
We came in and bough our favourite chocolates and some milk when we heard some whispers.

"I think that's her."
"Yeah she's the one dating timothee."
"She looks like a skank."

I turned around, seeing two teenage girls.
"Excuse me?"
Lola said.

"Lola stop-"
"No you wanna call her a skank one more time?"
The two girls looked taken aback.
"I'm sorry- Lola we need to go-"
I said.

Lola rolled her eyes and flipped them off.
I chuckled but still felt a small bit of saddness.
"Don't even listen to them, your dating the hottest guy in the world there obviously jelous."
Lola said as we checked out.
"Lola they looked 16 calm down."
I said paying.

"Whatever, I just hate that."

My phone went off.

Timmy 🥰😘🤥
Hey baby, I've got the role for a movie it's going to be a very big deal. I want to celebrate how does dinner sound? Xoxo
One attached image

Milllls ❤️🙈👏🏻
Sounds like one babes, I'll be around at 6. Your so cute baby Xoxo
