Chapter Six

Previously in 'Daughter of the Sun'

"My name is Helios...." He paused, looking up at the blonde who's eyes were identical to his. "I'm your father."

Third Person POV

Salvatore Boarding House

Rapunzel's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  "My what?" She was in shock; her father? How could he be her father? They looked the same age! 

"I am your..." He began but was cut off by the girl. "I heard you the first time. How are you my father? We look to be the same age... wait." She began backing up, the thought of him being a vampire crossing her mind. "I'm not a vampire, if that's what you're thinking." He tells her, as if he had read her mind. "How do I know you're not lying?" She questioned, her voice wavering. "You don't. You never got to meet me. I never got to meet you. You never even got to meet your mother." He shook his head. "You don't even remember anything before you woke up a few days ago." He comments, making her raise an eyebrow. "You've been watching me." She states. "Of course I have. I have been since I discovered you existed." He claimed. "Then why come now? How long have you known?" She asked, flabbergasted. "I've known since you got put under the sleeping curse. I knew you were my child the moment I laid my eyes on you." He told her.

"What? That's ridiculous." She went to walk away when he gently caught her arm in his hand. "I felt a connection to you and I know you feel one with me. Almost like a magnetic pull. You will feel this way towards trusted friends, family; as will they. Even the...the sun." Rapunzel recalled the feeling towards several people and even the sun. Damon, Stefan, Matt, and even the Mikaelson's... which worried her. "Do you know how I lost my memory?" She asked her father. "That I do not know. I assume it is a side effect to the sleeping curse. You've been awake for a little over a week now, my guess is that your memories will eventually all flood back in due time." He says, enveloping one of her hands in his. Rapunzel let out a sigh, running a hand through her locks. "How do I know you're not lying?" She questioned. He took a strand of her hair in his hand and began to sing a tune. "Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the Fate's design, save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." His deep voice rang out in a beautiful melody. Both their hair was glowing like the sun's radiant rays. As his voice stopped, soon did their hair. Rapunzel's eyes filled with tears as she looked at the man in front of her in awe. "We- we are special. Very special, Rapunzel. You are meant for great things my darling sun-drop." He says, placing a shaky hand against her cheek. "H-how am I suppose to do great things when I don't even know who I am?" She questioned sadly. "You will. I believe in you." He whispered to her, smiling with tears in his own eyes. 

"Rapun-" The father and daughter's eyes shot up from one another and towards the newly entered voice. There stood Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Damon rushed towards the pair, trying to separate the two, wanting nothing but to protect his new friend. Helios brings his hand up, quickly taking Damon's face in his hand as pure sun radiated from his palm. Damon let out a scream, pain erupting in him. Helios dropped him, Damon falling to the floor, unconscious. Stefan rushed towards his brother, making sure he was alright. "Who the hell are you?!" Stefan roared. "The names Helios." He introduces. "Why are you in our home? What do you want?" Stefan commanded as he rose to his feet. "I am visiting Rapunzel. I just wanted to speak to her." He said simply. "No need to worry. I was on my way out." He handed Rapunzel a piece of paper with his number on it before exiting from which he came. "Are you alright?" Stefan asked the blonde. "Y-yeah.. I'm fine." She said, her eyes roaming towards the open window, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Why was he here? Did he hurt you?" He interrogated. "No, he didn't." She answered the second question before turning towards him. "I-I think that was my father."


"Father?" Damon asked once Rapunzel filled them in on what had happened. "That is what I said." Rapunzel nodded. "Is he a vampire?" Stefan asked, his forehead wrinkles appearing. "No, he told me he wasn't." Rapunzel claimed. "He's lying. He's either not your father or he's a vampire. Either way he's a liar." Damon said with a shrug of his shoulders and his usual sarcastic smirk. "He's not lying... I can feel it." She said, playing with a strand of her golden locks. "You don't know that." Damon scoffed. "He showed me something that I didn't know was possible... something him and I can do." She said. "Is it that scary light thing?"Damon questioned, his voice wavering. She shook her head, recalling the lyrics the man had sung to her. She then opened her mouth and began to sing. Her locks began to glow, the strands as bright as the sun itself. She opened her eyes once she was done, seeing the shock ridden across the two vampire brothers faces. "He's like me. He knows things that I don't and I need to figure out those things. You can't protect me forever. I will get my memories back and I won't need protecting." She tells the men gently. "We will always protect you Rapunzel. You're like a little sister to us." Stefan claimed, taking ahold of one of her hands. Damon took ahold of her other one, his ocean blue eyes bright. "We'll always be here... forever and always."


Rapunzel walks back into her room after going to the kitchen for a mug of hot cocoa to help put her to sleep. Her eyebrows furrow together as her eyes land on the book on her bed. "That wasn't there before..." 

She was cut off by the book being blown open and the pages turning by itself.

Her eyes widened, confusion and fear overwhelming her. "What the- Damon! Stefan!" She screamed, her eyes not once leaving the book which was positioned on her bed.


That's the end of chapter six! Thanks for reading love <3 -A
