Chapter Four

A/N: This chapter doesn't follow any episodes. This is sort of a behind the scenes, I guess.

Third Person POV

Salvatore Boarding House

Rapunzel looks at the raven-haired Salvatore with large eyes as he poured himself a drink. "H-how... What? Woah." She chokes out confused. She was scared and certain that Damon had killed that man. And his speed! That was incredible. She feared for her life, but yet she felt as if he'd never harm her... as if she could trust him. "Y-you're a v-" 

"Vampire? Monster? Yes, I am." He says, his nose flaring. She could see the hurt behind his eyes, making her face soften. Damon didn't know why he cared so much for this girl, not in a romantic way but in a sisterly way, and the thought of her seeing this side of him hurt him. Rapunzel gently grabbed Damon's hand, which startled the raven-haired Salvatore. He expected her to run away and hide, not take his hand in hers. "Damon, you're not a monster." She whispered to him. "You don't know me... you don't know what I've done. I've killed innocent people. I'm a bad guy." He said as his voice began to crack. She gently placed her hand on the side of his face, shooting warmth throughout his cold body, the type of warmth he felt when he was alive. "Day... I can see who you truly are, not what vampirism has made you. You hold such kindness in your eyes along with hurt. Your soul is wounded by all the heartache and pain. The vampire in you lusts for blood, it's your sustenance, something you need to survive. It doesn't make you a monster Damon." She told truthfully. 

Mikaelson Manor

The Mikaelson siblings paced back and forth in the parlor, each and every one of them trying to grasp onto the fact that their beloved Rapunzel was awake and walking the earth yet again, but with no memory of who she was, how she got there or who the Mikaelson's were. Kol stood anxiously, his nerves getting the best of him. "We should be looking for Rapunzel, not sitting here like a bunch of wankers!" He shouts, flaring his arms for dramatics. "No, we much think rationally, Kol. She doesn't remember us. She seems to have a connection towards the Salvatores and if we try to barge in there and take her, it might cause some hatred from her part." Elijah claims, fixing his suit jacket. "I agree with Kol. We need to get her away from those Salvatore boys." Niklaus growled, jealousy clear in his tone. 

"Niklaus, Kol. You are not thinking or listening clearly. She has no memory of any of us. If we tried taking her away from the Salvatore brothers, then that may cause hatred towards us." Elijah tries to reason with the two. Niklaus lets out a sigh, taking a seat. "Oh come on, brother! You are not going to take his word, are you?!" Kol exclaims. "I'm not risking her hating us, Kol." Klaus growls. 

Salvatore Boarding House

It has been two days since the ball and two days since Rapunzel had stepped outside the boundaries of the Salvatore residence walls. She tried going into the garden, but the Salvatore brothers were quick to stop her. Rapunzel sat in her new room, sitting on the bench of her bay window, staring off into oblivion while her book she was once reading sat open in the palms of her hands. Her hot chocolate (her new favorite thing, especially with whipped cream and chocolate shreds) was now cold, the whipped cream was melted long ago. She yearned to go outside, to feel the actual sun rays against her golden skin. 

Her eyes falter from her stare as she sees both Salvatores jump into Damon's baby blue Camaro. They drive off, dust flying. It was almost as if they forgot she was there. For others, that'd make them feel bad... but for Rapunzel, it only meant one thing. Sunlight. She ran with a smile, sliding down the staircase railing, then towards the door. She flung the door open, the suns rays enveloping her in a warm hug. She had an attraction to the sun, it felt like home. She began to walk in an unknown direction, just wanting to get far away from the Salvatore residency as possible. 

Rapunzel ends up in town and heads to the Mystic Grill. She enters the building, her eyes scanning the crowd to make sure no Salvatore's were around. When the coast was clear, she made her way over to the bar. She tapped her knuckles against the wood of the bar, waiting patiently for the bartender to notice her. The boy approached her, a nervous aura surrounded him. Rapunzel looked at the blue eyed boy, smiling lightly as he fidgeted. "W-what can I get ya?" He stuttered nervously. "Uhh, strawberry lemonade please." She requested with a smile. He left and then returned with her drink in hand. He placed the cold refreshment in front of the blonde, sending her a quick toothy grin.

"I'm Matt." He introduces himself, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck. "Hello Matt, I'm Rapunzel." She greets, warmly. "Rapunzel? Like the fairy tail?" He questioned, laughing lightly. "Fairy tail?" She questioned. "Yeah, you know. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. The one where the old woman steals the child for her healing properties and locks her in a tower?" He explains. All this confused the blonde. "I'm sorry, I've never heard of it."  She says, giggling slightly. 

In the distance, a man sits, staring at the two converse. In one hand held his scolding hot coffee, sipping; the other hand held a book. In the shadows he awaited.


This was a hella short chapter and sorry it took so long, but I've been really busy lately with school. I got into the national honor society and I'm being inducted on Thursday. I just wanted to get this chapter up and out there. Thanks for reading! 

