Chapter 4


"It all started when he met your mother." Aunt Artemis started.

Apollo was walking down the hallway of his Earth Palace. Your mother was coming the other way.

Your father bumped your mother's shoulder and bent to help pick up the papers she dropped. When they had the papers picked up, they looked into each other's eyes. A spark ignited. They fell in love at first sight.

Months later you father told your mother who he truly was. She accepted it knowing he could never change who he was. Your father begged your grandpa to grant her immortality. The two were so in love that he was ready to give up all styles of being a bachelor. Your grandfather agreed that he would but after she gave birth to the child she was carrying.

Your father and mother didn't know that she was pregnant with you. a They agreed to the terms and waited till you were born. A problem happened durning your birth. Aphrodite charmed a previous lover of your fathers to come and charm Apollo into going back to her. This was the test to pass to letting your mother become immortal. A true love test.

Your father passed but realized that Aphrodite charmed her. He became furious and and accidentally hit your mother with a fatal amount of sun. She died from the heat of the sun without your father realizing it. He mourned over your mothers body for days trying to bring her back. Your grandfather couldn't do anything about it.

Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter, and I raised you for the first couple days of your life. We weren't used to children so it was challenging. Your father finally came to get you and cherished you from that day on. You are a reminder of your mother.

"So that's why he can get angry at you sometimes. He really does love you but you are a reminder of your mother and sometimes it is painful to look at you. You are a spitting image of your mother. Remember that. I will see you off tomorrow. Good night, my baby Elle." Artemis said and then left.

I lay in bed wondering at my mother and father's love. That was true love. Slowly, I fell asleep.
