Chapter 25


"Yeah I can make it to Camp but I'll have to take breaks. I'm not a full god, only have an extra 1/4 of god." I said to the group. Percy and Jason looked pained at my statement but accepted it.

"It'll just be Zoe, Dani, the Athena Parthenos and I?" Bianca asked.

"Yep. Should be a little harder for Dani but I think she can do it." Anna said, bumping me lightly. I smiled at her and I made sure I had my bag full of supplies.

"Are we ready?" I asked. Zoe and Bianca nodded. "Let go. I'll see all you guys at camp. Promise me you'll make it back." The select 7 looked at each other.

"No promises hot stuff." Valdez said to me with a smirk. Zoe growled at him and stepped forward as he stepped back with fear. It was my turn to smirk.

"Perce, Anna, promise." I said. They sighed and nodded.

"Don't forget about your uncle!" Jason reminded me with a loopy grin. I fake glared at him and gave him a hug.

"No dying Uncle Jason." I said.

"I promise." Jason said. I took Zoe's hand and then she took Bianca's hand and Bianca touched the Athena Parthenos as did I.

"Get ready." I warned. They closed their eyes as did everyone else as I flashed as far as I could go, Paris, France.

When we landed in an alley near the Eiffel Tower. I fell back and Zoe caught me. "And we're going to get a hotel for the night. Bianca and I will take shifts, you need to sleep." Zoe said as she stood me on my feet. I swayed again and Bianca shoved some Ambrosia down my throat and then made me drink some Nectar. "I'll take the first watch." We nodded and Bianca helped me up to the front desk. She got a room for us and when we got up there, I fell onto one of the beds and passed out.



I woke up to Zoe's panicked cries. Opening my eyes, I saw that she was fighting a Sphinx. "Zoe!" I yelled and drew back my bow that appeared and shot an arrow, piercing her shoulder. The monster roared and released the hold she had on Zoe.

"Dani, get to the Parthenos!" Zoe yelled. I ignored her and withdrew my sword and cut the Sphinx's head off and it dissolved into golden dust.

"Come here." I told Zoe. She came into my open arms and I jumped out the window, opened my wings and flew towards the alley where Bianca was guarding the Parthenos. "Bianca, let's go!" I yelled as I came down for landing.

Bianca killed the last monster that was standing and put a hand on the Parthenos. I landed and Zoe jumped out of my arms and touched the Parthenos and still held my hand. I reached for Bianca's hand and as soon as I had it, I flashed to Faroe Island. I would rest for as long as I could here and then flash across the Atlantic Ocean to Camp Half-Blood.

"You good?" Zoe asked me. I nodded, relieved that we didn't have to make a gigantic jump. Bianca pulled out a few blankets from her bag and spread them on the soft grass. We were in a park and there was nobody around luckily.

"Yeah, I'll just need to chill. We'll go again tomorrow. I really have to rest, it's larger than anything I've ever jumped before, willingly that is." I said, gritting my teeth at the memory of Hera. The two nodded and we decided that Zoe and Bianca would go get food and I would stay with the Parthenos till they got back.

It took an hour before the first monster appeared, a Nemean Lion. It is most known because my idiot uncle Hercules fought him as one of his twelve labors. He's a child of the faded Titaness of the moon, Selene and Grandpa Zeus. The Nemean Lion's coat is nearly impenetrable and can only be cut with it's own claws or if the lion is killed from the inside out. Percy defeated it when he managed to get it to open it's mouth and Zoe shot arrows into it's mouth, killing it.

"Why hello kitty." I taunted him. He growled and circled. I just kept laying on the floor, thinking of a plan.

"Dani! There's a Nemean Lion heading-Oh hello kitty." Bianca yelled as she came running towards me with Zoe by her side. I jumped up as the lion lunged at me. He roared and Zoe shot an arrow towards his mouth but he shut it and the arrow bounced off.

"So that's not going to work, he's smartened up." Zoe said with a pissed off expression. I lit a fireball in my hand and the lion shrank away. Smirking, I threw the fire ball at the lion and it hit him in the face, burning him a little. I just kept throwing balls of fire at the lion and slowly, his weakness was that he roared every time I hit him. Zoe and Bianca fired arrows into his open mouth and he roared one last time till he blew up into golden monster dust.

"I seriously hate that lion." Bianca and Zoe grumbled. I raised my eyebrow at them.

"You think?" I asked, irritated. I picked up the pelt of the killed lion and stuffed it into one of our bags.

"We'll find a use for it." Zoe said with a happy glint in her eyes. She likes making clothes, secretly.

"We need to leave. If a Nemean Lion was sent, there could be more coming." Bianca said. I groaned and helped them pack up the blankets. "Eat some more Ambrosia. You can have more than us." I ate it and felt a lot of energy return to me from throwing those fire balls.

"Ready?" I asked. They nodded. "Let's go." And then I flashed to Central Park, not able to go any farther. "I-I can't....." And then I passed out.
