In the far south of the Nation of Jambu, the King hired Azrael and Maya to break a death curse spreading throughout the land. Maya sits in front of her monitors in the Dragonslayer, five months pregnant, holding her belly with a smile on her face, and her monitor flickers on and off with some static as the King of Jambu greets her with concern. 'Mrs. Phoenix, I appreciate your assistance. The curse causes extensive suffering and death in my kingdom. Please do whatever it takes to stop it, and I give you permission to enter the sacred caves where it all started,' the King said with authority. Maya nodded solemnly. 'We will do everything in our power, Your Highness. Can you tell us more about this curse? How did it start?'

The King of Jambu's face darkened, and he looked at Maya with a grave expression. 'It began with the development of dynamiting the caves for the mining of diamonds. Black smoke rushed out of the cave like rapid rivers. We didn't know what it was at first, but soon people fell ill. Truth be told, we thought it was just a simple sickness, but it quickly spread and became something far more deadly.' Maya exchanged a concerned glance. The situation was worse than they had thought. They knew that the curse's source had to be within the caves, but they had no idea what they would face. 'We will do everything in our power to find the source of the curse and end it, Your Highness. Maya out.' And with that, Maya shut off communication.

Meanwhile, Azrael stood before the temple of Kali at the Janta Caves; he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe and dread. The green lush of nature covering the area gave a facade of serenity, with its magnificent waterfalls pouring into the rivers below. The ruins were newly discovered, the workmen having recently dynamited the rocks mining for diamonds; instead, black smoke spewed over the land, revealing the entrance to the forgotten temple. The walls of the temple were covered in intricate carvings and symbols, depicting ancient scenes of worship and sacrifice. The air was thick with the scent of dust and debris.

Maya's voice crackled through Azrael's earpiece. Her words were sharp and urgent, reminding him of the task at hand and the dangers that lay ahead. 'Hey Azrael, I've got some news for you. The curse of death is spreading rapidly, and we need to act fast.' Maya's fingers flew over the keyboard, bringing up a map of the affected areas. Azrael nodded grimly. 'I know. I can feel it in the air. The King of Jambu has given us permission to investigate the caves, and I think that's our best bet.' She says fully confident. 'Understood. Azrael out.' Azrael leaped over the gorge, landing safely on the other side, and began his ascent to the inner dwelling of Kali's temple.

Azrael made his way up the treacherous path towards the inner dwelling of the temple; he could feel the weight of history and mystery pressing down on him. The green lush of nature that covered the area was both beautiful and ominous, and he knew that danger lurked around every corner. The ruins were labyrinthine and treacherous, and he knew that every step could be his last. The air was thick with the scent of dust and debris, and he could feel the presence of ancient forces all around him.

Maya's urgent voice crackled through his earpiece once more. 'Azrael, be careful. The curse is growing stronger, and we don't know what we're up against.' 'Sure we do,' Azrael says. 'Explain,' Maya questions. 'There was an inscription as I entered into this temple, it said "KALI," goddess of death. Apparently, the workmen did not realize what they stumbled upon. "Kill the Nephilim and break the curse,"' Azrael says, fully determined."

Maya nodded grimly. She knew that time was running out, and that the fate of an entire kingdom rested in their success. Maya leaned back, biting her lower lip out of fear for her husband. "Do be careful," she said, reclining in her chair. With a deep breath, Azrael pushed on, his weapon ready and his senses on high alert. As he reached the entrance to the inner dwelling of the prayer room, he could feel the weight of ancient power bearing down on him.

The walls were covered in intricate carvings and symbols, depicting scenes of worship and sacrifice. He could feel the presence of Kali herself, the goddess of destruction, all around him. A blip on Maya's screen caught her attention. She spoke through her headset. "Azrael, I am picking up an energy source; it's the same energy that's affecting the local areas with this plague of death," she expressed with concern. "This is impressive. I am picking up the reading and whatever it is, it's massive," Azrael said through his earpiece.

Maya felt worried. "Please do be careful," she said. "You worry too much, Maya. Our trust is in Aravat," Azrael said gently. "I do trust Him, but it's my right; you have superpowers, I have emotional powers," Maya laughed. "I'll be careful," Azrael said with laughter. "I agree with you; once you eliminate that demon of plague, all will come to a stop," Maya cross-referenced with her computer, "Understood. Azrael, out," he said.

The prayer hall began to quake. Azrael stepped back as the golden cylinder shrine opened wide: a fearful fighting woman standing fifteen feet tall, with long black hair, red eyes, dark skin, eight arms, a necklace of skulls, and a skirt of bones. She was holding eight "S" shaped swords in each hand. She stepped out of her shrine, gazing upon Azrael who slowly backed away. "I am Kali, the goddess of Doom and Death," she said, as she swung her swords, stepping into her fighting stance. "Wow, you definitely give a new meaning to womanhood," Azrael quipped, stepping into his fighting stance.

"What brings you to my domain, Warrior of Elohim?" she asked in an angry tone. "What gives you the right to spoil Aravat's image of this nation?" Azrael asked. "These are the times where we have the right to do as we please, those who worship us, according to your Nevi'em," Kali declared. "Yes, I have heard, Woe to those who scheme iniquity, Who work out evil on their beds! When morning comes, they do it, For it is in the power of their hands," Azrael declared.

"You children of the Watchers have tyrannized mankind for too long and I'm here to destroy all you pretend gods," Azrael forcefully concluded with holy retribution and resolve. He then shot Brimstone; Kali blocked the bullets passing through her hands, shattering two of her swords. She screamed, swinging her blades at her adversary. Despite her deadly swings, Azrael continued to maneuver through her blades with ease. He shot off a few more shots, blasting her weapons to pieces. Kali backhanded Azrael.

He flew across the temple shrine, slamming into the other end of the hall. He slumped; his ear-mic sparked as he threw it off. He saw Kali approaching as he gathered himself. "I have heard of a woman scorned, but this is a bit over the top," he said as he climbed to his feet. "Kali, you're the one who needs to understand humanity's salvation's appearance. Y'shua abolished sin and death and brought life and immortality to those who believe and trust Aravat. Y'shua holds the keys to life and death. He declares your doom, daughter of death; in the name of Y'shua the King of Creation, Aravat compels you," Azrael declared.

Kali drops to her knees feeling the power of authority, and she resists against the true authority; she stops and yells. "How dare you declare that name before me?" Kali rages. Kali painfully charges toward Azrael with blind fury. In one fluid motion, Azrael takes his sword and leaps into the air, lopping off Kali's head and shouting his battle cry. "Y'shua Ligor Ikem," he declares, landing before the Nephilim goddess as her body thuds to the ground. "O death, where is your sting? Oh Sheol, where is your victory? Death's sting is sin, and sin's strength is broken. Praise Aravat, who has given us victory through Y'shua our Salvation," Azrael declares, sheathing his sword.

Kali's blood spills and her flesh burns to dust. Azrael walks out of the hall, feeling the victory over death. "Aravat is a consuming fire, a zealous Father for his children," he proclaims. Azrael leaves the area where fire falls from the sky over the ancient ruins, consuming them. Maya sits in the van with anticipation, nervous for Azrael, as she speaks through her headset. "Azrael, come in, are you there? Come in?" she repeatedly asks. Only static can be heard. Suddenly, the van doors open, startling her. She draws her gun ready to shoot her intruder, "Maya, it's me," Azrael says. He pushes her hand down. "I have been trying to contact you," she says, feeling upset.

"Forgive me, my communication device was destroyed while dancing with the Nephilim goddess," he explains in a light quip. Maya's communication device on her console is active with a HUD. The Jambu President is on screen. "Thank you for your assistance. Whatever you did, the plague has been lifted. You have our many thanks," says the President as he hangs up. Maya sheathes her gun. Azrael holds out his hand and takes her by the hand, leading her to an open plateau overlooking the beautiful scenery; they stood there taking in the view. Azrael, a proud father, feels Maya's belly, feeling their unborn child moving inside.

"I think I want to take a break for a while, to help you with our child," Azrael says, taking off his hat. Maya looks up at him smiling. "Are you sure?" she asks, hugging him. Azrael smiles, feeling the warmth of her hugs. "Yeah, I am sure," he says. Maya pulls away and takes his hat, looking him in his eyes as she plays with it, "I don't think so," she says putting his hat back on his head. "What do you mean?" Azrael curiously asks. "I would love that more than anything, but it's not Aravat's will for you; you have been chosen to fight against this darkness." "But Maya, it's my choice," Azrael tries to defy. "I tell you this out of love, my dear. No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of Yah."

Azrael feels the rebuke of Maya's words; he lets out a deep sigh and leans on his wife as she smiles and hugs him tightly, "We'll get through whatever comes our way," she says encouragingly. The air was filled with a sense of love as Azrael gazed into Maya's eyes. He could feel his heart racing with anticipation as he reached into his belt pouch and pulled out a small, intricately designed jewelry box. As he opened the lid, a smile lit up his face, and Maya's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You remember," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "Of course, my love. How could I forget?" replied Azrael, his voice brimming with tenderness.

"Today is our special day, and I have something for you." As he lifted the dove pendant from the box, Maya gasped in awe. The pendant was delicately crafted with her birthstone, and it glimmered in the light. Azrael gently placed it around her neck, his fingers lingering for a moment as he fastened the clasp. As he leaned in to kiss her neck, he could feel the warmth of her skin against his lips. "Happy anniversary sweetheart," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Maya turned to face him, her eyes shining with love. As she wrapped her arms around him, he held her tightly, feeling her heart beating against his chest. "Azrael, I will always love you," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity. As they kissed, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the moment. And in that moment, they knew that their love would endure, through thick and thin, until the end of time.
