Father Bakah is described as having a creepy yet pleasant demeanor. He walks into the gymnasium of the high school just as Gibbins and his family are leaving. He greets Trish with a handshake and a smile, appearing friendly and charming. However, Gibbins and Zaryah seem a bit uneasy around him, suggesting that there may be more to his character than meets the eye.

"Bakah, what's the deal with this work you have for me? You mentioned something about the Fire Amulet of Adramelech?"

"Ah, yes. The Fire Amulet. It's an ancient artifact with immense power. And it just so happens to be located in the haunted hospital that you're visiting tonight," Bakah says, his eyes gleaming with knowledge.

"The haunted hospital? You mean the one that's been abandoned for years," Gibbins laughs, "Well, you're correct that my daughter and I are planning to explore that place tonight for a client," Gibbins says, glancing at his daughter.

"The amulet is said to be hidden deep within the hospital, protected by the spirits of the patients who died there. It's a dangerous mission, but one that could yield great rewards if you catch my drift," Father Bakah tempts.

"Dad, that would be two jobs in one night, how cool is that?" Zaryah says with excitement. Gibbins glances at his daughter, then back at Bakah, "What kind of rewards are we looking at?" Gibbins questions. Trish lifts an eyebrow and moves up next to Gibbins, listening intently. Zaryah, feeling edgy with excitement, listens to her father and Father Bakah.

"Think of the power that could be unleashed with the Fire Amulet. We could rule the nations, Gibbins. We could be unstoppable!" Father Bakah laughs.

"I don't know, Bakah. If the mythology is true, it would be too risky. But what does this have to do with my work at the museum?" Gibbins questions.

"Well, the museum has expressed an interest in the Fire Amulet. They want to acquire it for their collection. And who better to retrieve it than their star employee, Gibbins Silverstone?" Father Bakah encourages. "I don't want to risk my work for some crazy mission to retrieve an ancient artifact," Gibbins expresses.

"Come on, Gibbins. It's in the same place you're going to tonight to retrieve an old bible for the museum. You're a man of action. Think of the thrill of the hunt. Think of your daughter gaining experience. Think of your wife's satisfaction in retrieving the Fire Amulet. And think of the rewards. The museum will pay handsomely for it. And who knows what other opportunities could arise from this mission?"

Zaryah interrupts, "Dad, you have to go for it. The Fire Amulet, the bible could be the key to unlocking your true potential. You're a man of action. This is your chance to show everyone what you're made of." Gibbins chuckles, "And here I thought you were the key to my true potential, Zaryah."

"I don't like the sound of this, Gibbins. It's too risky. And what about the haunted hospital? Are you really going to risk your life, our daughter's life for some ancient artifact?" Trish sighs, "This all sounds too dangerous. But on the other hand, we do need the credits. And if it's in the same place you're going to tonight, Gibbins, then maybe it's meant to be," Trish changes her attitude.

Father Bakah cuts in the family debate, "Trust me, my boy. The reward will be worth the risk. And with the Fire Amulet in our possession, we'll be unstoppable relic hunters!" Father Bakah implies.

"Alright, it's settled then. We'll retrieve the Fire Amulet with the Bible and secure our future," Gibbins says with a smile. Zaryah excitedly adds, "Yes! This is going to be amazing. I can't wait to see what we'll find." Trish grumbles, "Just be careful, all of you. I don't want to lose any of my family over some ancient artifact." Trish voices her opinion. "We'll be careful, Trish. You have my word."

Gibbins shakes Father Bakah's hand for the mission. "You've got yourself a relic hunter, Bakah," Gibbins says. Father Bakah grins widely and shakes Gibbins' hand back firmly. "Excellent news, my boy. I knew I could count on you. With your skills and my knowledge, we'll make an unstoppable team. The Fire Amulet will be ours in no time," he says with a gleam in his eye as he walks off. Gibbins and his family walk to their vehicle and drive off, the family filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Zaryah is eager to embark on this adventure with her father, Gibbins is determined to retrieve the Fire Amulet and secure their future, while Trish is worried about the danger that lies ahead.

Gibbins and Zaryah sit in the dimly lit interior of the backyard barn, surrounded by an array of hi-tech equipment. The barn, once a humble shelter for livestock, has been transformed into a state-of-the-art research hub for their family business of relic hunting and ghost hunting. The air is thick with the scent of old books and the faint hum of electronic devices. The walls of the barn are lined with shelves that hold an impressive collection of ancient artifacts, each meticulously cataloged and labeled.

Curiosities from different eras and civilizations fill every corner, from dusty tomes to intricately crafted statues. The center of the barn houses a command center, where multiple monitors flicker with images and data. Gibbins, a seasoned relic hunter with a graying beard and piercing blue eyes, leans over a large table covered in maps and documents. Zaryah, his young and ambitious daughter, sits beside him, her eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

"Remember, Zaryah," Gibbins says in a deep, authoritative voice, "before we embark on any exploration or battle, we must consider the ethics of our research. It's not just about finding these relics; it's about understanding their historical significance and preserving them for future generations." Zaryah nods, her dark curls bouncing as she does. "I know, Dad. We can't treat these relics as mere objects. They hold stories and memories, and it's our responsibility to uncover their truths without causing harm."

"Exactly," Gibbins replies, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Now, let's focus on our current mission. We're close to locating the lost Bible of Ethiopia. It's said to have a unique cover made of wood and gems." As Gibbins speaks, the monitors display a series of images, revealing the interior of an abandoned hospital from the 1920s. The walls are peeling, and the rooms are filled with remnants of a bygone era. Zaryah's eyes widen with anticipation as she observes the monitors. "I think I've found something, Dad," she exclaims, her finger hovering over a button. "The relic Bible might be hidden in the basement of the hospital. There's an old storage room, tucked away beneath the decaying corridors."

Gibbins nods, his gaze fixed on the screen. "Good work, Zaryah. Let's mark the location and prepare for the retrieval." Just as they are about to finalize their plans, another image appears on one of the monitors—a fiery amulet, glowing with an otherworldly aura. Zaryah's hand instinctively reaches for a nearby button, activating the display for the second relic they need to find. Gibbins and Zaryah exchange intrigued glances. The Amulet of Adramelech is a legendary artifact said to possess immense power. Its whereabouts have remained a mystery for centuries, but now, thanks to their advanced technology, they have a lead.

"The amulet," Gibbins whispers, his voice filled with awe. "We must locate it before anyone else gets their hands on it. Zaryah, prepare the necessary equipment. We're about to embark on a dangerous journey." She says with a hit of joy. With their hi-tech equipment and unwavering resolve, Gibbins and Zaryah are ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. The barn, their sanctuary of knowledge and adventure, will be the launching pad for their explorations into the depths of history and the battles against the forces that seek to misuse the relics they so passionately pursue.
