What The Heck Happened


I stare at Sasuke as he walked away with a smirk

I realize I better follow before anyone wonders where I am

I run over seeing everyone grouped up

"Hey, Nico. You feeling okay your really red" Percy asks

Sasuke smirks looking at me "yea you ok" he asks

I glare at him slightly my face flushing more

"Yea I feel fine I ran over here" I say

Percy nods "well Sasuke if it is okay we were wondering if we can use the Uchia training grounds," he asks

Sasuke nods "we all need to train I suppose," he says in his monotoned

Naruto looks surprised "you never let anyone use those Kakashi asked many times"

Sasuke rolls his eyes "this is a different situation" he says

Sakura nods "yea naruto stop being rude to Sasuke," she says and then grins up at Sasuke

I didn't realize I was glaring at her until someone whispers in my ear

"Keep making that face it gonna freeze that way" someone whispers in my ear

I blush and look up at Sasuke who looks amused

"-so sounds good?" Jasons says I look up confused

"Great plan," Naruto says I just nodded not wanting to look stupid

"Lead the way," Annabeth says and Sasuke nods and J follow him instantly

"You didn't hear the plan did you?" Sasuke asks

I shake my head "no I got distracted" I glare at him accusingly he smirks

"Jason said at the training grounds you guys should spar against us so we all know different battle strategies and powers that we all should expect" he explains to me

I nod but frown I still didn't like my powers that much but I was getting used to it

Sasuke looks at me "cant wait to see your battle" he says

I shrug "im ok Percy is the best especially with a sword but the way I see it you pretty good with a sword also" trying to change the subject off of me and onto him

He rolls his eyes " I see you have a sword on your waist don't talk down on yourself I heard Jason he says your the second-best sword fighter in camp and that you've almost beat Percy several times " he says to me

I blush damn you grace

Sasuke smirks at me and pulls out keys

I look up and see we are at the gates of the Uchia training grounds

He unlocks it and pushes open the gates

"What the ramen...Sasuke you've held out on us " Naruto says

This place was amazing

There was a huge circle in the middle for sparring or hand-to-hand combat practice. Wooden stands with targets in the middle for target practice. Practice dummies like the ones at Sasuke's house and trees which looked like climbing practice as there were footprints practically engraved in the bark

Sasuke shrugs "break anything and you die" he threatens

Most people heard the empty threat but Frank and Leo nodded quickly

I feel a hand tap my shoulder and I look up and Percy smirks

"Spar?" He asks me smirking

I smirk back " your on Jackson," I say and we run to the circle

3rd Person POV

Everyone follows wanting to watch the girls grin minus Sakura who gets curious

The camp loves to watch the two its like and personal feelings vanish and their instincts take over

Jason steps up " ok powers are aloud. No serious damage and first to get knocked out of circle wins," he says and Percy and Nico nods

The boys start making bets even though Nico is powerful everyone bets on Percy except

"I bet Nico" Sasuke putting 100 dollars in

They looked surprised but said nothing

Percy and Nico watched this with a raised eyebrow and Nico smiles at Sasuke seeing him put money on him but rolls his eyes next "gonna lose the money " he mumbles and gets into a fighting stance

"Ready. Set. Fight!" And Jason jumps out of the circle

Percy strikes first but Nico dodges and slides under Percys legs knocking him down Percy jumps um and Nico goes to hit him with the sword and Percy blocks and flicks his wrist with the sword and knocks Nico's sword out of his hand

The boys start smirking thinking they were winning the bet

Nico turns the grass around Percy dead the temperature dropping and the ground cracks and a skeleton hand rises but Nico stops seeing a headband and remembering Sasuke saying the Uchia clan was murdered here

He glances seeing Sasuke look curious and sighs

He cant do that to him

He closes his fist closing the ground seeing the confused looks of his friends and takes advantage of Percys unbalancedness and grab his sword and used the flat side and shoves him outside the circle

Gasps were heard surprised to see Nico win

Percy looks up at Nico and smirks "good job" he says

Nico smirks and helps him up "thanks" and walks over to Sasuke

He sees Sasuke holding his hand out to the boys and they all grumbled putting money in it

"Im good at betting," he says seeing Nico who shakes his head

"Nico why didn't you summon the dead like usually, you looked...sad when you saw the skeleton," Hazel said

They all looked at him

He glances at Sasuke who also looks confused

Nico rubs his neck feeling awkward "I realized being in an unfamiliar place it is dangerous to....summon the dead" he says

Piper pipes up "that never stopped you before and a powerful ninja that died would help you" she says

Nico glances at Sasuke and sees his eyes widen in realization

"Nico can I talk to you and you guys need to train," he says to everyone

They nod still confused and leave the 2

"Sasuke Im sorry-" he was cut off by the Uchia giving him a hug

"Thank you for not doing that" he whispered

Nico hugs him back "I know how hard it would be to see someone you knew dead I couldn't do that to you" he whispers to the Uchia

Sasuke pulls back and leans in Nico's face and kisses the smaller one

Nico eyes widen in shock but closes them and kiss back

They stayed like that enjoying each others company

"What the hell teme?!"

Who could that possibly be?

How will everyone react

What will Sakura do

Find out next on

The Darkness In Our Eyes

(I would be a terrible game show host)
