Thunderstorms bring a mood


Its been a few days since everyone about the prophecy and after calming down we've been trying to hatch plans

And failing

"And we are positive we cant get the physicians cure?" Leo asked for the 11th hundred time

"No Apollo barely escaped Zeus rath. Believe it or not Apollo is pretty nice I don't want him having to deal with a punishment" I said leaning over the table

We where sitting around the table all of us minus coach who was watching Damien

Calypso was glaring at the table she has been for awhile like she had a thought

"Calypso? Are you alright?" I ask getting everyone to look at her

"Its dumb" she mutters but Annabeth leans over

"We have been listening to Leo and Percy plan. It can't be worse" She says and Percy pouted

She glances at me and I raise an eyebrow

"I have been thinking about the last line 'His life or his child's must end in order for peace to rejoice'...and something caught my attention. It brought up death...your a child of hades...and you said Damien is the grandchild of Tartarus because Hunter..."she stops seeing me flinch at the name

"You know what I what if we look at it that way...instead of actual dying what if its talking about you and Damiens powers...what would happen even if you did sacrifice yourself. What would make kronos stop once you where dead?" She says causing me to think

She has a point. But it says life must end but is there a possibility it stood for something?

I see Annabeth, Frank, Jason, and Itachi discussing it

Sasuke looked deep in thought about this. And Naruto was talking to Leo and Piper about possibilities

I find it even though those three are new to demigod stuff they seem to catch on

"Nico has Damien showed any signs of power?" Percy asked catching the others attention

"I haven-" I was caught off by a shout from down the hall sounding like Hedge

Sasuke and I where the first out of the room running into the common area

What I saw stumped me

Hedge was on the couch rubbing his head and Damien was fussing in a bundle of blankets

Hedge saw us "Cupcake. Your son just hit me with a bone" he complained and my eyes widen

"He what?" I asked and thats when my eyes land on a a femure

"He was fussing and I tried to calm him but like magic a bone came from the ocean under us through the wood and hit my head"he says glaring at said bone

I opened my palm and it flew into my hand and I stare at it

"So Percy I think this answers your questions" I said showing it to him and Sasuke raises an eyebrow

"Thats a bone" he says and I snort and clench my hand around it and it turned to dust

"We need to keep an eye on him doing that" I said I kiss Damien forehead and Sasuke ruffles his hair and Damien finally stopped fussing cooing

We smile and Annabeth decided we will regroup tomorrow

Sasuke and I walk up to the deck. Getting closer to the U.S we need to watch for monster so we rotate watching. It was me and Sasuke now

"This is gonna make me feel older then I actually am" I mutter and Sasuke snorts

"Hey we are getting there. Calypso had a point" he said causing me to nod

"Damien summoning a bone is making me think. What if our death relations connect to that" I ask and Sasuke hums

"I wouldn't know. But I do know you look really good" he smirks causing me to blush and I shake my head

"Hey. Focus" I mutter snd he pulls me close my the waist

"You look confident" He mutters with a smirk

Yea coach finally is allowing me wear a binder. Piper bought it for my birthday but I had a wait a few days because injures

Thunder rolls in the difference making me jump

Light clashed in the sky and Sasuke rolls his eyes

"Zeus is pissed" he says but he glanced at me with a frown my body shaking

Sasuke pov

I frown confused. Whats wrong

Then it clicked

Nico mom was killed by lightening...more specifically Zeus

He sees me looking and tries to stop shaking but his lip is still quivering

"Um so...we should split on deck you take north side of the ship I will take the south" Nico says and I frown

"Baby" I said and he looks at me but looks away quickly

"I'm alright I just dont like storms but its fine" He says and walks off

I frown but decide to trust him. We need focus


I look up at the sky and lightning flashes across and I hear a yelp

I look and I Nico leaning over holding his knees and I decide thats enough

I run to the entrance of the ship "Percy! Jason!" I call and they run up

Percy sees the sky and immediately his eyes look for Nico

Spotting him he looks back at me

"Sasuke get Nico down there Jason help me with the storm"  Percy said and Jason nods not questioning

I run over to Nico and kneel in front of him

"Jason and Percy are gonna take over from here" I said and he shakes his head

"Percy was on watch last night and Jason this morning" He tried to argue but lightening flashed across the sky and he appears in my arms

I flip off the sky and thunder boomed but Jason gave me a look like I was crazy

"Come on kitten" I mumble and he nods not fighting me

We walk down in the ship Nico relaxing a little

He leaves my grasp and grabs Damien from Leo and we walk to our room

Closing the door I hear rumble of thunder and clash of lightening and Nico cradles Damien closer to him

I need to distract him...

I see a record player in the corner and I go to it and pick a disc before setting it in and starting it

I hear a calming music and pick up on its Italian music making me laugh a little and turn to see Nico placing Damien in his crib and watches him silently

I walk over and pull Nico by his hand to the center of the room

"What are doing?" He asks and I smirk grabbing his waist

"Its called dancing" I say and he rolls his eyes and try to pull away saying he doesnt dance but fails as I pull him closer

"Let me dance with my boyfriend" I say and he blushes

A faint clash of of thunder and lighting is heard and he pulls himself closer and bows his head

"Sorry" he mumbles and I kiss his head and put his arms around my neck

"Just listen to the music and sway" I said and soon we are dancing

Nico seems to know this song and he starts taking the lead in this song showing me the steps to it

I see his shoulders are no longer tense and he is smiling

I twirl him and he laughs and and when thunder rumbles he doesnt seem to notice

Near the end of the song I dip him and lean close to his face

"Little liar you can dance" I say and he leans up kissing me

I pull us up standing and he pulls away

"I said I don't dance not that I can't" he says matter factly making me chuckle

"Your adorable" I say and he rolls his eyes

"So you mention" Nico says with disbelief tone

"Yep" I say and kiss him again and this time he leans closer to me

(Small short make out warning)

I grab his hips pulling him closer to me and he squeaks in surprise and my tongue enters his mouth causing him to moan quietly and he kisses more passionately

I pick him up and he wraps his legs around my waist and I back up and sit back on the bed

Nico straddles my lap and grips my hair with his hands kissing me before pulling away

His face was tinted red and he was taking deep breaths

(Small short make out scene over)

"Damien" he says and I sigh looking to where the sleeping child was

"My bad" I mumble and he laughs

"Its okay but... Maybe later" Nico says blushing darkly

"I'll hold you to that" I chuckle kissing his forehead

I scoot back and lay against the headboard and Nico lays on top of me cuddling me and I thought the storm stopped

I thought

All of a sudden a huge crash is heard Nico yelp loudly and the lights go out

I sit up holding Nico tightly and reach into his back pocket pulling out his phone to turn on the flash light

Leo barges in and looks at Nico and I "are you guys okay?" He says mainly eyeing a shaking Nico in my arms

"I fucking hate Zeus. I just got Nico to calm down" I say and thunder booms above me

Leo glances up nervously but nods in agreement "I have been working on a back up generator but it isn't done yet but Caly has candles" He says and I nod

"That would be great" I say and Damien starts crying

Nico looks up and shakily gets up and picks Damien up from his crib rocking him gently

"figlio, per favore, smettila di piangere" Nico starts mumbling in Italian he looked frazzled but trying to take care of Damien

(Son, please stop crying)

I look at Leo and he seemed to only catch a few words and so did I

"I'll be right back um can you grab some of Damien bottles I'll have Hazel take him...just Nico doesnt look so good" He mumbles the last part quietly and runs out

I look back at my boyfriend and son and Nico kept looking up like a lighting bolt would struck him

I swear no one can ever leave him alone its always something that makes him lose himself

I grab the baby bag and pack premade bottles Nico made earlier from the fridge and some diapers and Hazel comes through the door and she goes up to Nico

He seem to relax only a little and she gently takes Damien and Nico sits on the bed

I give her the bag and she gives me a hug making me freeze

Recently I only allowed Itachi and Nico sometimes Naruto to hug me so this caught me off guard

"Thank you" she says and I just give a smile and pat her head and kiss Damien forehead

"He just calmed down before the power went out and I don't know what to do" I whisper glancing at Nico who seemed lost in thought

She thinks before smiling a little

"Look in the closet. There is a box in there and it says 'useless junk' there are cards in there, get him to start talking about those" she giggles quietly

I raise and eyebrow but nod and Calypso comes in with candles and places them down in the room and leo lights them

Leo ruffles Damien hair and tells us bye before the all leave closing the door

I take Nico phone that has the flashlight still on and look in the closet finding the box and bringing it to the bed

I shake Nico shoulder and he flinches but sees me and his eyes soften

"I'm sorry" He whimpers and my heart broke in two

"Hey would you mind showing me about these cards?" I ask softly and he looks at the cards and his face went to the color of a tomato

"How did you find these?!" He takes them and hides them behind his back

This makes me chuckle "Hazel said these where in your closet" I muse and whines hiding his face

"These where cards about greek mythology I was obsessed with before I found out I was a demigod. I collected them and figurines" He say and I chuckle

"So you where a little bit of a geek? That's so fucking adorable" I tease and he throws a card at my face which I catch and look at it

It was a card on zeus and I was very tempted to rip it but decide against it

"So you wanna teach me how to play it?" I ask getting comfortable on the bed

"If you want....I havent touch these in years and I burned most of them" he said and I tilt my head

"Why?" I ask concerned

"My sister. She died because she stole the figurine I needed from Hephaestus junk yard awake a bot the squashed her. Percy tried to save her but she wouldnt let him" He said looking in the box and I saw a figurine in there that looked like his Father I see Nico space off

I lean in and kiss him gently getting his attention

"So how do we play this game?" I ask softly

He started off quietly but soon he eventually started talking excited and his inner geek came out

Its adorable

Then he started talking about times relating to the game

"This one time Percy tried to mess with me and said Hades had 4000 attack points and I corrected him saying it was 5000" He said and I chuckled

"So I assume most of everyone is aware of this game?" I ask

"Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel. Percy....when he rescued me I started questioning him and showing off my cards....also I yelled at a monster for calling my figurines dolls" He muttered the last part but I started laughing

"You didnt." I said laughing and he blushed

"I was 10!" He exclaimed throwing his hands up in defense

"Technically you where 75" I smirk and he glared at me

"Shut up" he said and plopped backward on the bed

I smirk and crawl on top of him leaning over him

He turned red and I lean down and kiss him

He kissed me back and I pin both of his hands on each side of his head

Thunder boom around us but Nico doesn't seem to notice and gets into the kiss

(This about to get spicy don't read if you no like, Ill put when it over)

I bite down on his bottom lip causing him to gasp and stick my tongue in and he moaned quietly

Fuck that was sexy

I fight a little with dominance but he let me take over and I pull away kissing down his neck and he turned his head letting my have better access

I tug on his shirt asking permission and he nods and I remove it leaving him in his binder and pants

I go down to the base of his neck and nibble on the sensitive skin leaving a mark

I look at him and he is biting his lip

Trying to be quiet huh?

I start kissing down his chest, over his binder and down his stomach

I notice him squirming and I glance up his was a beautiful color of red

I kiss right above where the top of his boxers where sticking out and he squeaks 

There it is

I travel back up him and catch his lips on mine and kiss him passionately. Releasing his hands and grabbing his hips grinding down on him and he lets out a moan

He pulls away and tugs on my shirt

"Off" he says breathlessly and I smirk and I take it off

(Spicy scene over innocent children)

Then Naruto burst in

"Hey guys storm is o-" he froze staring at us

I'm on top of a shirtless Nico and I just finished taking my own off

I growl and move off Nico getting off the bed standing in front of him

"Do you need something?" I question trying to keep my cool with Naruto. If it was anyone else I would have yelled 

"Uh I um. Sorry Teme!" He closes the door quickly

I groan "he is so gonna tell Itachi" I mutter and Nico snickers behind me and comes up wrapping his arms around me

I turn around and look at the adorable man who was holding me

"You make the cutest noises" I tease and he hides his face in my chest

"Stop" he says and I smile kisses the top of his head

"I love you" I say resting my chin on his head

"I love you too" He mumbles sighing

I was about to suggest continuing what we where doing

But and Explosion goes off on top of the ship


Im slowly starting to get comfortable with writing spicy scenes

If you would like to see more in the future let me know

What do you think caused the explosion?

Will everything be okay?

Find out in the next chapter of!

The Darkness In Our Eyes
