
Prologue:: Starting At a Young Age

NINE YEAR OLD MARTEKA WAS JUST A FEW CENTIMETERS AWAY FROM HER AUNT'S HOUSE. The McCalls was just playing around along with the Stilinski child by their side. The girl was chasing the boys around. The energy through out the children was just bearable as they all ran in circles. The constant stomping while they run and the arms in length trying to get them. It was definitely something that you don't see in the town of Beacon Hills everyday. The girl hair was basically flying while she run around in the bright yellow sundress that her mother have gotten her for her birthday. Her brunette hair was all the way down to her butt. She was the youngest of the bunch. All the three boys was one year older than her. Scott McCall is her cousin who haves her mother as his aunt. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Marteka and Stiles were never as close but they were good friends. Than there is Tiberius who is her brother. The two usual fight alot but they find away to be there for each other. She watched as her brother legs gave in just to fall onto the ground. The little girl stopped in her tracks just to laugh at him. She pointed her finger at the boy before she started clapping. The girl was just filled with so much joy. It brought Valeria McCall-Garcia a smile to appear on her face.

Valeria is the half-sister to Rafael McCall. They both have different moms but same dad. She never was really close with her brother but always was with his ex-wife. At the moment, she is watching the children while Melissa have to run a few errands. Valeria have her legs crossed while sitting in the second step that was connected to the porch. She clammed her hands together as she watch the young ones.

"You fell. You fell." The little Mexican girl have taunted at the boy. She watched her brother stand back up. He hold his side while rubbing it a bit. It took the wind out of him a bit but he will be fine. She can see he got a glance at her. Stiles laughed at the boy while Scott just stared down in shock.

"Maybe we should help him." Scott told out very sincerely. He always not in when it comes for a family feud but he won't want him to stay on the ground.

"He'll be fine." Little Marteka told out to her cousin before she turn to her brother. He hissed in pain while he looked down at his knee. It was scrapped but not that bad. "Stop being a baby." Marteka sneered out with a crooked smile appear.

Ten year old Tiberius stand up straight looking at Marteka. "I'm not the baby, you're the baby." He pointed out annoyingly to his sister. He doesn't like the fact that she always taunt him. She knows that he wouldn't over what he could do. What he can do is something that is no where near human. He brought his hand out but he was quickly stopped by their mother.

"That's enough, you two." Valeria decide to say out loud. She stand up in the process, making all the kids look at her. She clamped her hands together. She did a slight nod to the head before she stared down. "It's getting late. Everybody inside and Stiles, you can wait in Scott's room until your father pick you up." She advise to the group. She sway her hands as they started to run in a house. The constant stomping all but one. Unlike like the boys, Marteka was for some reason is walking really slow. It was as if she is some sort of pain. She took a good look at her daughter before she kneel down. "Teka, are you okay?" She asked her daughter who than started to hold her stomach.

Her asking her daughter this question was something that she didn't realize. She wouldn't know until moments later of things have been changing. Valeria look at her daughter who just looked up at her. She rubbed her daughter's shoulder before doing a slight frown.

"My stomach hurts." Marteka have whined out while she rubbed her stomach. She still don't understand what the feeling is but she not that she couldn't stand the feeling.

Valeria took noticed while she stand back up. She rubbed the little girl back before she nodded at her. "Okay, girly. Let's get you back inside." She spoke up to her before she helped her daughter up. She lifted her up while the two get up on the porch. Valeria putting her daughter down on the wooden floor to the house. She closed the door and locked it behind her. She started to hear whining making her turn back around. Almost giving herself whiplash. She see her daughter bend down as she hold her stomach. "I think you ate something bad. Let me go get the med-"

Valeria was about to go off to the bathroom before she sees her daughter hands started to rise. It looks like they were forcefully rising up. She didn't understand it until she see her daughter started to stand straight up. She was still whining in pain. It was with this, she knows exactly what is happening to her. Marteka kept breathing in and out but the girl looked confused. She was scared and frustrated but all the things she is not right now is happy. She watched her mother take one step back not because she is scared. It was simply to just get a better picture.

The little girl started crying before her hands was moving upwards. It was like it was like a magnetic force was doing all of this. She closed her hands together while her arms made an X. Her hands were now balled up into a fist. She flinched her arms out to show her inner forearm. She watched as her daughters arm have started to burn in. It burn down to her inner forearm down to her wrist. It started to show off a mexican ornament. Then another thing started to burn into her skin; a snake. It wrapped itself around the ornament like a spiral staircase. Valeria went to try to calm down her daughter. The screaming through her daughter just breaks her heart. She had no clue that this would be this painful. It was easier for Tiberius when he turned nine but Marteka was something else. She was in more pain than ever.

She went to take a step forward but a voice came into her view. "Mama." She heard a boy's voice making her look up to see her son, Tiberius. He was standing in the middle of the staircase while he looked down at her.

She breathed out before swaying her hand for him to leave. "Go back in the room, Ty. We can't have Stiles and Scott suspect anything." She try to persuade her son. Though all he did was going down the stairs, disobeying her simply. "Tiberius, go back upstairs this-"

"She's resisting it." Tiberius called out which made his mother look confused. She didn't understand the meaning of it. Even though she is not what her children are, she never experienced how things work. He walked down the last part of stairs. That was just creaking with every step he made before finally getting down onto the wooden floor. He walked over to his mother as he did a slight nod. He pointed his finger at his sister before continuing. "She's resisting her powers. That's why they hurt so much."

Valeria listened into her child. She still simple don't know how he can get that information. She went to go towards Marteka a little bit more but her arms stopped carving. They glow orange down to a bright red. Her hand started appearing into a green fireball. She raised her hand up before quickly throwing it towards Valeria and Tiberius. The two quickly dodged it before this time getting into it.

Tiberius stand back up while he looked at his sister. He taking a few deep breaths. It was before he looked out at his sister. He punched his hand into his palm. Spreading his hands to blow strong gust of air out of his mouth. Using his arms to guide him in the right direction. He aimed it at his sister and gotten blown away. She gotten pushed in mid air just to get hit by the wall. That was underneath the stairs.

He kept at it as he watched his sister relax in a bit. He didn't want to release her because he feels that she would go off once again. Throwing fireballs unintentionally but that wasn't the case. Instead he was just blowing until she was knocked out. Valeria took noticed before standing back up from the impact. "Ty, Enough." Her mother commanded making Tiberius stand down. He stopped blowing making Marteka fell down. The boy punching his fist into his palm once again. He lower his hands down while his powers were deactivating. Valeria just run over to her daughter before bringing the little girl into her arm. She stared at her for moment before rubbing her side. "Mija." She called out to her daughter. She shaked her a few times before she watched the girl's eyes fluttered.

Marteka's eyes have started to fluttered open as she looked around. She turned to her mom before she jumped up. She scrolled over to the side. She was closing herself in to the small table near the stairs. Marteka was now freaking and all she could do is look at her hands. The little girl have no clue what's going on but it scared her more than anything. "W-What's happening t-to m-me?" The girl started to stuttered when she did a sniffle. Her tears went down her face while she started to shake.

Tiberius went to take a few steps forward. She put her hand out for her brother to stop. Nothing have came out her hand but she kept it out. Her powers have deactivated on their own but she didn't know that. He looked at his sister before shaking his head. "Please don't cry, Teka." The boy try to reassure but all she did was pull back from him. He turned over to his mother as he mouthed the words to her title. She got up slowly before switching side with him. He sit up against the wall. Turning his head slight to his sister and scotched over a bit. She put her hand out to him. He took her hand lightly before pushing it down.

He did a simple nod at her before doing a slight smile. Marteka was confused and scared. It made her attempt to shake her head. "Why? You should be afraid of me. I-I'm. A. Monster." The confession out of the tone was anger. At the moment she said this, she stopped crying and she only stared. She didn't want to be like this. She didn't want to be different especially if she knows that she can hurt people.

Tiberius have to rethink onto his words before he breathed out. " are not a monster." He breathed out slowly to continue on. "Just because you are different, it doesn't make you less human." He told out with a small smile on his face.

He scoured over to her while he put his arm around his sisters shoulder. He punched his fist into his palm making Marteka jump. He bring his bald up hand towards the girl. Keeping it at a good distance from her. He opened his palms to where a green fireball have formed out. It was bright and small but it was just a good size for his hand. Taking notice into it, the little girl have leaned up with a small smile onto her face. She looked into his hand before looking at her brother. "I'm a monster just like you. We are the same in many ways you know why?" He asked his sister.

She shaked her head at her older brother. "No, why?" The mexican girl questioned her brother who just did a light smile. He shaked his hand to where the green fire have disperse. He turned to his sister just before he started speaking.

"Because we are Kanays. The first and second of this generation through our tribe."


Hey yall. I know this prologue is a bit weird but trust me when I say it will get better by the time you read the story. If you reading this book, I should be either be working on the first or second chapter. I hope you guys like this prologue and I will see you all in the next one. Bai.

