Chapter Three

Chapter Three:: Into The Looking Glass of the Beasts

IT WASN'T LONG UNTIL MARTEKA MCCALL-GARCIA IS NOW LOOKING AT A WHAT LOOKS TO BE A ROSE GOLD VANITY. She was slightly confused at her new surroundings. All that the Mexican girl know that she was so sure that she was in the hospital fighting a Wendigo. But she wa just in a empty dark bedroom. It only had one light, a bed near a corner and one huge vanity. The small girl looked around and notice something. There was a door with no handle on it and no windows. The girl went over to the door as she stared up at it. She may feel uneasy with the place but she is not letting it keep her here. Marteka went to get into her defense position but stopped and realizing something. The girl is no longer wearing her crop top hoodie from before. She was now in a black tank top and pajamas shorts. She had nothing onto her feet which didn't surprise her. She used to walk barefoot all the time around her house. The girl slide her hand across her claw marks against her skin. She used her hand to go down from collar bone. She stopped at the the top of her shoulder since the claw mark stops at her shoulder blade and she can't reach it from the position she got her hand in. She took a deep breathe trying not to remember the wolf that did that to her.

All she mostly remembered from the wolf was it's hideous monstrous face that look barely human and it's bright red glowing eyes. All that Marteka knows that only a Alpha mark stay on a Kanay body. Scratches and bites from a Beta or a Omega is pretty fatal.

Marteka close her eyes as she feels herself getting tense up. She took a deep breath and shake her head to get ride of the image. That was so desperately to get into her head. The girl reopened them to still be meet with a plain door with no knob.

The McCall closed her arms into a X and quick extending it. Showing off her markings with a bright ombre glow against her forearms. She pushed her hands close together to make a triangle. She spread them apart just a little bit before she started to blow roughly. A pile of wind started to burst out of her mouth as she used her hands to guide it way. The wind went against the door but all the wind went up and down. It was as if there was a force field against it. The girl stopped blowing before coughing out. Taking a deep breath and she finally got her breathing back regular. The brunnette is still trying to master the air element but within this condition. She feels a bit unprepared.

The girl stared out a bit before she flicked her hand out. A green flame appeared with a few orange flames between them. It was now a fireball and she only have one target. She squinted her eyes as she leaned her arm back before throwing it. The flame didn't even touch the door. Marteka leaned back a little bit more from the door. She flickered to fireball into both of hands. She stared out at it before deciding to throw again. It still didn't work. She hold her hands together as she put both of her wrists together. She can feel herself getting angry and her runes getting brighter. She push both of her arms out with her half open hands. The green flames turned orange as it went forward. Making all the flyer makes to looks of a flamethrower.

The girl watched as the flames pushed up and down against the door showing it not being touch. It started to get onto the girls nerves angrily. The brown eyed girl pulled back the flames as she finally stop attacking the door. "UH. DAMMIT." Teka yelled out before feeling a flame come out. The girl turned around and throw what is now a green fireball at the bed. It hit the covers as it caught onto flames, showing the green flames. The girl went to hit the door but the force field send out waves. Causing the girl to fall directly on her back. She hissed in pain and squinted her eyes closed. "Ow." The girl whispered to herself as she leaned up into a sitting position.

The McCall pushed her arm back to help her land onto her feet. The girl pressed her palm against the could ground and notice something. She saw black ashes. This caused the McCall to think. How can there be ash if she didn't damaged the door? This is definitely got her feeling really off about it. She stared down at the ground and see the trail it made. The girl got up really slowly as she stared down. The girl head follow the trail to quickly stopped to see where it is. She looked to see the ash trail went up onto the vanity. It only stopped particularly in front of the mirror. This caused the girl to stare down at it.

The girl was tempting to go over to it but quiet frankly....she was scared. She have no idea where she is or what will happen. She didn't want to take any chances but she knows that if she don't do this, she may never get out.

Marteka walked over to the vanity. She stared up at huge 3 piece mirror that was stand in front of her. She find the vanity very interesting. From the small features to the tables to the mirror. It was as if ever detailed was made for her in some type of way. The girl put her hand straight out for it just to touch the glass. Her fingers was inches away from the mirror. She heard what sounded as a water droplet hitting a body of water. The brunette quickly pulled her hand away when she started seeing ripples into the mirror. She stared out at it with wide eyes. Not sure what she can do with it.

To brought her hand back for second. Watching as the ripples in the mirror stopped. Going back to how it was. She went back over to the vanity putting both hand onto it. Slowly guiding herself to push throw the mirror. Letting her head pop in. She looked around to just see a dark forest. This cause the girl to raise eyebrows. She went to push herself back into the room but felt a hard pull. Making herself fall deeper into the mirror. She felt herself falling hut not the wag she seemed. She was going more in a slow speed. It was as if she softly flying down the place. She finally landed on the ground. She staring around the dark forest confusingly.

The girl moved her toes around and realized something. It wasn't dirt or leaves she was stepping on. It was something more firm and hard. The girl looked down to see a huge stomp what looks to used to be a tree. The girl got off of it with a single hop letting her feet hit the ground. She smiled out to herself and saw two familiar people in a good distance from her. Tiberius and Lilac. The girl jogged her way over there to them. She stopped the moment she felt something stopped her.

Another type of barrier substance that was blocking her from her brother and best friend. She put her hand onto the force field. This time not getting shocked or anything without getting hurt. It showed off a blue aura around the some. "Tiberius. Lily." The girl called out to them. She did a quick turn around to see that she was still very close to the stomp she was on. She turned back to them.

They were quick to responded while her there hands landed both onto the barrier on the outside. "You're going to be okay. You need to listen to us." Lilac tried to come in to the girl. This cause Marteka to raised eyebrows at her. "The girl put her index finger onto the barrier as she pointed at the stomp. "That stomp over there is called a Nemeton. Okay. It's real." She stated out to the girl. Making her friend turn around to look at the Nemeton before looking back at the two. The mixed girl know that she didn't understand what she was talking about but she is going to explain it to her. "We're both real. This is just a part of our species okay. We need you to not freak out." She responded out with a slow nod of her head.

Marteka looked in between to the two before shaking her head. "Why would I be freaking out?" The tan skinned girl asked out to them confusingly. She smiles slightly towards the two before stopping. She heard a huge bumb what sounder like something hitting the ground. Along with a bone crack. She calmed down her breathing a bit before she did quick turn around.

She saw a familiar boy. That had blood onto his hands and shirt as if he drained someone on. with brown hair and blue eyes...used to be blue eyes. His eyes were now dilated showing a sign of one thing.


The same boy she tried to fight early to save a innocent kids life is now dead. The boy kept staring at the girl. It started making the girl squirm a bit. She went to say something else but she a new body dropped dead in her view. Making her jump quickly. And another one. Along with one more this time in front of Marteka's feet. The Hispanic girl screamed out loud as she backed away just to be hit with the barrier. The girl looked up to see bodies falling. Some are slower than others. Some of them that are going is at a medium rate. There was this one body that was going down fast but she didn't know what any if this means.

The girl is now offical freaking out. She turned around to face her brother and friend at the barrier. She hit her hand against the force field. "¡Socorro! ¡Socorro!" The Mexican kept repeating out. Ask them to to help her.

"¡Tranquilícese, Teka!" Tiberius told back to her. Now telling her sister to calm down. He watched his sister go into full blown tears not sure what is happening. He knows exactly what is happening and since she was the youngest. This was going to her first experience. The other Kanays are not allowed in until she pass the first one for herself. All they could do is watch and guide her. "Teka, please stop crying." He told out to the girl.

The reason why Marteka is freaking out more than she is suppose to is because she have phobia. One into exact called Necrophobia which means the fear of death or dead things. She was always scared of dead bodies she would see in real life and her living in Atlanta just made it even more scary. Which means bodies was dropping everywhere. She was just glad over the pass years she been there, she will usually be with either her brother, mother or friends when ever it happened. At the moment she is starting to be surrounded by dead bodies. She didn't like the fact that there was a body up onto her feet and it was too heavy for her to move. She couldn't even reactivate her powers because she was too scared.

She felt something caught up into her throat as her breathing became improper. She started sliding down with her head against the barrier. Her brother kneel down to her as he kept his hand against it. Telling her that he is right her and he not leaving until is over. All she wanted to do is get out of there. It was within that, she decided to close her eyes and keep herself within the barrier. Trying to not scream over the state she was in. She started to breathe really fast. Not able to control it no more.

But then it stopped.

She didn't hear any broken bones or bodies falling. She didn't even here her brother or Lilac no more. Everything was just quiet. It was too quiet.

Marteka eyes shot up as she quickly came up off a soft firm mattress. She looked around taking quick deep breathes. She touched her self quickly. The girl looked down to notice that she was in her crop top hoodie as before along with her jeans. The only thing missing is her vans but she looked down just to see them next to the bed. She stopped breathing for a second just to let out a breathe. Finally able to relax.

"It was just a dream." Marteka whispered out to herself while she nodded her head to herself. "It was just a dream." She told out to herself giving herself a reminder that it wasn't all real. It couldn't be all real but Lilac and Tiberius told her it was. So much was running through her mind over the dream she had and she can't think of anything else. She needed a distraction. She want something just to pop up into her mind so she can try to forget the horrors she experience.

Marteka turn to her right to see a picture frame onto the nightstand. She leaned over a bit to see a familiar face in a frame. It wa then she realized that this isn't her room but Scott's. The girl pushed herself off the bed and letting her feet hit the ground. The girl turn went over to the room but then she felt a urge. She really gotta go to the bathroom now. She turned her head to right just to see another door open with a shower curtain in it. She took a deep breathe in relief as she walked her way over to it. Letting her tiles hit the floors. The girl closed the door off as she went near the toilet. She paused in mid air as she started to hear muffling. There was constant movement which made the girl look at the shower curtains. She didn't hear any running water so she knows nobody was taking a shower. Maybe it's a rat. She thought to herself but than she rethink again. The fact her aunt's house was much more nicer and cleaner than the one she used to live in.

She shakes her head and remember that anything is possible. She put her hand on shower curtain before quickly swift it over. The girl almost jumped back to see a kid covered in ducked tap. His eyes was wide as he stared back at the girl. He started to shake and started muffling out words towards her that she clearly didn't understand. She took a second before realizing who it was. "Liam. Holy shit, Liam." The brunette stated out while he kneel down toward the boy in the bathtub. She looked deep into his eyes as he stared at him for a second before she asked. "Are you okay?" She whispered out concerningly. He just kept staring at her as if she asked the dumbest question. She shakes her head before she looked at him. "I'm going to get you out of her okay." She told out as she went out to grabbed the duck tap that was on his arm. She ripped one layer of it but it was obviously not enough for the boy to get free.

The blue eyed boy just watched her every move as she went to pull another layer but stopped. She got hit with a wave of pain that went to her head. Marteka put her hand in the face of her palm for a few seconds as she hissed in pain. The girl pulled her head back before she hand back onto the tap.

"I didn't have time to give her to my mom. I was worried enough that someone was going to see Liam. The moment he told me about Teka, I just decided to bring her home with me." She can hear her cousin voice within her hearing reach. The girl just turned around just in time for the door to be open revealing worried Scott and wide eyed Stiles.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stiles decided ask out to the girl who hands was still on Liam.

Marteka stared at the boy with a slight anger rinsing into the girl. "What am I doing? That the question you want to ask me. Why do you have Liam wrapped in duck tap and hidden in Scott's bathtub?" The other McCall asked out loud making the boys fall silent. This made Marteka rethink her question she just ask making her finally rethink on her words. Her eyes widen up as she looked at the two. "Hold on did you two seriously just kidnapped someone's kid."

"Scott did not me." Stiles stated out making Scott look at him. He only gave off a glare telling him to stop talking. He took a moment to rethink everything himself as he speak out to her. "You know what, forget that. Why are you even in Scott's bathroom?"

"I woke up on his bed."

"Scott, why you let her stay in your bed?"

Stiles turned his direction to the Alpha. Making Marteka and Liam look at him as well. Scott looked between the three before saying two words. "I panic." He mumbled out low still not feeling really great at the whole topic. That was all that the Alpha could really say to the girl.

Stiles just bend down to the confused end worried girl. He helped the girl up from where she was before pushing her out the bathroom door. "There is a very good reason why he did that but we assure you that we did not kidnap him. You are simply just too young to understand. " Stiles started saying out loud. He was becoming more jumpy by the second. She can feel herself getting extremely tense over the way he kept trying to pull her out of Scott's room. She finally had enough as she finally decided to get herself off of Stiles grip. She understands that he didn't mean to do it on purpose but she was already annoyed enough that they kidnapped a kid. It just but now they won't even let her do the right thing.

This made the girl feel very obligated and she was pissed. The girl turned around to the boy angrily before she decided to speak out. "Touch me like that again, I punch the taste out your mouth." She stated out while she gritted her teeth. The only thing you can really see is her lips moving while her teeth was stayed closed.

Stiles just stared at her in shock as she kept looking up at the boy who is taller than her. She was letting herself get upset easily. She didn't mean too get herself worked up but it simply just happened. The fifteen year old rolled her eyes before looking st her cousin who was now standing in the bathroom door way. "I'll just let myself out. Good night." The girl stated out while she turned around. She opened the door just for herself to quickly slam it behind her. The girl hold her hair for a quick second. She can feel her anger being built up. Just before she get a chance to calm herself down, she turned back around. She out her arms into a X over her chest before extending them. Letting her powers activate. The girl put a X over her head while pulling her feet up just a bit. She swinged her arms down aggressively before stomping the ground. Making the floor shake underneath her. She was able to move but to everyone else, it was a Earthquake.

Marteka realized what she have done and with in the rumbles that was still being made by her stomp, she quickly ran to her room and closing the door behind her. The girl looked down at herself before cursing. She shakes her head and went to turn around. She repeated her signature gesture to deactivate her powers. The girl walked over to the bathroom just in time for everything to stomp rumbling underneath her.

Marteka decided to take a shower after that. It was within that time she heard alot of banging and breaking wood. Even part of tumbling and yelling while she was in the shower. There was a time when Stiles asked for Marteka's help. She would have been curious as into why but all she did was smirk. She was told she was simply too young  for this. So she let the older teens handle it. For some reason, the girl rest easily right after that night the Liam kid made an escape from Scott and Stiles.


It was now the middle of fourth period and it is only the second day of school for Marteka. She just happen to be in her Biology class. The girl was already given a quiz from one of her teachers and she wasn't here. Although, she happened to get a good deal out of it. If she happen to have more than seven answers right on the quiz, she gets to leave early. Unlike everyone else, who ever have a C+ and higher gets to leave class early.

The girl was now on her final questions. The topic of the subject just happen to be DNA Structure and Function. It was the one thing she is happy about since she already learned it. Matter fact, she even got A on the project she did. It was most likely she will get everything correct. She finished filling the answers to the quiz as a small smile form onto her face. She was about to get up but she saw Liam looking down worriedly. He seems to be as if he is in deep thought

It was most likely over the events that occurred last night that have frighten him. Even though he didn't want to be around her cousin and his friend, he was grateful for her trying to help him yesterday. The girl could tell that he was stuck onto the fifth question that he was given. He kept mouthing out the words to himself but Martela just smiled out to him.

"List the proteins/enzymes involved in the process of replication." The girl mumbled out lowly which made Liam head shot up to stare at her. The McCall quickly looked to the front to see that the teacher was looking down onto his phone. Most likely playing Polyshere or Subway Surfers. The girl licked her lips light, having the feeling of it being chapped. She turned back to the blue eyed boy who was extremely confused over her sudden tatic she was given. She leaned over a hit into her chair towards the boy but not to much to make it look suspicious. She used the number two pencil into her hand to pretend she was writing on the paper. She put herself in the position to make herself look like she was into the work. She take a quick glance at the boy before back at her paper, just before whispering to him. "Helicase, toposionmerase, single stranded binding proteins, primase, DNA polymerase (1, 2, & 3), and ligase."

She leaned back into her chair before turning her head to side. All that Liam could do is nod before writing her repeated words down onto the paper.

The young McCall is used to doing stuff like this. She was a major in Science and Math but she try not to let people know that. She used to help Odessa cheat all the time in math. There was always times when she have to give her the notes in certain places such as the water bottle trick. The sticky notes under the shoes, the Kleenex tissues, and even hiding them in places such as pen, eraser or even calculator. Marteka was never the cheating type but did always help her friends cheat if they are stuck on a certain question or problem.

Marteka flipped her wavy hair before getting up with her black bag with her Kanay's tribe symbol. She slings it over on her back. She gripped her strap before heading to the teacher desk. Laying the paper down onto her desk. She just so happen to be one of the few people of her class have finished and only one student have left so far.

She went in front of the desk before laying her paper down in front of the teacher. She watched the man raised a eyebrow at her before chuckling out. "You packed everything as if you were going to leave. You have no idea if you passed this." Mr. Posillico scolded out to the girl who only put her hands into her Jean jacket before smiling out.

"Oh, trust me. I am sure that I succeed your expectations of me."

The girl stated out to the teacher who just smiled out at her confidence. He only shaked his head before locking down at the paper. His smile dropped as he kept reading it. He flipped paper over as he kept reading the sheet.

Marteka could only smirk out to the teacher who was only nodding slowly at her. He lifted looked at the girl before laying the paper down on the front side, facing up towards him. He wasn't as surprised as be thought he was but he was still shocked in some way. He smiled out to the girl before speaking. "These are all correct, Ms. McCall-Garcia. You must be a really smart kid." He only nodded out before putting a 100 on the top of her quiz. He leaned back before putting his hand out. Signaling her that she can leave the class.

The brunette just smiled out before turning around and walking forward. A few students including Liam have overheard Mr. Posillico and he was not questioning it. All he knows that  she just up him in his possible grade. He watched the girl waved out to him before leaving out through the open door. The only thing he is questioning right now is not over her genius mind but the fact if she is just like his newly Alpha.

The girl walked in the hallways as she pulled her phone out. Knowing that her friends could possibly be in either a free period or geometry. Either way right now, she needs answers to her questions that she can't answer. Only they would know about it since they been through all the stages of being a Kanay. She is just happens to be hitting the bits of the surface of it. She opened up houseparty before entering a groupchat. The girl slide her earbuds cord in the phone and sliding them into her ears. She saw the little video camera before pressing it.

It started to load up slowly but it have resurfaced once she started walking a little bit further from her phone. She watched three screens went black before opening to the familiar faces that she all loved. She noticed how Odessa eyes was slight widen. The redhead look scared, horrified but she have no clue why though. Tiberius and Lilac looked af the girl in sorrow but the girl seemed more confused than ever. "Marteka, are you okay?" Odessa asked out with a girl nodding out to them. She raised her eyebrow before nodding towards the screen.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Why you all looking at me like? Did something happen to mami?" Marteka questioned out. The child started putting bad thoughts into her head of what could have happened to her mother. It could have been something bad like she tried hurting herself again or worse. She now full own freaking out and wondering if she should have ever left at all.

"No, Teka. She fine okay. Don't worry about mama." Tiberius jumped into the conversation. She put her hand onto her chest breathing out. Feeling a relief been lifted of her chest. She was just glad it wasn't anything worst to come. "Marteka, we know you had the dream."

Marteka stayed silent as she stared at the two. She not sure if they just heard or if they were actually there like they said but she wanted to know. She really really wanted to know what was behind that weird dream. What was the message that lies in it? She stayed silent before shaking her head light. She wanted to know if they were really there. If they saw what she say. Lilac curved her head in a certain way that revealed her face. The mixed girl lipped quivered before speaking lowly. "About the bodies and the Nemeton."

"So, the dream wasn't a dream? It was real." She asked in disbelief while shaking her head. She watched as the girl with braids with the light hazel eyes stared out at the girl. The child wiggled her mouth while she tilted her head.

"Wel...not exactly." Lilac extended out who got eyeballed out in the phone by both Odessa and Marteka. "It was a dream but we're there. Except for Odessa, of course."

"So, you know that I was going to call you guys today about this." Marteka tucked her arm under her right hand. She kept her right hand holding her cellar device while she stared at the group. She watched as Lilac tilted her head down slightly so she know that it was true. The girl rolled her eyes at the group while releasing her hands; letting her left arm hit her side extremely frustrated. "Obviously." The Kanay stated out while rolling her eyes at the group. "You guys knew I had to be there with those...bodies." This made Marteka shiver in fright. She didn't like that idea. Not one bit and it scared the hell out of her. More than anything she every face.

Tiberius know how she is. Ever since that day with the Alpha wolf and the day with falling bodies in front of their house, it scared her. She knows it is life but it something she didn't want to face. It was bad enough that she couldn't go to funerals because if she sees a lifeless body, she'll freak out. Tiberius meant to tell her about the dreams she will soon have but wasn't he wasn't allowed too. His mother banned him from talking about it because she know she would avoid is as long as possible. He needed her to face this on her own so that she wouldn't hide from it. This mostly happen if they have a ultra blast and been knocked out by themselves which is exactly what happened with his dear sister.

Tiberius got up through out the phone as he went into a different place. She was guessing that he was going to a different place. He closed the door and walked down the hallways. She noticed the red lockers that she is used too. Letting his back hit the them while closing his eyes. He took a deep breath, letting his fingers run through his hair frustratingly. Trying not to let his worries cloud his judgement. 

He kept his eyes closed because he didn't want to make matter worst by saying something he didn't meant. "Teka, I wasn't allowed to tell you. I'm sorry. Besides, we know you will try to avoid it. That couldn't happen so don't be mad at me for that." This time raising his voice a bit more for the last sentence. His eyes shot open when he realized how he reacted. He noticed that he yelled at her for something she is scared off. "Lo siento." He tried to apologies but his sister didn't react to that.

Marteka didn't pay no mind to it. She just rolled her eyes annoyedly before she stared at Lilac who is the right hand corner. "Whatever. I just called because I have questions. I need to know more about the tribe." Marteka stated out firmly. She heard a hard bang which made the girl turn her head. She kept staring out in the distance. She only saw a piece of fabric but she was sure it was just some clumsy kid that she barely knew. It most likely just another horny teen that was trying to sneak out with their lover. The girl took a deep breathe before turning back to her phone.

"Wait." Odessa entered in made the brunette female to look down at her. "Before you ask anything. I need today's look. Show me your outfit." Everyone than raised eyebrow at the redhead who only out her hand onto her chest.  "What I want to know. I didn't even get a chance to see her outfit yesterday for her first day, geez." She rolled her eyes at her friend group. She received a small chuckle from Tiberius.

The girl wasn't wearing anything fancy. She was just happen to wear a tucked plain shirt into her high waist blue jeans with five buttons. Along with having a matching blue jean jacket and the all white Air Jordan 12 Retro on her feet. The McCall girl flipped her camera around and lift her phone. She went to going down her body. Showing a bit of her small curves to her sneaker gang. Although she decided to keep her wavy today. She was going to straighten it but she was still tired for some reason but then she remember she have to get up for school.

Odessa curved lip into a small smirk. She took her hand off of her chest and smirking at her friend. "Okay. It's getting better. Simple but I like it." The redhead flipped her hair to the side while her curls bounce down off screen. "And besides, I am not sure if they can say anything."

Lilac pulled her head down in frustration, knowing damn well she wasn't even suppose to say anything to their friend. Lilac just Tiberius cursed the Blackwell child. The girl got the hint that resolved her to put her fist to cover her thick lips. Now they know that she going to react in the worst way possible.

"Sorry, Teka but your mama banned us from saying anything to you about this."

Marteka grunted loudly over what she heard. She understand didn't want her to use her powers in the house and such but she didn't think she do that. She felt as if she was erasing her heritage because this is part of her. If her mother was a Kanay, than she will understand but she don't. The Mexican girl shakes her head in disbelief. " I love her and all but she's unbelievable sometimes."

The Garcia boy stared at his little sister with only a nod. "I do know how you can get information on it though." This made the girl paused on her frustration. She leaned up while staring at her brother. She slight shakes her head waiting for whatever he was going to say. "There's this book called the Bestiary. It's a book that's full of all supernatural creatures. Including us and plenty information of our tribe. There's should be at least two sets hidden in the school library."

This cause the brunette to squinted her eyes. Her eyebrows further together just a smidge when she heard this. She finds this quiet weird but very intriguing. Marteka would have think there will be in a lot of places. A school library is definitely not one of them not one of them. "Why a school library out of all places in this town?"

"There's one in every school library in the United States." Odessa stepped in which made her eyes shifted down. The redhead let he tongue click the bottom of her mouth before speaking once again. "There was each set of mythical creatures that have decided to put Bestiaries in the school's libraries back when the schools were being build. One reason is because it's the one place that most people don't suspect them to be. Lilac and I just happened to find this out today too. We're so getting them after school since nobody sticks around anyway."

This caused the Kanay to do a playful eyeroll towards them. "Alright, little red." She happen to actually know where the school's library is and it is not as far from her classroom. She turn her video screen off as she stuffed her phone in her back pocket. Marteka just happen to turn the corner only to see in a distance a pair of glassed window doors. "Hey yall. How am I suppose to know where to look?" The kanay asked out loud into her headphones.

Tiberius was the one that was still out in the hallway. He got up and started walking pass the classes he was in. "There's like this sense that kanays have when it comes to blood and their markings. Us activating our power we can see a type of aura that a kanay blood or hand print it have left. There were a few of them on the books. It's like how werewolves can see aura around a person or see something that humans can't see." Tiberius explained out which got a low mumble from Odessa. The human who was still fascinated about her friend group over what they can do. Marteka went to do her signature gesture but stopped once she hard her brother voice. "Don't act out on impulse. You don't have to use your powers. All you need to do is activate them."

The girl rolled her eyes at her older brother. The girl balled her fist before created a X against her chest. She quickly extending her arms down against herself. She felt her markings glow but it didn't show against the fabric she was wearing. If it happen to be anything thinner, than it would have shown her tribe symbol. 

Marteka fling the door open. She looked around the huge  library in amazement. The library in Beacon Hills was better than her last school. She wasn't saying that it was bad. It was decent in your average hood area. Most of the books in her old library is teared up pages or just the book covers broken up. There were a few good books that are not teared up but this just beats her library. Plus, it was 3 times bigger in the one at her old school anyway.

"Also when you get home later, Tequila. Can you help me with my math homework?"

She listen out for her to her friend through the headphones. This cause the girl to chuckle out at her. A small curve appeared on her mouth. "Sure, Kim Possible." The McCall smiled vanished when she started to see a light glow. It looks more of a white color than anything. She finds this odd since most of the Kanay markings are to a glowing red and orange or a light and dark glowing purple. She would even understand if it was green which is the color of the fireballs that Kanays make. This sudden dimmed light white makes her extremely intrigued by it.

The girl raised her head up at the bright light. She really wanted to try a new move she was working on but the Librarian was there. If it wasn't during the day or anyone there, she would have done it by now. She breathe out heavily before walking further down passed the a few teens that was studying at the table. Walking up the level stairs that lead to the second floor. She looked down from the balcony of the case making sure that nobody was watching her. She stared at the all books she have passed.

"I'm surprise at the fact not one of these book covers are ripped." Marteka told out in the blue while she looked up and down them. The girl do love books. Ever since she was a kid but stopped reading them after the fact that she never really see anyone in her library except for the stupid summer reading. Some of the books they pick for a grades most of the time are not even good. Making it to the end of the level as she was now next to a white wall. Kneeling down it to see a glowing hand print on the book. She pressed her hand against the wall while looking up. "Guys, it's in the wall. How can I get it out?" She took one headphone out of ear to make sure she wasn't yelling. 

She put her hand against the wall while she tried to resolved the issue but she can't think of anything. "Used the earth element. Just need to use a little bit of force to make a good crack in the wall. It don't have to involve a earthquake."

"Teka, don't." She heard her brother yell making her leaned back completely confused over how reacted. She feels he was being to dramatic about the whole situation. "It will drown her abilities way to easy. You know that." Tiberius this time voice was more in a soft tone but still worried. He didn't want her to use all of her strength over a book out of the wall. Especially if it was the Bestiary itself. Lilac went to say something but quickly got cut off short by the redhead. 

"Ugh, you to really need to better a planning things. Chica, do you have a water bottle in your bag?" 

She listened to her friend which just made her nod. Even though she know she couldn't see her. Marteka unzipped her bag and taking t ttle out. "Yeah." She stated out remember that she turned her video camera off.

"Okay. Spill some water onto the wall of the area near or around the book. Use your other element ability to enhance the winds to ice that should frost it. Freezing the wall long enough for you to break it with just a single hit." Odessa explained out which made the girl stopped what she was doing. She furrowed her eyebrows together as she though about what she just said. In fact, all of the kanays in the chat just paused over what she said. Lilac and Tiberius was confused over what she said. They stared at the redhead through the video chat. "Why you two looking at me like that?" She asked the two teens through the phone. Marteka shakes her head over three. She open the bottle top before she extended her hand out towards it. She spread her fingers tips while spreading them out. She extended her hand to make a small water tentacle. She watched it go passed the girl before splashing the water. "You guys act like I don't come up with smart ideas."

"It's not that at all, O. You just don't pitch them a lot." Marteka stated out before closing finger tips together.  She pressed her finger tips together, bringing it close to her face and blowing out cold air. It didn't take long  for it freeze. 

She balled her hand into fist before she know it, it was in the ball. She was surprised that it didn't hurt her but it was definitely made her hands turn into a light pink. Probably from the impact which will soon turn into a bruise. She let her hand roam around until she felt a hard surface. She knocked on it first before she grabbed and yanking it out. 

Some of the dust particles went up in the air and up her noise making her cough excessively. She fanned her hand away before she backed up from the hole in the wall. She let her back hit the library shelf behind her. The Mexican girl looked up over her left shoulder before grabbing the book that fell in midair.  She put the fallen book neck to her before she hold the much more bigger and thicker book in her hand.

It had brown leather as the cover on it. It seems that symbols and the words were carved into it. She did noticed it seemed to be what looks like a half wolf and half lion are being shot with arrows. She let her hands roam against the words. Nous Chassons Ceux, Qi Nous Chassent. Marteka read the words with in her mind. She may not understand what it says but she knows it mean something to her. To people who are just like her or her cousin. "Marteka, whenever you use the air element. Just mute us or something because that shit was mad loud." She listened to the mixed girl. The Kanay rolled her eyes at her friend.

"You always got something smart to say, natnat." The girl stated out which making Odessa laugh out.  She dusted the rest of the book off and open it. She saw the words that was layed onto the book that stated 'Bestiary' in capital letters. She turned her head to the side to see words that was written in black marker. "Property of Beacon Hills Library." She read the words loud enough for the group in the phone to hear. Just not loud enough for the whole library. Marteka did a stank face and nodding at thought. "Not anymore."

The girl kept looking through the Bestiary. She noticed that most of bestiary have some really cool creatures. She didn't read about them but she did see there names. The ones such as berserkers, chimeras, banshee, and even druids. Although she was sure that druids are humans but she guess there were more to them than she thinks. The words happen to be glowing but it wasn't white like before. It came more of a ombre of red and orange, just like her markings when they are being activated. She was quiet amazed at that and she was wonder why is like that. She just shake her head at the idea before reading the title making the girl's eyes wide. "Alright, yall. I found it." The Kanay stated out while she kept reading through the book.

She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and turning the video camera pack on. Her doing this made her face away from the balcony of the library. She put the phone on the floor who just got a wave at Tiberius and Odessa. Odessa more excitedly than her brother but it just made her happy.  She let her eyes trail against the words before reading out loud to group. "Kanays are creatures that look like human but connect to the magic realm through the beacon of the nemeton. One way you can tell is by the markings on their forearms. It glows a red to orange for a Hispanic race and light to dark purple for the black race. You can also tell if you are near one from their smells. They will either have a enchanting smell or a rotting one but other kanays can't smell each other." She paused for a moment before she nodded out.

Odessa eyes went wide as she looked at Tiberuis with a small smile. "No wonder Ty always smells like onions and Lilac smelling like the vanilla cookie perfume Kyrie owns." The Blackwell girl stated out in the blue so stunned. This cause the females kanyas to laugh but only a mean glare for the male. He muttered a shut up under her breath making the redhead stop laughing.

This caused the McCall to roll her eyes at the group. She stared down at the words but stopped when she noticed a number was crossed out and replaced with a six on top of it. There we even one sentence crossed out too but she just kept reading. "There are 6 tribes that the kanay species have and raised around each different region of the world. The Saxerra tribe is in Mexico, Inounia in Peru, Vopiara in Spain, Kafwerra in Jamaica..." The girl paused when she looked up at her phone to see the light skin girl dance out happily. Feeling herself representing for her tribe. This made the girl smile again and playful role her eyes out. "Matilda in the Bahamas and Bhavika is in Mozambique." She stated out while keeps staring down at what looks to be symbols of each tribe except for one. The symbol wasn't blocked off or anything but the name was. All she know is that it reminder of a detailed snowflake. It was bold out like it was for tribal. Along for all of the symbols here. 

"Here lies all of the tribes with their strongest elements. Inounia, Daughter of Earth. Matilda, Son of Air. Kafwerra, Daughter of Water. Saxerra, Son of Fire. Vopiara, Daughter of Light. Bhavika, Son of Darkness-" Marteka this find stopped as she reread the line that deal with the Bhavika tribe. She didn't even know that was part of the elemental ability or even light. She guess it had to deal with day and night but she still don't understand it. She noticed something else. She assuming what suppose to be the seventh tribe, the person forgot to scratch it out. She forrowererd her eyes. As she read between the lines. "Eureka, The Sons and Daughters of-"

"What are you doing?"

This caused the girl head to jolt up as she kept staring at the wall. The group quickly dispatch themselves from the phone call they were in. She felt her abilities started to deactivate on their own. Marteka quickly shoved the Bestiary in her unzipped bookbag. She was so glad she still had it open and even have the fallen book next to her. She grabbed the smaller book and zipping the book bag up. She stand up and grabbing her phone. Allowing her to stuff it into her back pocket. The girl kept her eyes down onto the smaller book. It was black and it had a boy silhouette on the front. Not daring to look up to who it was. "Just reading DOA. I actually got a book report on it so..." Marteka told out before looking up to see a familiar face. It made her smile out at the blonde boy. 

Xavier looked down at the book in her hands. He tilted his head a big to read the words correctly. "Dying Over Again by Charlie Kounty." He stated out towards the girl who just did a nod back. He know that she was lying about reading the book. She was definitely reading something else but he wanted to put her to the test. "Really. I love that book. Which part are you on?" He said out which made the girl just rock on her heels of her sneaker back and forth.

"The part were Jasmine is cheating on TJ." She asked out more alight out of confusion. She was thinking of a different book but she had to try at least.

The tall boy crossed his arms as he stared down the small girl. "His name is actually Jason but close enough. I think you were thinking about Genocide." He stated which got a groan from the girl making put his hand out. "I didn't mean fo get you frustrated but I knew you were lying the whole time. Whatever you doing, you don't have to tell me." Xavier smiled out at the girl.

"How'd you know?"

"You're just a bad liar." He stated out who only received a frown from the Kanay. The Hitman boy just shakes his head. He went to reach for a book and pulling one down into his hand. It had a huge word onto the book that just read Gone. He looked back towards the girl before rolling his eyes playful. "When you lie, you don't blink and your ears tend to tint out a red." He stated out while gazing at the girl. She didn't say anything else all she did was a slight nod towards the boy. She watched the boy gazed away. The boy started walked back before turning his body straight. He went to leave out but stopped. Xavier looked at the girl one more time before saying, "The book is basically similar to the movie, Groundhog Day." Xavier blurted out before walking away. She have no idea why but she couldn't put her finger on. She had no idea how she can lie to her own cousin so easily and he was able to see something that he couldn't. She stayed standing there stunned before looking back down onto book. She kept staring at it just to say three words.

"Dying Over Again."

Ayyyyyye. So, I am finally done writing chapter. I was struggling at how to end it which is possible another reason why it is long as hell but yeah. Guys. I finally made a new cover. It's top. Yall like it? I did something different and I'm mad happy with it. This may be a permanent book cover who knows. I don't have much to except this. Question of the day.

What do you think Eureka tribe is about and why is everything scratched out?

Alright yall. I see you guys in the next chapter. Make sure to vote and comment. Bye Bye.👋🏽
