chapter 11: malfoy manor

why am i at malfoy manor. what do they want with me?

as i looked around i seen a bunch of people i do not recognize, except for draco, his idiot father, and his sweet mother.

"w-where am i, who are all you people"

they all started laughing.

"don't look so surprised. you know who we all are." one girl said. i nodded as no to show her that i have no clue who she's talking about.

"seriously. who are all of you. draco, who are all of these people." he didn't answer me immediately, he was still shocked that i was here. frantically, so was i. he looked to his parents and whispered something and they nodded yes. before i knew it, he was helping up and walking me to his room.

"d-draco? what's going on? who are those people. that woman said i should know everyone."

"shh i know. get in my room ill explain everything." when we walked into his room, i don't know why but i felt safe.

after a little time of him explaining everything i couldn't close my mouth.

"so your saying that everyone in that room thinks im a slytherin and wants to take me to you-know-who so i can become a death eater." draco sadly nodded and a tear fell down my cheek.

"can i take a little nap this is just a lot to take in?"

"of course."

i laid down and slowly fell to sleep while draco did something.

draco's pov:

while erin slept, i took the opportunity to tell fred and the others what was going on. she's a gryffindor, why would they want her? she's not a slytherin. i pulled the parchment out and started to write:

fred and the others,

i suppose your worried about erin. don't worry she's here at malfoy manor. shes safe and in my room with me right now. don't get all overprotective on me fred. she's a gryffindor, the rest think she's a slytherin. she's not! voldemort is going to try and make her a death eater. you guys need to get here as soon as you can. im not happy about it either. fred, erin keeps asking for you in her sleep. she has a big scar on her arm, idk what from though. just get here right now before they try to mark her. i have been marked. i am not going to let her get put through the hell i go through here. stay anonymous and come through the basement, ill meet you there.


i gave the letter to my owl and told her to get it to fred as soon as possible. what i said was true: i go through hell over here and im not about to let her go through it with me. she deserves to be happy with fred. i chose this, hoping for the best, but getting the worst. i heard some doors slam open and closed, meaning He was here. i had to wake her up. i only hope that letter gets to fred in time.

back to erins pov:

draco woke me up, indicating that it was time to go. i was not ready for this. when we got back into the main room, the man looked at me and smiled.

"ahh. the lovely erin. how wonderful to see you." he walked up to me but i didn't move. he was saying all these hurtful things to me, yet i never said anything rude to him.

"why aren't you being rude to me? every slytherin is rude to me, just look at draco over there."

i looked at him in confusion.

"what are you talking about? im a gryffindor." before i could say anymore, his jaw dropped.

"no." he laughed. "no your a slytherin. you HAVE to be" he replied.

"but im not"

" HOW DARE YOU LIE TO THE DARK LORD HIMSELF" the woman yelled. she had a big thing of black curly hair. draco told me her name was bellatrix lestrange.

"IM NOT LYING YOU BLITHERING IDIOT!" i yelled back. moments later everyone was gone, leaving me and her alone. i was tied up with chains behind my back and she was in my face yelling at me.

"we don't lie to the dark lord you filthy mudblood." she spat at me.

"i am NOT a mudblood you idiot." she slapped me and untied my chains. i took the chance to run but she caught me.

"I DO NOT LIKED TO BE CALLED AN IDIOT!!" i was absolutely terrified. she moved my face to the side and started carving something in my arm.. with her teeth.

"this'll show you how to behave."

"no no please"

"AAAA! STOP IT PLEASE! AAAA!" i knew this would leave a mark.

fred's pov:

we got to malfoy manor. i need to get to my girl. when we went through the basement like draco said we seen him. scared as he could be. please be okay erin. please, please, please.

"is she okay draco?" i asked.

" don't know. bellatrix wanted to talk to her alone and the last thing i heard was erin call her a idiot and they were bickering. c'mon, be quiet and follow me."

after a while of following, he stopped.

"okay stay in here. your right underneath the living room. im gonna leave the door locked, and tell my parents that i found yall and i put yall in here. okay?" we all nodded. that was until i heard it. my baby scream.

"this'll show you how to behave."

"no no please"

"AAAA STOP IT PLEASE AAAAA!" hearing her scream made my heart break. i had to help her. draco malfoy this plan better work. he left and we were all underneath the living room.

"we cant just stand here and listen to this we have to help her. give me something than just standing-"

"mate," george told me. "theres nothing we can do. as long as shes in there, shes gonna keep getting tortured until we come up with a plan."

" WELL THEN COME UP WITH ONE!" i whisper yelled. i went to a corner and just sat there and cried. i cant bear it anymore. i need my girl. erin baby, hang in there im coming.

back to erins pov:

i couldn't move. every part of my body hurt. my eyes were closed, tears falling. i felt blood dripping down my arm. i couldn't see what word she carved into me. i was too scared to look. to give her power. no matter how mad i was at her i was more terrified.

"what did you carve into her?" the cloaked man yelled.

"i carved liar into her. shes a liar."

"no shes not! shes really a gryffindor. i went to school with her, i was there when the sorting hat placed her in gryffindor not even a second after she was placed on that stool." draco explained. from the sounds of it, they actually believed him.

"its not possible! she's the most powerful witch in the world, and she's not even in the right house. does she even know of her powers?" voldemort asked.


i have powers, what are they?

i heard voldemort say to grab me so they can mark me as a death eater, but when they grabbed me i screamed again.

" NO ILL NEVER BE ONE OF YOU!" i yelled.

"YES YOU WILL. EVERYONE GRAB HER!" bellatrix replied.

the man grabbed my arm that's been carved into and it made me yelp. before they could do anything else to me, everyone heard loud sounds. after a couple seconds, everyone seen a group of kids i knew too well. fred. george. ginny. harry. ron. hermione.







they had really come to save me. the death eater kept his hold on me and dragged me over to the other part of the room. you-know-who had vanished, and everyone was being held by a death eater. bellatrix had fred. draco had george. a death eater had each of the others. the death eater threw me to the floor. he held his wand at me and yelled:


no. please.

"AAAAA PLEASE STOP ITT" i moved around in pain. my body aching.

"let your friends watch you get tortured and slowly die."

"f-f-fred-freddie" i was able to get out before going back to complete pain.


the death eater in front of me dropped dead.

who killed him?


"draco how could you!?" bellatrix screamed.

"because i'm choosing the fucking good side for once. i'm choosing for myself!"

im proud of you draco :)

the room stayed silent before bellatrix and the others went down. draco had threw a curse at them to get them down while we were able to get free. before he went down. the death eater mumbled a spell to knock me out. i felt fred pick me up and carry me out.

this is going to be a long recovery. ughh.
