chapter 1: the train ride

erins pov:

as i make my way onto the train i find myself an empty compartment as i wait for the twins to find me. i sit on one of the seats with my phone, playing it. i put my headphones in and turn on perfect by one direction. my parents got me an iphone over the summer so if something was wrong i could send them a text.

i laid my head back and thought about everything that has happened during my time at hogwarts because after this year i have one year left.

my feelings for fred
my 'relationship' with adrian pucey
my new friendships
my one night stand with blaise
my fight with pansy parkinson
my short friendship with cedric diggory

basically i had a history with the slytherin house. when me and adrian dated, it was a one sided thing, everything went the way he wanted   and he got mad if i hung out with the twins. he told me i was hurting his reputation. my fight with pansy happened when draco flirted with me one day and i seen her getting mad so i flirted back and she pulled my hair and then i beat her up. my thing with blaise happened after the yule ball. i was drunk and he took advantage. after fred found me that night, that's when i realized i loved fred. yes i said loved. calm down.

i started to drift to sleep when i heard the door slip open. there stood two tall redheads and a slightly tall brunette boy. i knew it was the twins and lee. fred turned around and seen me and smiled big.

"nice to see you missed me freddie" i hugged him and he put his head in the crook of my neck. his hot breath overtook me. i couldn't get enough of the smell of gunpowder and cinnamon.

george cleared his throat making fred let go of me.

"oh um sorry. hey georgie. hey lee. how was your summer"

"it was really good. kinda hot but it was good" lee told us. i listened while my music played in my ears

if you like causin trouble up in hotel rooms
and if you like havin secret little rendezvous
if you like to do the things that you know we shouldn't do
then baby i'm perfect
baby i'm perfect for you

i didn't realize that i was singing that out loud. oh no.

i look up to see fred and george looking at me. i guess lee had went off somewhere.

"what are y'all starin at me for" i giggled.

"oh nothing.." fred smirked. somethings up

"if you like causin trouble" george started.

"having secret rendezvous" fred continued.

"baby i'm perfect for you" they both finished in sync.

i rolled my eyes and laughed at their horrible singing.

"y'all suck at singing and y'all are mean"

"don't worry love we aren't mean. plus you have a cute voice" fred put his arm around my shoulder. i immediately felt so safe. fred's arms were so comfortable and strong. i never wanted to leave his arms. i turned so my back was in his side and my feet and knees were to the window. george a little later brought in angelina. they've fancied each other for a while but won't admit it. like me and fred. we all sat there laughing and talking about random things and i kept my headphones in listening to one direction.  i was ready to be home. with my family. after all, my home life sucks but my school life is amazing.

fred's pov:

me and george were walking looking in each compartment trying to find erin. i was so excited to see her. i haven't seen her since we hugged last at kings cross. she had told me about her home life and i actually was scared for her.
i see her. her beautiful brown and blonde wavy long hair. her outstanding green and yellow mix eyes. her sharp jaw line. she had something in her ears. we opened the door and she seen me. i smiled so big at her. she ran up and hugged me. i put my head in the crook of her neck. she smelled like strawberries and vanilla. mmm.

"nice to see you missed me freddie" she laughed. we had to have hugged for a while bc george cleared his throat like he wasn't getting any attention.

"oh um sorry. hey george. hey lee. how was your summer"

lee started talking and she grabbed her phone and put on a song. i couldn't see the name of it but i got the band; one direction. who the-

" if you like causin trouble up in hotel rooms
and if you like havin secret little rendezvous
if you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do
then baby i'm perfect
baby i'm perfect for you"

holy crap she can sing. she's really good. her voice is perfect. me and george were looking at her while she sung until she seen us.

"what are y'all staring at me for"

"oh nothing" she put her head back down and me and george knew we had to mess with her.

"but if you like causin trouble up in hotel rooms" george started

"having secret little rendezvous" i continued

"baby i'm perfect for you" we both ended in sync.

we both giggled and she told us we were mean. angelina just walked in now. i guess lee went off to find his girlfriend alicia. george and angelina fancied each other but haven't made it official yet. kinda like me and erin. she turned around so her legs and knees were to the window and i put my arm around her, resting my hand on her knee. she laid her head on my shoulder and i felt so complete. everything i was worried about with her, went away in this moment. angelina was resting her legs on george's lap and he was rubbing her legs.

"what do they think we are? stools mate" george laughed.

"y'all are just comfortable" me and angelina said. we laughed.

we continued laughing for the rest of the way to school. i was so happy that erin was with us because i could watch her or look after her. she has enough trouble at home the least i can do is watch her at school. i cant imagine if ever something happened to her and i couldn't do anything about it.
