

"Kasie." Immediately, I turned toward Chidera's voice, and watched as she walked up to me.

"How are you doing?" She asked, and I squinted my eyes at her.

"I'm fine. We rode in the same car. Why do you ask that question?"

"Well, I meant, how are you doing with Cergio? You're alone with him. How is it going?" She queried some more, a mischievous look on her face. I turned properly to her, my head tilted a little to the side as I gave her an intense stare.

"Cergio and I simply get along. That's all. Stop trying to be a relationship expert." I cautioned, only to watch her let out a loud sigh as she rolled her eyes away.

"Fine, miss, I'm too matured to have a crush or fall in love."

"I... I'm not falling in love."

"Well, how would you know if you don't give it a chance?" Chidera questioned before taking hold of my hand and leaving the car keys with me.

"Go out, anywhere, just the two of you and have fun." She stated, before turning away.

"Chidera, Chidera." I called, but she kept walking and only looked back once to gesture for me to go on.

Drawing in a deep breath, next, I released it all at once before turning away and continuing on my path back to Cergio.

"Sorry, I took so long." I apologised while handing the bottle of water over to him. He nodded in accordance.

"It's okay." He added before opening the bottle and drinking down some. Once done, he closed the bottle once more and a moment of silence lasted between us.

"That was an old friend I was speaking with." Suddenly, I blurted out and only after saying it did I realise I didn't have to say that. Yet, there was a need to.

Gently, he nodded as a weak smile appeared on his face. A smile on my part threatened to display, and I lowered my eyes from his to avert that happening. My gaze fell on the car keys in my hand.

How would you know if you don't give it a chance? Chidera's words repeated in my head.

Attracted? Okay, there's a possibility that's happening, but falling in love? I didn't want to believe that. I mean, it has barely been two weeks since we met. Love can't happen that fast, can it?

"Last time, we talked about me giving you a tour of the village sometime. How about we do that now?" I suggested once I lifted my eyes back to him.

"Really?" He queried, somewhat surprised I'd brought that up, and I nodded. "Sure, let's do it." Cergio replied, and that was enough for me to get up on my feet and, likewise him.

Once we were in the car, I looked at his side.

"I think it's best I explain myself before we take off." I started, and he simply watched me.

"Okay, this is the first time in almost three years I've been back here, and whenever I am around, I'm not fond of going out. So, I won't be able to take you to the local must-see spots because I do not know how to get there."

His laugh was brief and light. It made me do the same.

"I understand." Cergio added, and I nodded, glad he was okay with how bad of a tour guide I am. I watched him put on his seat belt and after, I started the car.

The ride was in silence, but each time I looked at his side, he flashed me a smile and I do the same. Finally, after what felt like ten minutes' drive, I drove to the side of the road and parked the car beside what would more or less be a bar.

We got down from the car. "Okay, I know this isn't what you expect but my dad often used to hang out here with his friends especially during evenings and when he got home, he couldn't help mentioning the fact he was here and how he'd enjoyed the pepper soup." I explained as we walked toward the old wooden structure, the blue paint on its body clearly fading away. There was an outdoor setting of a three plastic chairs per a round plastic table in different locations right outside the structure. They displayed the same setting inside as well for those who prefer to seclude away from the public view.

I drew out a chair for him to sit. He looked from it to me and I gestured with eyes for him to go on ahead and sit, all the while pretending I didn't understand what his look meant. Thankfully, he took his seat, and I did the same in front of him before taking a second to have a good look around. There simply four other customers. Two, a man and a woman at a table and the other two were on separate tables. They had bottles of beer in front of them.

Beer, oh, that's right. I wonder if it's okay for Cergio to be here. My gaze was back on him and I watched as he looked around as well, before his eyes met mine once again.

"I know what you might think right now, but I assure you, it's not like that. Yes, I mean technically this is a bar, but I didn't bring you here to drink or whatever it is you think. I'm not saying I haven't drunk before. That would be a lie, but you're a pastor and there's this understanding you shouldn't be at a place like this. Also, I'm not saying this is an awful place or pastors shouldn't be at a bar. I..."

His warm hand on mine was enough for my silly ranting to trail away. It felt like my breath hung in my throat and I couldn't help lowering my eyes to stare at his hand on mine. That was unexpected. I know, I should've stopped talking a long time ago. Perhaps, when I saw him looking around, I felt nervous he might think I neither cared about his faith nor title. It was strange I ranted on. I've never truly done that for sheer reason of nervousness.

"It's okay... really." He encouraged, and I lifted my eyes back to him, practically speechless, then watched while a warm smile drew on his face. Gently, he withdrew his hand, suddenly aware of the meaning behind his action. Gradually, I withdrew mine as well, not sure of what to make of the situation.

"I don't judge people... so easily." He commented, breaking the tensed silence between us. Somehow, I nodded.

"I know and... I would love to not stereotype you. It's just, environment also makes up a person's way of thinking, so... pardon me." I defended, likewise explaining myself, and watched as he nodded in understanding. The silence was back in our midst, this time, awkward. To be honest, I'm tired of this feeling of awkwardness and wish we can get past this stage real soon.

"You were saying something before." Cergio stated, breaking the silence. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was? Oh, right... pepper soup. I brought you here to try that out. Have you ever tried it?"

"Soup that is spicy? Sure, but I'm also sure it's nothing like the Nigerian type." He explained, and I nodded with a smile. Leaning a little to the side, I stared back into the house.

"Is anyone there?" I shouted a bit. "Hello." I called once again and finally, a young lady walked out wearing a long pleated skirt and a plain shirt. She stopped by our table.

"You're welcome." She greeted in the native dialect and I smiled in acceptance.

"Um, do you have pepper soup?"

"Yes, we do. Would you like any drink as well?" She questioned in the native dialect, obvious to the fact she wasn't good at speaking in English but could hear. I suck at speaking the native dialect but understand very much when someone else is speaking.

I spared Cergio a look, then back to the lady.

"Maybe water... two bowls of soup and two bottles of water." I told her and she nodded before walking away. Once my gaze fell back on Cergio, suddenly I realised something.

"Wait, wait." I called after the lady as I quickly got up from my seat and went after her. Thankfully, she stopped when she was just right by the entrance.

"Actually, one bowl of soup with no meat at all."

"You don't want meat?"

"No, I do, but my friend doesn't, so no meat in his bowl." I explained, and she nodded her head in understanding before she went in and I returned to my seat.

Again, we sat in silence. Flashing each other a smile whenever our eyes meet.

... How would you know if you don't give it a chance? Chidera's words echoed in my head, and I lightly shook my head to get rid of it. Cergio and I can simply be people who enjoy each other's company. We can become good friends. All I have to do is not read meaning into every single thing that happens between us. I need to be open minded and look at things with a unique perspective. That's all.

Think, Kasie, think of anything you could have as a conversation with him. Anything at all.

"Your braid is beautiful." Cergio suddenly complimented. I stop my eyes from slightly widening in surprise as my hand touched a few of the braids.

"Um, thank you." I appreciated and watched as he nodded, looking away instantly.

Whatever made me believe this outing was going to work, I can't quite fathom. Well, too late, we're already here. Whatever, I need to say something.

"I think you're handsome."


Instantly, he looked at me. "What?"

"What?" I repeated after him.
