-Jimin Pov-


I sit up on the bed with beads of sweat running down my forehead... It was just a bad dream but then I felt my chest tighten and my heart started to beat unsteadily.... I started gasping for air and was trying to reach for the gas mask beside my bed.

Suddenly the door opens and I see my sleepy nephew..

"Unc- OMG UNCLE ARE YOU OK?!" Taehyung runs straight towards me and realises that I needed to get the gas mask. Without a second to loose he grabs it puts it around my mouth and turn on the tank just enough for me to slowly breath normally again. As I do so he grabs my hand and grips my shoulder and tells me 'just breathe'. A few minutes past and I am feeling a lot better, however he looks at me with concerned eyes.

I smile and pat his head...

"I'm fine now, thank you taetae"

"Can we at least go to the doctor, just to see how you're going?" He asks me but I shake my head.

"Don't worry Tae I'm fine, it was just a bad dream... It's not the first time this happened" i reassure him but he still isn't persuaded. After minutes of trying to convince him I just gave up and agreed to go to the doctors.

"Yes, I win" he smiles showing his rectangular smile while fist pumping the air which made my giggle just a bit- ok maybe more than just a bit. But hey what can you do with a alien nephew?

As I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror I over hear Taehyung talking to someone on the phone...

"Hello... Hyung I won't be able to meet up with you, I have to go somewhere today...sorry" he said sounding sad, I felt a bit guilty that my condition got in his way... I felt bad.

"Tae you ready?" I ask pretending that I didn't hear anything and walked towards him ruffling his head. He only nods and we bot head out to go to the hospital...

-a few minutes-

"Ah Mr.Park, how have you been?" The doctor smiles and shakes my hand as he also tells me to sit down while Taehyung was outside waiting.

"Um well, I'm fine but something happened a few minutes ago" I start

"What happened?"

"I had a bad dream and it sort of triggered something in me that caused me to have short breathing, like I was almost suffocating..." I explain. When the doctor hears this he looks down at his paperwork and nods.

"Well, I've heard this isn't the first time it has happened, right?" He asks and I simply nod "I can't do anything for you today because today is busier than usual so what I'm gonna do for now is just do a check-up probably next week to see how serious your condition is getting or if it's slowly going away- but to be honest with you... I feel like it's more serious than okay" I nod and we bid goodbyes but stop right at the door.

"Hey Doc?"

"Yes Mr. Park"

"Is it... Is it ok if you don't tell Tae about any of this...please" I look at him with hopeful eyes

"Why- If you don't mind me asking"

"I just don't want to... Worry the boy" I say. He sighs and nods his head.

"Sure I'll keep it quiet... Just take care of yourself alright?"

"I will thank you... Chanyeol"

"No worries see you next week" after that I close the door and walk towards Tae who looks like a lost boy..

"So what did the doctor say? Are you ok? Is there anything wrong? Do you-"

"Yah! Calm down, the doctor just told me to take my normal meds and to do other stuff- don't worry Tae I'm fine" i smile at him. He doesn't look happy and pouts so I decided to-

"Ow!" He rubbed his forehead after I flicked it "what was that for?"

"Yah! When I say I'm fine, I'm fine... Besides I'm sure I know when I'm fine or not so don't worry Tae"

"Yeah but I also know when you're lying" he says and I just shake my head as I sigh.

"Aish! Let's go get ice-cream" As soon as he heard that his face lit up straight away and had the biggest smile ever... But no one has a bigger smile than him... As we walk down the hallways, we stopped in our tracks when two nurses were pushing a bed with someone laying down on it...

Strange that person looks exactly like... Jeon Jungkook... I squint my eyes but the nurse was blocking my view, however he slowly moved away from the patient which allowed myself to only see a fraction of his face... Just a little bit mor-

"Uncle Ji... Let's go?" Tae broke my train of thought and I looked at him smiling but look back at the person... He wasn't there anymore...

"Uncle Ji?"

"Oh sorry, I thought I saw someone..."

"Oh who?"

"It's Jeo- Never mind lets go" he nods and we exit the hospital to the ice cream parlour... For some reason I felt like something was wrong as soon as I stepped out of the hospital but I just brushed it off and carried on...

So... What do you guys think... Yay or nay? Was that really Jungkook or was it just a person who looks like Jungkook?

I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter and thank you so much for waiting patiently. As always, I love you guys so much and dont forget Jikook is life... Till next time bye bye - JamsKookieSuga ❤️
