-Jimin Pov-

Since the teacher was in a bad mood today she decided to make me stay after school and clean up all the graffiti at the back of the school wall...

Well at least I don't have to stay in school, I grab a bucket of water, sponge and a ladder to reach in high places and head to the back of the school. Everyone was all exiting the school gates whereas I am stuck here...

I hum one of my favourite songs 'the manual'...

Finally at my destination, I look at the wall and my eyes almost fell out of my sockets... How do they not get caught doing this stuff.... I sigh out of frustration and grab the ladder setting it up and take the bucket of water, submerging the sponge into it and then climb up to rub off the ink... To be honest though the graffiti look pretty, it wasn't full of swearing or anything just little and big drawings of cartoons... Matter of fact they should keep it...

I keep scrubbing for a few more minutes and take a break panting hard. I hear someone whistle below me making me jump by surprise.... I look down and to my surprise it was-

"Jungkook?" I look at him surprised... What the hell is he still doing here?!

"Jiminie!!!" He yells... The whole world could have heard him...

"Ssssh!! The teachers will come" I say but he just smiles at me... For some reason that wiped away my anger from him but I tried to still act like it...

"Oh Ooops.... Anyways what is someone as beautiful as you doing here, in a place like this??" I almost blush...

"Jungkook... You're the one who put me here" trying to sound pissed off.

"Huh?... Me, I don't think so... I just acted normal... You're the one who put yourself in this position because well you gotta admit, you were angry for no reason..." He makes a fair point but I need to not give up.

"Yeah but your the reason why you made me pissed off"

"Why is that?" I was about to open my mouth but then close it again... Why was I mad at him again.. "See you were mad for no reason" he says in a victorious voice.

"Whatever, look what are you doing here? School is over" I say turning back to ladder and scrub off the graffiti.

"Well, going back to the part where you are here because of me is true...sort of... I feel guilty about it and I'm here to help you" Really?! a part of me was really happy he was here... I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart was beating fast... Too fast....

I hold my chest and try to calm myself down. It's doesn't work, my heart starts beating really hard and fast...

"Jimin you ok?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine.." I say but not the way I wanted to express. I sounded weak...

"Ji-" before he can finish, I suddenly loose balance and fall back "JIMIN!" I close my eyes, and was ready to come in contact with the floor. That wasn't the case, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I felt safe and I felt warmth... My heart started to become less and less painful.

I slowly open my eyes... Jungkook had concern written all over his face and looked into my eyes.

"Jimin are you okay?" He doesn't let me go.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine..."

"What happened up there?"

"Nothing happened... I guess I am just tired" I come up with an excuse and he buys it. Right when I thought he was going to place me on the floor to sit on, he lifts me up bridal-style and walks toward a bench, slowly and delicately putting me down, placing me horizontally on it so it would act as a bed...

"Wait a second" he walks away and grabs his bag along with mine. "Can you lift your head up a bit?" I do as he says and he quickly places his bag underneath my head and my bag next to me.

"Thanks" I say, still feeling a bit weak.

"It's ok... Just stay here and rest I'll finish off the cleaning" I nod and watch him walk away from me towards the wall of art. I close my eyes and smile, my heart felt warm... In a good way...

-Jungkook pov-

*a few hours later*
I was finally finished cleaning the wall, it took an hour or so to get it all off... I put the sponge back in the bucket and put it along side with the ladder. I then turn around to check up and Jimin to see that he is sleeping... A smile crawls up my face and I walk towards him making my way to him slowly to not wake him up... His is such a cutie...

He suddenly curls up in a little ball and shivers... I take off my oversized jumper and place it on him to make sure he stays warm, then decide to take all the stuff back, however, since it was already the end of school and it is most likely the doors are locked I just leave it in front and then head back to wake Jimin up...

"Jiminie" I slowly shake him and crouch down.

"Wake up" I say

"Uh five more minutes" he grips onto my jumper and brings it close to his face... I shake my head and chuckle...

I look back at him and realised... He looked cute far away but beautiful up close. I slowly go closer to him and look at all his features. Blonde messy hair, cute button nose, plump lips, chubby cheeks... I was about to reach out and touch them but feel a tug on my heart strings... Someone else came into my mind...


I recollect my hand and sigh... I'm only doing this for IU.. Nothing more and nothing less. He probably understands that too.

"Jimin come on... It's already 6 pm" as soon as I say that he shoots out of the bench.

"6pm?! My parents are going to kill me!" He grabbed his things and ran for it but I swiftly grabbed his bag causing him to stop.

"I'll walk you home" I say, looking at the sky noticing it starting to get dark.

"No it's ok... You do-"

"Jimin, I don't want to have what happened to you last time..." I blurt out.

"O-okay, if you really want to sure" he says.

We then walk together....

-Taehyung Pov-

"Aw they were so sweet" I added. Looking back at j-hope.

"So let me get this straight... Your uncle, has a heart problem... He can't be able to have any extreme emotions or else his heart would start to feel pain and lead on to more dangerous stuff?" I nod

"Yeah pretty much..."

"How is he now?" I wasn't expecting to have him ask that question. I sit up straight (I struggle at keeping good posture)

"Um, he's ok now.. He just doesn't take his meds and it really worries me. He says he is alright but for some reason I feel like he is lying sometimes..." I frown looking at the table

"I'm sorry I asked" he said

"Don't be... So then can I ask how your dads doing?"

"He's alright I guess, still hasn't woke up but we moved him to a different room, the previous one smelt like shit and flies kept coming into the room"

"Oooh.. That doesn't sound good, one time when I was little, I had a dog and he would always sleep on my bed with me and in the morning I would always smell something bad, when I turn around I find a big dog turd on my pillow... Thought it was chocolate but the smell definitely saved me from eating it" I giggle and to my surprise he laughs to... He looked charming...

"You know what you look good when you smile" I blurt out... We both stop laughing and he stares at me surprised, shocked, flustered... Either way I couldn't tell but I felt so embarrassed!

"T-thanks?" He stutters

"Y-your welcome?" I stutter too... I look out the window, the sun was setting...

"I think I have to go now, my uncle will kill me if I'm late for dinner" I say looking at him apologetically.

"It's ok. I need to go back to hospital to check on my dad anyways" he stands with me as well and we exit the cafe...

"Well I guess this is goodbye" I rub the back of my neck

"Yeah... Goodbye Tae" he puts his hand out.

"Good bye Hoseok hyung" I reach down to grab his hand and shake it but after shaking it we stayed like this for a few seconds. Until he coughs awkwardly, while I pull my hand away.

"Can I see you tomorrow.. You know to hear more of the story"

"Yeah of course... Just text me"

"Be safe"

"You too"

We say goodbye the second time and walk different directions. I was blushing for sure and I felt all giddy and warm inside... What a day... What a beautiful day...

I finally head home and close the door behind my entering the lounge.

"Uncle Ji I'm home" I call out but there was no response... I start to worry  but I think to myself he might be in his bedroom, I give a light know then open the door. There was no sign of him...

"Uncle Ji?" I quickly make my way around the house looking for him. Until-

"UNCLE JI!?" I find him lying down on the kitchen floor, I lay him flat on his back and shake him. "Wake up!" I start to have tears run down my face...

I run to the telephone and call for the ambulance... After I called them I run straight away to Jimin and carry him out of the house and wait for the ambulance arrive... I put my hand over his chest and to my relief it was beating but he still hadn't waken up yet...

The ambulance arrive and come to pick us up. When we finally arrive we rush straight away to the emergency room. One of the staff members stopped me and told me to wait outside, I was panicking. I asked if they could just let me see him but they refused and calmly told me to wait outside. I do as I say and sit down.

"Please be ok uncle Ji"


Hey guys! Updating as much as I can before my two weeks of holidays are over because it could just fly by so fast! Thank you for all your support and love in the comments and thank you for just taking your time to read this FF.

Poor Uncle Ji!

Anyways as always Jikook is life and till next time bye bye - JamsKookieSuga ❤️
