Chapter 18

~Scaramouches pov~

"Scaramouche, you ready?" Kazuha yelled out when I was still changing into my costume for the competition.
"Almost!" I yelled back and quickly put on a hoodie with my pants, since it was too cold to just go out with my costume. I also made sure to have my hat.

Kazuha was patiently waiting for me after he came by to go there together. He gave me a quick kiss.
"Are you prepared for today?" He hugged me.
"I don't know.. " I admitted.
"I'm sure you'll do great." He said and kissed me again.
"S-stop... Shogun is here.. " I whispered.

"I don't care.. I want to tell everyone that you're mine.. " He whispered back and sounded a little hurt.
I didn't know what to say so I just kissed him back, somewhat hoping Shogun wouldn't notice.

"So~ want to tell me something, Scaramouche?" Shogun's voice suddenly appeared behind me and I flinched.
I looked back and saw her leaning against the doorframe.
"I.. It's not what it looks like.. " I tried to deny, but she probably saw it anyways.
"Mhm.. Maybe it's just me or does kissing someone not mean anything~?" She smirked and pretended to think.
I flushed red and looked at Kazuha, who seemed just as flustered at me.

"Yea.. We've been dating for a while now.. " Kazuha admitted and got even more flustered.
I was too embarrassed to say anything.
"Alright, let's go to the competition you love birds~" She said and we went to her car.

Through out the ride Kazuha continued to tease and kiss me, his embarrassment was completly gone. Meanwhile I tried my best to push him away, although I couldn't resist his kisses.
"S-top it Kazu-..! " I tried to say but my protest went down by him kissing my lips.

"Oh my, I'd never thought I will ever see Scaramouche this flustered one day. " Shogun giggled and Kazuha smirked.
"Ugh, leave me alone. " I crossed my arms and refused to let Kazuha kiss me again.
"Hey! I didn't do anything. " Kazuha pouted.
I rolled my eyes, opened my arms and let him cuddled with me.

Arrived at the place we went to the locker room to change. There already were a lot of other competitors, so we just quickly changed and got out of there.

"Kazu!! Scaramouche!" A voice yelled.
We turned around and saw Venti and Heizou.
"You guys came here?? " Kazuha asked confused, but excited as well.
"We would never miss this!" Venti yelled out excited. "I'm already really excited on how you guys will do today. "
Heizou nodded in agreement. I suddenly spotted Mona in the crowd and excused myself before running to her.

"Mona!! " I greeted her.
I suddenly felt 2 hands on my shoulder and turned around to see Kazuha standing behind me, followed by Venti and Heizou. Even though I was a bit pissed that Kazuha still didn't seem to trust me completly I didn't say anything and just put one of my hands on his.
"Greetings to you too. " She smiled.
Mona and I exchanged a few words until we were called backstage.
"See you guys later!" They yelled as we quickly ran off.

It will take a while until it will be our turn so both me and Kazuha searched out a small room just for us. I was a little shaking from how excited and nervous I was.
"Nervous? " Kazuha asked me when he noticed how tensed I was.
I nodded a little and he came closer to me and gave me a kiss.
"Better? "
I nodded again and smiled thankfully.
"Huh, so that 'If-you-kiss-someone-they-calm-down' theory of yours does have some truth in it after all. " He said teasingly.
"Stop! Don't every mention it again.. " I huffed back, quite embarrassed.
"Mhm? How are we supposed to tell our kids how we met then?"
"Y-you want k-kids??!"
"You don't? " He looked at me with a serious expression, but his eyes we're shining amused.
"N-no.. I mean yea..!But a-arent't we a little to young... "
"I didn't say that we get kids now~"
"Argh! Now you made me more flustered than I already was before! "
Kazuha laughed out and I hid my face in his chest, my face flushed red.

We spent a few more minutes in the room until Kazuha was called.
"Good luck. " I said and gave him quick hug before he went on the ice.
I watched him from one of the benches. His movements.. His body... It's all so...perfect.. I thought to myself while watching him, catching myself falling for him all over again.

"Mhm~? Your face is red from how much you're blushing~" I heard Venti's voice next to me.
"I- I'm not blushing! " I quickly denied and covered my face.
"Mhm.. Maybe because it's so hot in here, don't you think~?"
"M-maybe.. "
I turned my gaze back to Kazuha and watched him.

When Kazuha had finished he bowed down before the crowd and sat down beside me.
"You did great.. " I whispered, my heart pounding quickly.
"Thanks." Kazuha smiled happily. " You'll do just as great!" He said before we focused on the other performances.

~Kazuhas pov~

"Scara, it's your turn next. Scara?" From his facial expression I could see, that his mind was clearly somewhere else. "Hey, Scaramouche!" I gently poked his shoulder.
"It's your turn. "
"Ah-" Scaramouche quickly jumped up and went to the entrance of the rink. I chuckled and quickly followed him.
"You'll do great, alright? " I quickly said to him before he went in.
Scaramouche's performance was good, yet he seemed to be distracted and I prayed for him that no one else noticed.

It seemed like the judges liked my performance since I placed first in the award ceremony.
"Seems like I am still better than you~" I teased Scaramouche when we went onto the podium. He placed third.
"Hmpf, I was just a little distracted." He scoffed and blushed a little.
"Distracted on how good I was~"
"M-maybe.. "
I was surprised and didn't thought he actually was.
"Oh, sorry. " I chuckled and bit my lip.

The photographers were ready to take a picture of us on the podium, but then an idea crossed mind.
"Hey, Scara..?" I turned to him and gently lifted his chin. "You don't mind if we make us official right..? "
Scaramouche looked a little paniced, but then he nodded and blushed.
I slowly moved my face towards him and then our lips connected. The whole audience was quiet and seemed surprised. Then everyone started clapping and cheering.
"I KNEW ITT!!! " Someone in the crowd yelled, that sounded pretty familiar like Venti.

"I love you... " I whispered to Scaramouche when I pulled back.
"I love you too." He whispered back.
I smiled and pulled him into another kiss.

Later when I walked out of the locker room I saw Scaramouche happily talking with Mona. She seemed excited and waved at me when she saw me.
"Congrats you two!! You're finally together. " She squealed.
I wrapped my hands around Scaramouche from behind.
"Mhm, thank you. "

"We've been.. Dating for some time now actually. " I admitted to my friends at the dinner table.
"WHAT and you guys didn't tell us?! " Venti said offended.
"Y-yea.. ? We didn't really know how to say it. " I said and looked at Scaramouche.
"Pff, at least you guys aren't those kind of couples that make out in front of everyone. " Heizou said and giggled.

"Oh, you want us to be~?" I slowly moved closer over to Scaramouche and put my hand on his cheek, wrapping the other arm around his waist.
Venti pretended to throw up and Scaramouche, Heizou and I started laughing.


"Did you have fun today?" I asked Scaramouche when I was walking him back home.
"I did yes. I'm relieved that I don't have to tell everyone about the... Dating thing. " He smiled shyly.
We were walking silently until I suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, Scara wait." I fumbled around my backpack and pulled out a little small box. "I'm not gonna propose, don't worry. But.. " I opened the small box. " I want you to have this. "
In the small box was a golden ring. It seemed to be shining from the reflection of the moonlight.
"It's something I got from my grandma when she passed away. She wanted me to give it to my future girl... Well now boyfriend."

Scaramouches mouth was wide open and he stared at the box, then looked at me with tears in his eyes.
"You're.. So sweet... What did I do to deserve you.. " He whispered and hugged me tightly.
I hugged him back, starting to tear up a little as well. "You're making me so happy.. Stay with me."
"Don't leave me.. "
"I'm all yours. "


Words: 1495

Yea this book ends here. Thanks to everyone who read this story !!<33
