Chapter 17

~Kazuhas pov~

I awoke next to a warm figure the next day. At first I paniced until I realized it was Scaramouche and calmed down. I cuddled back into him and took a deep breath of his scent. 
"Oh Scara, you're awake." I said with a sweet and loving tone, giving him a good morning kiss. 
"Good.. morning." Scaramouche replied and burried his face into my chest. 
We laid there for a little while. 
"What time is it..?" Scaramouche yawned.
"Mhm.. almost 1 pm." 
He suddenly sat up. "We slept for so long?!" 
"I guess it was comfortable cuddling..." I replied with a chuckle.
Scaramouche blushed. "I'm gonna be late.."

"Late for what?" I asked curious.
"You know.. I wanted to meet Mona.." 
"Ah.. about that" I sat up as well. "Can I.. join you?" 
"Why not?" I asked disappointed.
"Because.. I just want to spend time with her.. I-I mean only as friends." He quickly added when he saw my suspicious expression. 
"Come onnnn, I won't bother you too. I can just sit in a corner." 
He sighed and got up, heading towards the door. "Don't be so possessive and jealous.." He mumbled, but it was loud enough for me to hear. 
"I'm not jealous!" I yelled at him and got up as well.

"You aren't? Then why can't you let me spend time with a friend?" He said a little annoyed and turned around before he could open the door and leave.
"I didn't say you can't meet up with people!" I defended myself. "I just asked you if I can join." I walked over to him and he walked backwards until his back hit the door. Gently, I lifted his chin. "I just want to spend some time with you.." 
He tried to push me away, but I grabbed both of his hands with my other hand and put them above his head. A slight blush was visible on his cheeks.
"You look really cute like this." I whispered and kissed his lips. 
"Shut.. up..." He quietly said. "Alright you can go.. if you let me go now." 
"What?" I pretended to be sad. "But I wanted to have some more fun~" 
Scaramouche sighed. "Alright fine, but not for too long." 
I smirked and kissed him again.
After a while I pulled away to catch some breath and let him get ready while I changed my clothes as well. 

We soon went out the house and going to meet Mona at their meeting place. I was a little excited and nervous too. Maybe I should apologize to Mona for being rude last time.. I thought as I watch Scaramouche staring out of the bus window. He slowly leaned onto my shoulder and I
"Still tired?" 
"No... its just comforting." 

The place we went was a small cafe and I saw Mona already sitting at a table waiting. When she saw us she immediatly started to complain. 
"What took you so long? Oh hi Kazuha." She says and gives me a smile. 
"Sorry.. we were.. a little distracted." Scaramouche said and sat down. 

"Pff, busy making out huh." She huffed and her eyes shined amused.
"We were not!" Scaramouche quickly denied, but his face was flushed red. 
"Liar." She smirked. "Well anyways, how has the love-life been."
"Ugh, I'm going to the bathroom." Scaramouche stormed off, his face bright red. 

"Well he seems to be in a bad mood." Mona said when he stormed off. "Soo~ how come you joined him today?" She asked and looked curious.
"We had a sleep over and I just wanted to tag along." 
"You sure you weren't jealous or anything~" 
"N-no.." I stuttered. "I.. just had some free time." 
"Sure sure. Not like how you were glaring at me last time when you guys weren't dating yet." 
"Wait how did you know that we are dating?" I asked her surprised.
"YOU GUYS ARE DATING??" She yelled out excited.  
"LOWER YOUR VOICE!" I yelled back and flushed red. 

"Oh right, sorry. But tell me what happened??"
"Uhm so.." I sat there anxious, trying to answer Mona's question in a way so it doesn't sound weird while praying for Scaramouche to come back. "Ehh.. I don't know to be honest." I lied and Mona definitely did not believe me.
"Mhm.. sure." She narrowed her eyes. 
"I..uhm.. " Where is Scaramouche?!!?!?  "Well.. uhm anyways.. I wanted to apologize for being.. not so nice when we first met. And thanks for the gift you guys bought me.." I said, remembering that Scaramouche told me that she had helped him get one. 
"No problem." She said and seemed to relax a little, which relaxed me. "And don't worry. I knew you were jealous~" She smirked.
"Oh come on.." 
She started to laugh and I joined her. Just then Scaramouche came back. 

"What are guys laughing about?" He questioned and sat down. 
"Nothing!" We both quickly said and Scaramouche raised an eye brow. 
"Alright.." He said and slowly sat down next to me. 
We ordered some food and chatted for a long time. Suspicously, Mona hadn't even brought up  our relationship once. I was kind of relieved but scared at the same time, so I quickly asked her when Scaramouche wasn't looking.
"Why aren't you asking anymore questions about us..?" I whispered. 
She chuckled. "When two people love each other, just let them and don't interfere too much in their relationship." She whispered back and winked. 
I let out a relieved sigh and was thankful for her. 

"Alright guys, what are you hiding." Scaramouche looked at us both, glaring a little. 
It seems like he heard our conversation. 
"I... nothing.." I muttered out, not wanting to make him mad, but it only made him even madder. 
"Tell me." He demanded. 
"But it is a suprise." Mona suddenly said. "It won't be one if we tell you." 
I looked at her surprised and confused, but her look told me to act along.
"Y-yeah.." I said.
Scaramouche came down a little and I was relieved. 

~Scaramouches pov~

I didn't quite believe it, but calmed myself down. I didn't want to be mad at them. 

After a while Kazuha suggested that we should go back since it was getting pretty late and we all agreed. So we said goodbye to Mona and left the cafe. Kazuha and I were walking in a comfortable silence while holding each others hand. 
"Can I sleep at your place again..?" I asked shyly, not really wanting to distrub him or his family with this request. 
"Of course! I'd love that." He replied and gently kissed my cheek. 

We continued to walk in silence. 
"Two more days before the competetion..." Kazuha mumbled out and I nodded while looking at him. 
Sadly, we were not allowed to perform together. 
"Remember: Show no mercy, just because we are friends or.. lovers now." Kazuha chuckled slightly. 
I just huffed a little. I wanted him to win, but I didn't want him to think that I'm bad either. Ugh, why is this so difficult. 
"You okay?" Kazuha asked. 
"I am.. " 
Kazuha sighed." Whatever it is, you can always tell me.." He smiled warmly. 
I smiled back and we hugged. 

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" They heard Venti's voice and saw him approaching them. "Going on a little date~?" He teasingly said.
We looked at each other surprised, not expecting Venti to be here.
"Not really, we met up with another friend and are going back home right now." Kazuha said.
"Pff boring." Venti huffed. "Well anyways, how have you guys been? Excited for the competition? I'm sure you both will be great!" 
"Haha, thank you Venti." Kazuha says. 
"Well have fun with your "date" I have to go, byee~" With that Venti walked away. 
We both looked after him and giggled. 

"I guess we could have a little date?" Kazuha suggested and I nodded excitedly. "Let's go to the park and watch the sunset." He suggested and started to pull me to the park. 
When we arrived we sat down next to a treebranch and cuddled, watching as the sun goes down. 
"You're so pretty.." Kazuha suddenly said and I looked up to him. 
I noticed that he wasn't even looking at the sunset, but he was staring at me. 
"I- thanks.." I whispered and blushed. 
Kazuha smiled and leaned in for a kiss. 

I don't know how long the kiss lasted, but the next time we pulled apart the sun was already gone, leaving a cold breeze behind. 
"Let's go back.." Kazuha said and we quickly went back to his home.
His parents greeted us at the front door. 
"Where were you guys? It's so late." The woman with white, long hair, Ningguang, said.
"Oh come on." Her wife, Beidou, slightly nugded her. "We were also like this when we were younger." 
Ningguang scoffed, then moved out of the way and let them come in. 
"Can Scaramouche stay another night?" Kazuha asked. 
"Of course!" Beidou immediatly answered. "Just don't be too loud~" She winked. 
"MOM!" Kazuha immediatly flushed red. 


words: 1493
