Sleeping Cyborg

I Open My Eyes Wide

But They Are Still Closed Tightly


Fighting The Brightest Darkness

I Feel So Awake

Even Though I Feel Like I Am Asleep

A Hazy Nightmare

I Have Wings That Help Me Fly

Though I Can't Even Reach Up To The Sky

Heaving In This Planet's Noxious, Poisoned Fumes

A Freezing Breeze Pierces My Weakly Thin Skin

Listening To The Weeping Widows And Banshees

As They Wail Their Songs

Of Mourning Loss And Useless Wars

The Whispers Say I Am Not Human,

But A Statue, A Cyborg

With My Broken, Still Beating Heart And

My Metallic, Silver Mask

I Do Not Cry, I Do Not Shed Rivers Of Tears.

Not Anymore, Not Anymore

Because, If You Look Into My Dull Orbs,

The Doors To My Soul

You Will See That The Ponds And Lakes

Have Dried Away


For I Have No More Tears To Let Flow

I Have Become A Cyborg,

With My Broken Heart And

Rusting, Silver Mask
