Finally Meeting Dad - Chapter 4

Elijah's POV.

This young girl, Damie. She believes she is a Mikaelson. 2 years ago I would've said that was a preposterous suggestion and that he should leave before I would have to make her. However, now that we have discovered that Niklaus is able to conceive a child. It is not so impossible.

Niklaus will obviously deny that he is I fact this girls father. She may look like her mother. But the way she walks, the way she talks... The glint in her eye. That is defiantly Niklaus. Without a shadow of a doubt.

We approached the manor. I thought Damie would've been more surprised at what a magnificent house this was. But I was the one who was surprised when she acted as tho it were like any other house.

"Magnificent isn't it?" I ask her. The reaction I got was an expected one.
"Well personally, from what I've heard about my father, he could've got something a lot better."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, my father is manipulative and feared. With that deadly combination e could live in the biggest palace in the world."

She obviously knows a lot about Niklaus for her to have said that. I hope this girl realises that she might not have the perfect father figure she always hoped for.

"Niklaus!" I yelled. I wasn't expecting an immediate response as he was most probably nursing Hope.

"What do you want Brother!" Niklaus shouted back.

Damie quickly ran to where the voice was coming from and I followed up behind her. When we got the room Niklaus was in Hope's room and was playing with her. Blissfully unaware that anybody else was with them.

"Brother, I have someone I would like you to meet." Once I had said this his gaze headed in my direction. He looked at me and then at Damie. When he saw Damie he looked as tho he had seen a ghost. This was an extremely rare thing for my brother.

"Priscilla?" He whispered. Damie looked at him with a saddened expression. "No,no I'm not Priscilla. I'm her daughter Damarus. Damie, for short. And I'm here to meet you... Father."

I'm sorry this chapter is quite short. I've had a lot going on these past few months and that's why it's taken me a while to update. anyway thanks for being patient with me. I love you guys. Bye baby vamps 😊
