Chapter 21: Misunderstandings

Cal and Sara were both as pissed off as I was when I gave them the rundown of what happened, promising to tell them the whole story as soon as we were together.

I was currently waiting for Callan inside Grundy Hall, which was two buildings away from my psychology class.

I did not want to see Joel right now.

He wasn't going to be pleased when he found out that Cal gave me a ride home or that I skipped my second class, but that was the last thing I cared about right now.

All I wanted was to get the heck out of here, and see my friends. I also wanted to drink my anger away, and it was barley even 9am.

After another five minutes, I see Cals bright blue ford pull up. I walked out of the building and towards his car hurriedly, not wanting to run into a certain someone.

Reaching his car I got inside, and as soon as I was settled, Cal immediately gave me a hug.

I smiled, definitely needing it and hugged back, a little awkward since we were in the car, but still enjoying the comfort.

"Thanks Cally." I thanked as he pulled away.

"No problem. I'm so sorry this happened, why is everyone's boyfriends being buttholes today?" He frowned, and pulled off when I put my seat belt on.

I sighed but didn't answer, "Is it crazy that I want to drink right now?"

Callan chuckled, and looked out his rear view before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Not at all, Sara was saying the same thing. It's five o'clock somewhere." He shrugged shooting me a mischievous grin.

I laughed at that, loving my friends.

We pulled into Sara's in no time, and I was grateful that we all lived close to campus.

Cal pulled into her driveway and turned off his car with the push start button. He then grabbed a bag that I haven't noticed before from the backseat.

"What's that?" I inquired curiously.

"You'll see." He winked and opened the door to get out.


Fumbling with my seatbelt, I finally got it off and followed him to Sara's front door. We didn't knock, we've been friends long enough to not have to, and as soon we walked in, I knew Sara was in a bad place.

Her usually neat and tidy living room was littered with random things, but mostly clothes from what I could see.

I exchanged a worried glance with Callan, before calling out Sara's name, notifying her of our arrival.

She came down the stairs, looking similar to how she looked on the FaceTime call. Depressed, was the best word for it, and I knew we needed to be with her throughout her awful breakup.

As soon as she reached the ground floor, I walked up to her and wrapped her in a tight hug, opening a single arm out for Callan to join, which he immediately did.

"I'm so sorry Sara, Steve is a fucking asshole." I cringed at the cuss words coming out of my mouth, grateful Joel wasn't around. He wasn't too fond of curse words, when I said them anyways.

"He ain't shit." Callan agreed.

"Thanks guys. I'm okay, I'm just... Sad." She admitted, hugging us both tighter.

My heart broke for her, seriously wanting to go vandalize Steve's truck or something. I never really liked him much in the first place, but now, I hated him for doing this to her.

"Okay enough about me." Sara stated, wiping away a few stray tears. "Steve's not the only asshole here."

She gave me a pointed look, and my heart dropped at the reminder of Joel talking with that pretty girl.

"Before that," Callan said noticing my expression, and pulled out some Jose Margarita mix, "Let's forget a little."

We all laughed, and Sara grabbed three cups from the kitchen, then led us upstairs to her room.

He room was similar to the living room, but not as messy. Still, not a normal occurrence for Sara, she wasn't a messy person.

"I'm so glad I have friends that will drink with me when I'm sad." Sara smiled, handing us both a glass. "Even of its only 9 in the morning."

"It's 5 o'clock some where." Callan and I stated at the same time.

We all laughed at how dumb we were, and sat on the floor in a small circle, passing around the bottle and filling each of our cups.

After two cups, and lots of random conversations, we were all very much feeling it. Kind of forgetting why we were even doing this, until Sara reminded us.

"Kai, tell us everything that happened with Joel already!" Sara demanded impatiently.

"Yeah." Callan agreed. "We still haven't heard the whole story."

I sighed and took another drink, finally telling them everything from start to finish, finishing pretty quickly since it wasn't that long of a story.

After I was finished, I huffed in anger at reliving everything that had happened earlier, drinking more of my drink.

That's when I noticed they were both just staring at me, expressions unreadable.

"What?" I questioned, why weren't they as mad as I was?

"That's it?" Callan furrowed his brows and Sara matched his expression.

I blinked, dumbfounded. What the f-

"You said that he was a two-timing asshole." Sara stated, sounding confused.

"He is!" I exclaimed defensively, putting my drink down so that I could dramatically cross my arms over my chest.

Both of my best friends exchanged looks, clearly thinking I've gone mad.

"Honey, what if that was his sister?" Sara asked.

"Or his cousin?" Cal chimed.

They were both giving me "are you serious right now" looks, and my mouth opened and then closed, not having a defense to that.

"Well I-I didn't think about..." I trailed off, just now realizing how dumb I was being.

In my mind, some random college girl went up to my boyfriend and started flirting with him, and he started flirting back. I didn't even stop to think that he might be related to her. All I was focused on was a another girl touching Joel's arm, and that was enough to send my mind into a frenzy.

I was maybe a bit possessive...

I groaned out loud.

I should have confronted him right away, and asked who the girl was instead of blankly ignoring him, an action that he made clear to me, would not be tolerated under any circumstances.


"He's going to beat my ass." I confirmed out loud, dreading the next time I saw my intimidating ass boyfriend... Daddy.

I took my drink and downed it, quickly grabbing the bottle of margarita mix and pouring another drink.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Cal and Sara exchange worried looks at my words and I shook my head at them.

"Not like that." I assured, taking a long drink before continuing. "I'm just never going to be able to sit again." I cringed at the thought.

They both burst out laughing, and I glared at them.

"It's not funny! I'm so dumb, I don't know why I didn't think about her being related to him." I groaned, wanting to punch myself.

"Love blinds people." Cal smirked after recovering from his laugh attack.

I rolled my eyes at that, but didn't deny it as I picked up a random piece of clothing off of Sara's messy floor, and threw it at them both when they started singing, "Joel and Kai, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"You guys are so annoying." I told them downing the rest of the drink I had.

"Have you talked to him?" Sara asked, downing her drink as well.

"No, not since this morning." I replied.

"He hasn't called? That's surprising."

I paused for a moment and frowned, yeah that actually was surprising.

"Wait, where's my phone?" I lightly panicked, looking around me.

"It wasn't with you when you got in the car, did you put it in your backpack?" Callan suggested.

Right! I put it in there to avoid seeing any of Joels messages if he tried to contact me, which I knew he would.

"Yeah, I think so. I left my backpack in the car, I'm gonna go grab it quick." I told them and got up, heading to the door.

"Hurry up, I wanna do shots!" Sara called, and I laughed at her but of course agreed, shaking my head at her antics.

I walked down the stairs right outside her bedroom door and wobbled a little, definitely feeling my drinks at this point. I think I've had four at this point, but I really couldn't be sure. That stuff was strong.

Fudge, I hope I didn't get a hangover, they were so pointless.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I hurried to the front door and walked outside, speed walking to the driveway where Callan parked his car, feeling chilly from the 50 degree (10C) weather.

I opened the passenger side door and grabbed my backpack from the ground, slinging it over my shoulder. I had to find my balance after almost toppling over from the weight of my heavy bag, practically limping back to Sara's front door.

Suddenly I heard a car pull up behind me, and I turned around to see none other than Joels shiny black car now parked in front of Sara's house. I watched in horror when I saw him get out the car, eyes glaring deep into my soul as he advanced closer me.

"Jo-Joel, what are you doing here?" I questioned nervously, feeling all the color drain from my face.

"Do you have any idea, how worried I've been?" He darkly asked, stopping a couple feet away from me.

"I-I know but it's all just a misunderstanding, I thought you were cheating on me!" I confessed, but it didn't seem to help much at all.

His eyes narrowed and he studied me for a moment, "Get in the car. We'll talk about this at my place."

I gulped, I've never been to his house before, well not inside anyways. He's offered many times but I'm always too scared, I still was, especially now.

"Nn-o thank you, I'm good talking right here." I mumbled taking a step backwards closer to the door, subtly grabbing the door knob behind my back.

Joel's eyes darkened, looking behind me, clearly catching on to my not so subtle movements.

"I'll give you to the count of three little girl, and if you're not walking to the car, I will fetch you and spank you where you are, then carry you to the car." His eyes were thundering, demanding obedience, but I couldn't find myself to move.


My heart raced, and I panicked when he quickly followed with "two" and opened the door and ran inside. Slamming and locking the door behind me.

I panted, oh my gosh, what the hell am I doing!?

"I can play this game far longer than you can little girl." I heard from the other side of the door.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

I threw my heavy ass bag on the ground and ran up the stairs as fast as I could, nearly tripping several times. I burst through the door to Sara's room, yelling both her and Callans names.

"It's Joel, he's after me!" I exclaimed, panicking hard as fuck.

They both looked at me as if I had grown a third boob, clearly not understanding.

"He's outside!" I quickly explained. "I don't know, he must have been driving past and saw me outside or something, but you've gotta help me!"

I knew I was being extra, but I couldn't get myself to calm down. I knew I was in the wrong, and I knew I was in big trouble once this was all over, but I just had to run.

"Kai don't you think you're being a bit over dramatic." Sara laughed standing up, and looked out the window.

"Don't!" I ran and blocked her from opening the curtain fully.

"Okay, calm down, here." Cally handed me his drink, prompting me to drink some.

I did, drinking it way too fast, and handing it back to him when it was half way gone, not really in the drinking mood anymore.

"It's fine Kai, you know he'd never hurt you. Not really anyways." Sara informed taking a drink.

Just then there was a distinct knock from downstairs, and my heart started racing all over again.

Sara walked past me, heading towards the door.

"Wait, what are you doing?!"

"Going to answer the door Kai, I'm supposed to be getting that necklace for my mom delivered today." She explained.

"No! It's Joel, he'll try and come in if you open the door!"

Sara just laughed and kept walking, seeming to ignore everything I was saying.

"Sara!" I yelled, but she was gone.

Well... Shit.


A/N: This chapter was supposed to be much longer, but I decided to just update because I'm not sure when I'll have time again. Nursing school is kicking my butt guys 😭

Anyways, thank you all for reading, I appreciate you ❤️

Should Kai run and hide, or should she face the consequences?

What do you think Joel is going to do once he gets inside?
