Chapter 2: Really?

The rest of my classes are uneventful compared to my organizational psych class. No one dared to call me freakin adorable or feisty. What was that guys problem? Is that how he gets girls to sleep with him? If so... it's actually not the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I push him into the back of my mind as I look at the clock in my last class of the day.


Three minutes.

I literally couldn't wait to crawl back into bed and curl up into my comfy sheets. I sigh and close my eyes for a second, the very thought of my warm bed, making me even more tired than before. Please hurry up professor lady. She usually let us out five minutes early but she's being extra talkative today.

Finally, she gives us our cue to leave, and immediately everyone starts packing up. My things were packed forever ago so I stand and Maneuver my way through my fellow students and towards the door.

Thank GOODNESS, I swear this day has just been entirely too long. I open the door and exit the university, grateful that I decided to park closer than usual.

I get my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door from a few feet away. Naturally, I look over my car just to make sure it's still as pretty as when I left it, and I suddenly notice something yellow. What is that? I squint as I get closer, and my eyes widen as I realize what's ON MY TIRE!

Plain as day there's a yellow freakin BOOT on my front tire.


What town am I in!? You've got to be fuc-

My thoughts are cut off by a group of students walking by and laughing their lil fannies off. I blush madly and also notice some in the distance recording everything.

Kindly take this hammer and kill me with it please.

I hurry into my car and lock the doors. I lay my head against the steering wheel for a moment. Why me? Why today? I just want to sleep.


I look around for a ticket, hopefully containing the number I can call to get this resolved. I spot it out side my rear window. It takes me all of three seconds to get out of the car, rip the pesky thing off my window and dash back inside. I search the paper and instantly spot the number in bold letters.


Turns out I have one, yes ONE, overdue parking ticket which was $30 itself, plus $50 for them to take off what THEY decided to put on. So yes, a grand total of 80 freakin' dollars.

I don't have my purse with me because why would I need it for school? And I don't have any cash on me, so I had no way of paying. AND both my mom and sister were out of town for a wedding, so I had no one to call to come get me!

Honestly I give up at this point.

I don't understand why these things happen to me. I'm a decent person I'd say.

I close my eyes and try to think of anyone else I could call.

Hmmm, I could call one of my gurly friends, but I doubt any of them are available right now. They all have class and work that follows, and I really didn't want to bother any of them.

My eyes light up and I pull out my phone to look for Callans name, remembering he doesn't have classes on Thursdays. I FaceTime him and he answers on the third ring.

"Heeeeey Kai, what's up?" He asks in a slurred voice, his face and slightly messed up blonde curls confirming to me that he was indeed drunk at... I look at my Apple Watch.


"Cal why are you drunk at 2:30? Isn't that a bit early?" I question looking at him as if he were crazy. He just laughs, which I can't see as he's put me on pause. "And take me off of pause so that I can see you!"

"Pause? You're not paused, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hear you." He laughed drunkenly.


"Cal where is Cameron?"

He took me off of FACETIME pause and I noticed the hostile expression on his adorable face.

"Forget Cameron!"

I sigh. This happens every other week. For a second, I forget about my issues and turned my full concern to Callan, knowing how upset he got when he fought with his older brother.

"What happened?" This time, I silently add.

"He doesn't ever let me do anything!" He exclaimed, and I could see him holding back crocodile tears. He always got super emotional when he drank. "He won't even let me drink for goodness sakes! I'm 19, a grown adult, and he won't even let me take a tiny sip! He started drinking much earlier than 19, I'm sure of it!" He complained.

I couldn't help but to want to chuckle at that, but kept a straight face. "Where is he?"

"He's at work, he gets off at three o'clock." He huffed.

"You should sober up before he gets there. How much have you drank?" I raise my eyebrow when he blushes.

"A couple glasses of Wine." He bashfully answers, looking away from me.

I can't hold back the laugh that bursts out of my mouth. No wonder Cameron didn't want him to drink!

"You're such a lightweight." I tease and chuckled.

"Shut up! It's stupid Cameron's fault for not letting me build a tolerance!"

I shake my head, and smile. "You're crazy." I tell him with a goofy face.

He smiles back at me, and then his eyes start to squint. "Where are you?"

My eyes widen and I remember why I called him. "You won't believe what happened! They put a stupid boot on my tire because of ONE overdue parking ticket. Now, they're making me pay me $80 to get it off, and I don't have my purse!" I tell him, getting heated recalling my ordeal.

"Wtf! Do you need someone to come get you? I can!" He yells and jumps up, phone in hand, and runs to where I'm assuming his keys are.

"No! You're drunk!" I stop him.

He looks at me. "Oh, yeah. Ok well, I'll just have Cameron come get you once he gets here."

"Really? Do you think he'll mind?" I ask, feeling bad for needing a ride.

"Of course not! Why would he? You know he's too nice for his own good. I've always wondered how someone could be so nice all the time-" he babbled on.

I suddenly got a notification from Snapchat and saw that someone with the user name "50shadesofJ" added me back.

I frown and my eyes widen when I realize who it probably was.

I cut Cal off mid sentence by calling his name, to which he replies "rude", then jumped up and down when I told him a. hot dude just added me.

I give him the rundown of what happened during my first class of the day, and I end with his username being freaking 50 shades of J.

Like, wtf?

"50 shades of what?" He laughs. "Aren't you in love with that book?"

"Shut up." I whine out with a smile.

Suddenly, I get a notification that he's typing and then one that followed 5 seconds later notifying me of his message.

"He messaged me!" I told Cally, butterflies developing in my stomach.

"Hurry and open it!" He demanded loudly. I laughed and open the app and slide right to open his message.

Hey, just got out of classes. How's your day going so far?

I read it out loud for us both.

"Awwwwwh how sweet, you should ask him for a ride home!"

"What? No!" I protest immediately.

"Why not?" He whines.

"Because I just met him! I feel like that's too much to ask so soon."

"From what I've heard, I don't think he'll mind that much Kai." He shoots, and I didn't have to see him to know that he was wiggling his eyebrows.

I blush and tell him to hush.

"What should I say??" I frantically ask.

"Tell him what happened, and that you need a ride home!" He demands.

"Noooooo!" I object.






I relent. "Fine!" I huff, rolling my eyes. I type away, explaining my situation to him in little detail. 

"I told him that I'm having car troubles and waiting on my ride."


"What?" I laughed, "I told him what happened."

He was saying something about how I was a cheater when I saw that Joel was typing again. I opened the message.

Where are you?

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion but tell him. He was probably just curious, or maybe he saw my car on his way home. Wouldn't that be funny?

At Linn Hall. Why?

He opened my message immediately, and replied within seconds.

I'm coming to get you.

My eyes widen. "What's wrong with this guy?" I voice my thoughts.

"What happened? What did he say?" I heard from my phone.

No that's okay, my friend is already on his way. I reply, as I explain.

"He said that he's coming to get me, even though I told him you were coming!" I exclaimed, slightly freaking out.

"For real? Persistent, isn't he?"

"This is serious Cally!" My eyes widen when he quickly responds.

My stomach flutters as I read the message.

I'll be there in 5 minutes.

"What the-"


I told him before he tore an ulcer.

"He said he's on his way..."

"Really? Omg, yay! Maybe you guys can-"

I hear some shuffling...

"Shoot I have to go! I think Cameron just got home! I'll call you later for the details about Christan J."

Before I can yell at him, the phone call ends abruptly. I laugh and shake my head. He's so crazy sometimes.

I push Cal out of my mind for now, and my heart starts racing when I remember that Joel was going to be here any minute. Why was he even coming when I told him I had a ride already? I didn't really, but what if I did? What would he have done?

Calm down. It's ok. A really hot guy is coming to pick you up. It's fine. A really hot guy that also happens to like 50 shades of Grey... I've only read ALL of the books, and currently am still watching the movies.

It's fine.

It's freaking fine.

I try to slow my heartbeat by taking some deep breaths, and thankfully it works. Only for my heart to start drumming against my rib cage once again when I notice a car pull up, and look over and see that... it's him.


Sorry this chapter is a little shorter. I'll make sure to make up for it in the next chapter! Hope you like so far ❤️ also, imagine callan as a cute short blonde guy, he's adorable!
