Skin to Skin | Calum

"Daddy Hood, would you like to hold her?" The nurse asked, holding you three hour old baby girl up to Calum. His eyes widened a bit before looking down at you.

"You'll be fine, babe," You reassured, sending him a bright smile. Hesitantly, he nodded his head. It had been one of Calum's worries that he was going to drop her or hurt her in some way. You told him thousands of times that he never would. You knew his biggest fear was that she wasn't going to like him. "You're her daddy, she loves you so much."

"Now, to create a bond between daddy and daughter, it's best to get skin to skin contact." The nurse instructed, nodding her head to Calum's shirt. He quickly pulled it over his head and flung it onto the couch that had become his bed, leaving his torso bare. "All ready?" She asked politely. When Calum said a small "yes" she passed him the baby.

Harper whined for just a second as she squirmed at the new position on his chest but soon found the warmth of her daddy to be comforting and drifted back to sleep.

Calum sat down with her carefully, keeping her close on his chest with both hands holding her back securely. He had the biggest smile on his face as he stared down at his baby girl.

"We have a little girl," He whispered, looking up at your through his lashed, sounding amazed.

"We did pretty great, Cal," You smiled back at him, taking in the sight of your loving husband and your new baby girl snuggling on the couch.

"I told you she would love you to pieces," You laughed slightly, getting a goofy grin in return from Calum.
