Rainy Day | Ash

"Daddy, it's raining," Ashton's son, Liam, pouted as he looked out the window from the little nook in the living room.

His other son, Logan, looked up from the cartoon he was watching and glanced out the window, sighing. "Does that mean we can't play at the park today?"

Ashton gave them a sympathetic smile as they both stared at their dad, awaiting their answer. "I'm sorry, guys."

The look of disappointment that passed over the twin six year olds made Ash feel a sense of determination to make today great for the boys, even if they were stuck inside. Days like this, where it was going to be nasty storms all day, didn't happen much where you lived. Mostly just light rain in the morning so your boys were used to staying outside.

"How about we build the most massive fort we could possibly make?" Ashton asked, looking at them with excitement. Their faces beamed as they nodded their heads fast. "Great! Go get your blankets and sheets off your beds."

The kids raced off up the stairs as Ashton began dragging the chairs from the kitchen and dining room into the living room before pulling blankets and pillows out of the closet you had designated to guests. Just as he began aligning the chairs as he remembered doing as a child, the boys ran downstairs with a trail of blankets following them.

Ashton and the two boys spent the next hour building and perfecting their fort. Once it was finally to their demands, Ashton set his laptop on a little bathroom stool and played a movie off Netflix to entertain the boys on the dreary day.

At work, you received a text from Ashton, along with a picture of the mountain of pillows and blankets that has taken over your living room.

What do you think babe?

Looks like your rainy day is better than mine! :(

Head out early and come home! We need mommy!

You would end up telling your boss that one of the boys were sick and Ashton wasn't sure of what to do and that you needed to go. Your boss was a kind and understanding man and allowed you to go, no questions asked.

You would spend the rest of the day at home cuddled in a fort with your three boys watching cheesy cartoon movies.

At bed time, the boys understood that the fort needed to come down and that they could just rebuild it on the next rainy day.

However, Ashton wouldn't let you take it down until he took a video to send to the boys and brag about how much better their rainy day was.

"Aw, babe," Ashton pouted, staring at his phone screen.

"What's wrong?" You asked, wrapping your arms around one of his and snuggling in.

"Luke took his kids to an indoor play park," Ashton said, the pout still sitting on his face. "That's really cool."

"Well, Luke's kids can be a bit wild at times, could you imagine spending an entire day sitting in the same room with three kids, all of which hardly get along?" You asked.

Ashton smiled before setting his phone down. "You're right, ours was definitely better."
