New Blessings

Three years later -

Jazmine -

"Come guys lets get going you're going to be late !" I yelled at the top of the stairs. I went back into the kitchen and finished packing the kids and Kendrick's lunches.

"Good morning baby girl," Kendrick said as he came and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Good morning handsome," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He gripped my waist and gave me several pecks on the lips.

"Mmm How'd you sleep baby?" I asked as we rubbed our noses together.

"I slept good, despite the loud snoring You was doing," he chuckled.

I playfully punched him in the chest and gave him the evil eye.

"Now you know that was your ass snoring don't play me," I said angrily pulling away from him.

"Nah come back here," he said yanking me and kissing my neck.

"Baby stop it," I giggled hitting his arm.

"Mommy can you tie my tie?" Jamir asked as he came into the kitchen.

"Sure baby come here," I said as he walked over towards me.

"Sup lil man?"

"Hey daddy, you coming to my basketball game today?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world imma be right there cheering you on," Kendrick replied. Jamir gave him a big smile. I fixed his tie and his suit jacket.

We had taken Jamir and Blue and placed them into a prep school here in Atlanta. While I was working on my second album, and Kendrick, Aubrey, and Jermaine were building their computer tech empire down at the store, Mama Paula would help me out with the kids.

Aunt Linda also agreed to help out, we even enrolled the triplets into her daycare center. Kendall's teacher said she was having a hard time reading and spelling out big words. She also had a bad stuttering problem, along with ADHD.

We've been to every phycologist paid hundreds of dollars just to see what we could do to help her be comfortable and learn and grow like the other children, but they all said it was nothing they could do, but I wasn't buying that, I wasn't going to give up on my baby.

I was going to use every resource that I could to get him the help that he needed. Kenya was my little fashionista. She never wanted to wear pants she wanted to wear her dresses and she never left the house without her purse.

Kenneth was just like his daddy with a dash of Jamir. I think Jamir loved being a big brother, Kenneth always ran in behind him mimicking whatever he did and he was into computers and music just like Kenny.

We finally adopted Blue, it was rough getting Shaun to sign over his parental rights but he finally came around and signed the papers. Beyoncé calls blue every now and then, she also writes Blue every now and then. Corey on the other hand is still full of excuses, and broken promises. I guess some things will never change.

She sends us checks and I always send them back, Kendrick gets upset and says we could use the money and set it aside for a rainy day, but I don't want Beyonce to feel like she has to send us money.

I made a promise that I would take good care of blue and give her the love that she deserved to have, but Beyoncé insists on sending the money.

The last time we talked she told me "Jazmine I'm not just doing this for Blue, I'm doing this for you and Kendrick, you took my baby in when she had no one, I know money isn't a pay off but this is my only way that I can say thank you, don't take it away from me,"

Quincy, is finally out of jail and he found a small gig doing security, while Jayceon finally found a job, and him and Amber are expecting a new edition to their family.

Me and Kendrick had decided to put aside a college fund for all five of our children. I've also decided to open up a group home for foster children whose waiting to find families.

I've already found a building, and I have several donors who've donated beds, clothes and tons of food.

This afternoon I have a meeting with the mayor to get my building license and to discuss the ideas that I have for foster children. I'm just so excited about all the new and exciting things that God has in store for me and my family. I'm great full for all the many blessings that has fell upon us.

I'm so great full that me and Kendrick met the way we did. I'm grateful for our kids and our marriage. During this ride I've learned that DNA doesn't make a family, Loyalty and love does. I've also learned that through my struggles and ambition I've gained and accomplished so much. I was able to accomplish things that I never thought I would be able to.

Hell my album was Grammy nominated, I've written songs for artist such as Monica, Mary J Blige, and Keyshia Cole. I've been all around the world performing, I have beautiful fans who love and appreciate me, but most importantly my family, my kids, my husband.

In the words of my daddy I got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA I live a better life, I'm rollin' several dice, fuck your life I got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA.
