California Part 2.

Kendrick -

We left the house at 5:30am, I had to mentally prepare myself for this long flight ahead. After putting our bags through bag check, and waiting for our flight to be called, we finally boarded the plane. Jamir smiled as I fastened his seatbelt, Blue on the other hand looked scared.

"I don't want to fly, c-cant we just drive," she said as she nervously started shaking.

"Hey look at me, nothing is going to happen to you princess, I got you okay," Jazz said as she gently grabbed Blue moving her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead.

"C-can I sit by you," She asked with tears streaming down her face.

"Of course come on princess," I got up sitting over by Jamir. He handed me his fruit snacks while he grabbed his coloring book out of his bag. I pulled out my headphones and my phone .

I looked over at Jazz, she glanced at me for a moment then looked away. The pilot got on the intercom asking for us to buckle our seatbelts and telling us how long the flight was going to be, as well as to put our phones in airplane mode.

Shortly after we took off, Blue screamed out in fear and Jazz was able to keep her calm, after a while the kids ate their snacks and they drifted off to sleep.

I couldn't take Jazz not talking to me, I tapped her leg but she didn't look my way, I sent her text messages but she wouldn't respond, I had to talk to her, so I carefully grabbed Blue putting her in seat next to Jamir, glad that I didn't wake her.

I sat in the seat next Jazz pulling out her headphones and pausing whatever it was she was watching on her iPad.

"What the hell Kendrick I was watching my show," she said rolling her eyes.

"Baby I need to talk to you can we talk please?" I asked rubbing her thigh.

"Oh now you want to talk to me," she laughed sarcastically trying to grab her headphones back. I moved my arm and she hit me trying to reach over and snatching them.

"Yo can you just chill," I said

"No kendrick there's nothing I have to say and I don't want to listen to your lies," she said as she tried to grab them from me. Frustrated i threw the headphones at her.

"Don't fucking throw shit at me," she said raising her voice. People started turning their heads and looking back at us trying to see what was going on.

"Yo can you just chill with all that, I wanna talk babe Iight, I'm not trynna make a scene in front of all these people, I just wanna talk to you can you please hear me out?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms looking at me. I was about to touch her leg when she smacked it away. "Don't touch me just talk," she frowned.

I sighed rubbing my temples. "Baby look I know I shoulda came to you and told you about  the whole Treasure thing as well as me not wanting you to be involved anymore, but you gotta look from my perspective, you pregnant babe and I want you and the twins to remain healthy, if something happened to you or my babies I'd flip," I replied.

It was the honest to God truth, if Jazz wasn't pregnant then yeah, we would be going to Cali on some real Bonnie and Clyde shit, but she's pregnant and the last thing I want is for something to happen to the kids or to her.

"I feel like you're using this pregnancy for your benefit to keep me behind the scenes while you get with your ex, I'm not weak Kendrick, I want to be involved but if you don't want me too fine I won't say shit about it, I just find it funny how quick you can go behind my back but don't let me go behind yours," she said as she started crying.

"Baby I'm not using you being pregnant to any advantage, I swear I'm not," I said as I rubbed her waist.

"Than why won't you let me help," she cried.

"I was just trying to protect you and my babies, but if you wanna help sweetheart you can, just know the minute some shit happen I'm pulling you out of it," I said as I pecked her lips.

"Are you sure you even want me on your side, I mean saw pictures of Treasure and she's beautiful and-"

"Shut up iight, you're gorgeous baby, you are my woman and I want you by my side everyday, what me and Treasure Had is in the past she did something that I'll never forgive her for I'm only doing this for Q, that's it," I replied.

"What did she do?" Jazz sniffled.

"She fucked with one of them niggas that was close to the dude  who killed my sister, They was in the same gang, I'm also using Treasure cause I know she still got direct line of connect with this nigga, she think I didn't know about it but Jayceon told me, Amb warned me about her but I was blinded by my feelings to the point I ignored the warning signs,

A few months back I found out  they got a baby together, and when I find out who this nigga is, him, her and their child gone perish for what they did to my sister, that's why I didn't say nothing cause I know the minute I get them their squad gone retaliate and I don't want you to get harmed in the cross fire, me and Jay already made a deal that we was leaving you, Amb, and the kids out this shit,

Even though I know Jay probably going through what I'm going through, he got himself a rider who ain't taking no for an answer who gone ride for her man, just like you, I ain't even think about all that when I told him we wasn't letting y'all in on it,"

"Well Baby I'm sorry for stressing you, it's just my hormones are sending me all over the place, but I don't ever want you to put me on the back burner I want to be right by your side, and I'm going to be careful I promise, it's just when I love, I love hard, and you don't have to worry about me fucking around on you, I'd use my vibrator before I let another man touch what's yours, I love you so much," she said as she started to cry.

I leaned over gripping her waist. I pecked her lips before giving her a long passionate kiss. "I love you too baby, and I'd never put you on the back burner, you forever gone be by my side, my ace," I said pecking her lips one more time.

She wiped her eyes and I rubbed my nose against hers making her laugh which made me laugh. "You so beautiful Baby," I said kissing her cheek. When she looked up smiling at me it made me horny as fuck. She was so sexy.

"Damn maybe we shoulda got that hotel," I said as we both laughed.

"Why you horny?" She giggled.

"Mmhm I want You Bad," I said through clinched teeth.

"Well you just gone have to wait," she giggled.

"Fuck that we getting a hotel," I said as I started attacking her with kisses. I nibbled on her ear and she grabbed my face giving me several pecks on the lips.

"I love you," I said staring into her beautiful eyes.

"I love you too," she replied back pulling me down. We kept kissing until two kids sitting across from us started pointing and saw eww, their parents said something to the flight attendant and we pulled back, I smirked grabbed her hand and she grabbed mines. I was glad we was back on good terms 🙏🏾😩 I just wondered how Amb and Jay was taking it.


Amber and Jayceon
