Chapter 9 - Final Piece

*Author's note: As I mentioned this yesterday or the day before (I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE) that this chapter and the next one is gonna focus on the Deceepticons on how they get their dirty hands on the Requiem Blaster and in the next chapter Megatron is testing his newly assembled weapon to see its powers. So what I'm basically doing is showing of a different perspective from what the Decepticons do. I know my fanfiction is meant to be about these five Autobots that combine into a gestalt. But others will probably start thinking ''When did Megatron get the Requiem Blaster???'' so yeah I am doing this for you guys so I won't leave you confused as when a Zubat uses Supersonic on you. Enjoy this chapter. Or else I'll track you down with my spatula. Also, Full-Tilt is a real Decepticon. He comes with the Trypticon toy. So don't start asking if he's a OC of mine.*

Megatron, now heading to the planet Animatros to grab a hold of the final piece that is required to his weapon. Thanks to Soundwaves minion Buzzsaw who was smart enough to hide in a pile of rubble to record Optimus's conversation with the Aerialbots and the Omega Squadron regarding the whereabouts of where the Requiem Blaster is hidden. Megatron, accompanied by Soundwave, Starscream, Barricade and Full-Tilt by his side, he won't let no one stop him to get this weapon. Even if he has to sacrifice his own men. At the time, Megatron has sent a rescuing team to bail out Snap Trap and his men out of the Autobot prison on Ocean Planet. But as soon as Megatron and his troops arrive, they will not expect a warm welcoming committee.

Full-Tilt: We're approaching the planet now, Megatron.

Starscream: If I may ask: how sure can you be that this weapon you seek, almighty Megatron, is on that planet? Surely Optimus Prime must misguiding you to it.

Megatron: If Prime would do such thing then he wouldn't be a fool to mention the name of the planet, Starscream  - I know Prime, and I know that he is a serious person. Unlike YOU who were once a scientist, working on an energon station, trying to protect the Dark Energon from me.

Starscream: Guuuhhh...don't remind me about that. You are still an arrogant fool and-, Megatron grabbed him by the throat, clenching him hard and made him shut up, I-I was...only jo...joking....forgive me...sir...he let go of his throat. He went on down on the ground, breathing and gasping for air.

Megatron: You better have!

Barricade: Maximals and Predacons..are they even of our kind?

Soundwave: They are Transformers but are a different kind race. Cybertronians: Yes. They fled to this planet eons ago once the war began. Their alternate forms are of some unknown beasts.

Megatron: And the ancients sent the weapon alongside them to hide it from me. Oh, how I pity them for trying.

Their ship entered the planets orbit. Full-Tilt noted that it's near impossible to land due to the are being covered in trees.

Full-Tilt: Aaaahhh...doesn't seem to be easy find somewhere for us to land here.

Megatron: Soundwave. Release Laserbeak and Buzzsaw.

Soundwave: Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, eject. Operation: Clear Landing. Buzzsaw and Laserbeak flew out from the ship to destroy some trees that were in the way in order for the ship to land. Once they've destroyed enough trees the ship could land. They returned back into Soundwave's chest once they all got out from the ship.

Megatron: Full-Tilt, you remain here with the ship, he ordered, the rest of you comes with me.

Full-Tilt: As you wish, Megatron.

Barricade heard something rustle in the treetops and looked around.

Barricade: Think I heard somethin'....

Full-Tilt: Don't be like Starscream now, Barricade! Ha ha ha ha! Starscream looked back confused about what he meant by that.

Starscream: What does that junk bot mean?

Megatron: He means that he shouldn't start behaving like you, Starscream. Starscream muttered angrily and glared at Megatron, clenching his fist. Barricade wasn't wrong though. The sound he heard was coming from the treetops, where the two Maximals Airazor and Air Hammer was spying on them from down below.

Air Hammer: We better alert high command. They must be here for that relic those old Primes sent here.

Airazor: They must. Otherwise if they would conquer our planet then they would be much more than they already are.

Air Hammer: Should we take care of that lonely one first? he asked her and pointed at Full-Tilt who was relaxing outside of the ship.

Airazor: Too risky, my friend. He has probably set up a defense system that activates if it sees any intruders, she pointed out, let us return back to the base and alert high command. She and Air Hammer transformed into their beast modes and ascended high up in the sky.

Soundwave had located out the exact coordinates to where the temple is located. The downside is that it is located deep within the jungle, covered in thick vines and big trees, almost making it impossible for them to move there in robot mode. Barricade, on the other hand, was showing off his opinion about this planets nature.

Barricade: Of all the planets that exists out there in the universe it HAD to be on this one - stupid, dangling green thing! GET OUT OF MY FACE! he yelled and tore apart numerous vines that kept on hitting him in the face.

Megatron: Stand down Barricade! You do not want us to be heard, do you?!

Barricade: I'm sorry sir, but these...things just keep getting in my way!!!

Megatron: Then you'll just have to deal with it - Soundwave, how much further is it until we reach the temple?

Soundwave: Around 50 kilometers left, Lord Megatron.

Megatron: Excellent. I can already feel the power of the Requiem Blaster in my hands, he clenched the both of his fists tightly, as if they hungered for power, nothing...and not even Optimus Prime can stop me!

Starscream: And then the Decepticon empire will be known to all sentient species as we rule and conquer their worlds with this weapon of yours, Megatron?

Megatron: Indeed our empire will be known and that it will spread through out the universe to all the living beings that will then know about us. And how we rule and conquer their world. draining energy from them. Whether if they are willing to corporate or not.

The traveled further and further into the jungle when a bright light was emitting from the trees. They were getting much closer. After a while they made their way out of the jungle. And to their optics they witnessed the temple.

Megatron: At last...we've found it. Move it men! We are one step closer to end this war once and for all!

Soundwave: Megatron! Scans indicate multiple moving lifeforms coming towards this direction! They appear to be robotic.

They all stopped and looked around, aiming in every direction. Five Predacons was coming out of the forest.

Hun-Gurrr: We are the protectors of this temple. We ask you to leave right now, grrr.

Sinnertwin: Rip you apart if you don't leave! Rr, rip and tear to shreds!

Barricade: These guys are ugly looking. Want us to take care of them Megatron?

Megatron: No, I will deal with them. Personally.

Blot: You challenge us, the Terrorocons? You made big mistake of challenging us.

Hun-Gurrr: Terrorcons. Form Abonimus! He let out a loud growling noise and they all went together to form the Terrocon gestalt Abominus.

Starscream: Yuck..and I thought they looked ugly enough...he commented about Abominus' appearance

Abominus: You puny intruder! You are no match for Abominus! Abominus will CRUSH YOU! Abomnius aimed his gun directly at Megatron, while the others moved away from him in one go, taking cover. He fired a round but Megatron moved away from him. Megatron fired back a powerful shot at his chest. He began to leak a little bit of energon from it. He stomped the ground hard, creating a small magnitude and fired at Megatron again.

Megatron: I will give you an offering Abominus! Join forces with the Decepticons, and I will grant you powers you could ever imagine! His powers are amazing. A fitting soldier for the Decepticon cause.

Abominus: YOU WILL DEFEAT ABOMINUS FIRST IF ABOMINUS AGREES TO JOIN! GRAAAAHHH!!!! He stomped the ground once more, only for Megatron to surprise him by using his hoover slam ability on him. Abominus looked straight up at him and growled before being slammed to the ground by Megatron. He growled, slowly getting back up on his feet, feeling a little dizzy from the hoover slam. He couldn't see where Megatron was - vanished, out of his sights. He snarled and growled while looking around. Megatron was standing behind his head, pulling out his sword he jumped right in front of Abominus and stabbed him in his collarbone, letting out a painful scream and falling to the ground. Now, Megatron was victorious over his opponent. He stood near his face, aiming at him.

Megatron: A final chance to accept my offering...otherwise I obliterate you here and now into oblivion.

Abominus: You....have proven great strength. More impressive than Abominus could ever imagine. I- no...we, the Terrorcons will serve you under your command, Lord Megatron. Megatron smirked and his fist began to glow; forming a purple orb.

Megatron: Well then, he put the orb near Abominus's Predacon symbole and replaced it with a Decepticon symbol, welcome to my team - Decepticons! We move in to the temple and reclaim the weapon. Abominus, stay out here and guard the entrance. Megatron and his men entered the temple. As soon as they had entered, three Maximals and one Predacon appeared out of the jungle. The Maximals Cheetor, Polar Claw, Nightscream; and the Predacon Injector. They all transformed into their robot forms and spotted Abominus standing outside the temple.

Cheetor: Abominus! Thank the creator that you're here. Have seen the intruders yet? He and the others walked up to him but wasn't given any answer from him. Helloooo? Anyone home? Abominus looked down at the four, smirking at them as he raised his gun at them. Abominus...?

Megatron was now nearing the weapon. As they entered a room where the weapon was displayed within a display case.

Soundwave: Scans indicate a small amount of traps hidden within this room.

Megatron: It would be way too easy for anyone to enter this room without triggering a single trap. Feed me their locations so I can destroy them.

Soundwave: Yes, Lord Megatron. Soundwave began to feed Megatron where the traps would be located in the room. He could now see them. He fired at every single one of the traps, destroying them instantly. There are no signs of any traps left.

Megatron: Perfect. He walked up to the display case, drove his fist through it and grabbed the Requiem Blaster pulling it out. At last it is mine. Let us return, my Decepticons. Our mission here is done. They walked the same way they entered the temple, when they came out they saw four bodies lying on the ground, smoking and beaten up. I see you have taken care of the ''intrudes'', Abominus.

There was a huge roar coming from the jungle, almost monster like. They heard how the trees was getting mowed down as it got closer and closer to them. Out of the jungle, the leader Scourge alongside his guards Wreckloose, Brimstone and Undermine appeared. They transformed in to their robot modes. Scourge gasped to see that his people were on the ground, wounded after what Abominus had done to them.

Scourge: Abominus! Is this your work?! he asked him and looked down at the wounded ones.

Megatron: And who might you be? he asked

Scourge: I am Scourge. The leader of Animatros and its people. What have you done to my men?!

Megatron: I'm afraid Abominus here took care of some intruders while I was grabbing a hold of this: the Requiem Blaster. Scourge's optics widened and growled at him.

Scourge: You...why have you taken the relic? The ancient ones sent it to this planet to keep it safe from tyrants like you! Return it back to the temple and leave this planet at once!

Megatron: Oh we will leave...but not empty handed, you see.

Scourge: Undermine, Wreckloose, Brimstone - destroy him!

Undermine, Wreckloose and Brimstone: WITH PLEASURE!!! they charged towards Megatron, only to be stopped by Abominus, knocking them away in a powerful kick, laughing at them.

Scourge: Guess I'll have to take the weapon from you by force! Scourge, terrorize! Scourge transformed back into his beast mode; resembling something of a dragon.

Starscream: And I thought our Scourge was ugly but this one takes the price, he said to Barricade.

Megatron: Ha ha ha! You may think you are intimidating. But I beg to differ. He aimed the Requiem Blaster at Scourge and fired away a powerful, bright beam. Scourge repelled back using powerful flames emitting from his mouth. He was holding up a good fight but decided to move away from the blast. Megatron pulled out his sword as Scourge charged at him, roaring in anger. He leapt up in the air, trying to attack from from above but alas, Megatron stabbed him through the chest. Megatron then kicked Scourge's body. Repulsive beast. We are done here, gentleman. We return back to the ship. The Terrorcons disengaged from their gestalt form to their robot mode and followed Megatron and the others.

Much later they had arrived back to the ship where Full-Tilt was waiting. He saw that Megatron had what he had come for in his hand.

Full-Tilt: And I suspect the mission went well, Lord Megatron?

Megatron: Oh, it did alright. Now we are in the final act of destroying Optimus Prime and his Autobots once and for all. Full-Tilt noticed the Terrorcons, who he did not recognize and immediately stopped them.

Full-Tilt: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Who're these guys??? he asked.

Hun-Gurrr: We are your new friends. And you should give us some respect. Or else we tear you limb to limb.

Rippersnapper: Yeah, rrrrrr....tear you good, he cackled. Full-Tilt was was shaking by just looking at them.

Full-Tilt: O-okay...get in the ship th-then...he stuttered. They cackled at him as they entered the ship. Primus, they are ugly...he then entered the ship. The ship was now taking off. Megatron was leaving Animatros with the Requiem Blaster and headed back to Cybertron.

(To be continued)
