Teenage Ninja Creatures

Gnomeo -Leo

Branch- Donnie

Alvin- Mikey


Bog King- Splinter

One night under the city of New York sewers were four brothers mutant creatures with turtle shells were all hanging out in their layer. Gnomeo was sitting on the couch watching tv with Alvin while Archer was busy playing a arcade game they brought down. Branch was in the kitchen working on a new invention.

''Woah I say the space aliens will win.'' Alvin said shoving popcorn in his mouth.

''I don't know.'' Gnomeo said getting bored.

''Ok move over time for something else.'' Archer said coming over and yanking the remote from Gnomeo and changing it.

''Excuse me Archer I was watching that it was getting to the good part.'' He whined.

Archer flipped though the channel til they stopped at the news as the reporter came on. 

''Turns out the we are back with the breaking news Volpina is back and is terrifying everyone no one can stop her. She is making everyone see illusions that aren't there like this couple taking a stroll.'' The reporter said.

This caught the 4 brothers attention Branch came over studying it. It was a couple of animals running from nothing both in a corner fighting off something that wasn't there.

''The couple said they were being attacked by dogs and other reports have been coming in.'' The reporter said.

''Well guess we have to go save the city again.'' Archer said. ''Get ready guys.'' He said.

''Not just yet we need to be careful with this she dangerous we've seen it first hand, she expecting us to show up.'' Gnomeo said.

''Oh come on its easy we take her down and we get back in time for the show to finish.'' Alvin said.

''I'm working on how to get to her without being caught because if we get caught we could be in trouble.'' Branch said.

''Good idea Branch.'' Gnomeo said.

''You boys are right to careful going out there.'' Said a deep voice.

They look to see their father/mentor King Bog as they call him Bog or teacher.

''We'll be careful sensei.'' Gnomeo said.

They all took off and hid behind the trees and anywhere they could find they saw Volpina messing with a couple of kids.

''Volpina leave them alone!'' Gnomeo shouted as he jumped in front of the kids to protect them. 

''AHHH RUN ITS A HUGE SPIDER!'' The kids shouted.

''Ahh hello Gnomeo I was wondering if you were gonna show up.'' She said grinning.

''Of course I came your causing trouble and I have to stop you.'' He said getting in a ninja position and holding his samuri sword.

''Oh yeah you and what team?'' She teased. The pretty long brown hair girl with a yellow and white one piece jumpsuit.

''Us.'' The other three said coming out of their hiding spots surrounding Volpina in a circle she turned to see Branch with his bo staff Alvin with his nun chucks and Archer glaring at her with his swords.

''Oh why pick on me I didn't do anything I just came out to have some fun.'' She said looking at them and blowing a kiss to Archer who glares at her.

''Nope your gonna go to jail.'' Gnomeo said.

Alvin made the first move to grab her only she did a flip and he missed. Branch came after her as she pulled out a stick and fights with Branch. Archer and Gnomeo wait and then go in as she uses her power and dust hits Gnomeo and Branch in the eyes and they open them to see stuff.

Gnomeo saw spiders and he freaked out swinging his sword around trying to get rid of them which he was aiming at Alvin who looked like a spider.

''Hey Gnomeo snap out of it, its me Alvin!'' The chipmunk called.

But he saw a snake coming his way and which was Gnomeo and they were fighting each other.

Branch opened his eyes and saw his girl who he was crushing on Poppy giggling and dancing with that yoga troll Creek and he hated it he was crying.

The only one standing was Archer and Volpina. ''I won't let you take me down.'' Archer said charging after her.

She threw the dust over and over each time missing as Archer ducked and dived. ''It won't work on me because I have nothing I'm scared of.'' He growled.

Volpina tackles Archer to the ground and blew the dust in his face and he coughed he opened his eyes and saw her standing over her.

''Help I can't see.'' Archer called.

Volpina grins. ''You guys are suckers for girls.'' She grins about to take off.

She was pinned to the ground by Archer and Gnomeo came over holding her down.

''Hey let go of me!'' She said moving around.

''Oh no your coming with us.'' Gnomeo said.

''What you were under my spell.'' She said.

''Lucky for me I found these contacts lens that Branch had been working on and tried it out and it works.'' Archer said tying her hands.

''That stuff only lasts so long.'' Gnomeo said. ''Oy you boys ok?'' He called to Branch and Alvin.

''I'm fine.'' Alvin said.

Branch finally stopped crying and opened his eyes. ''What?'' He looked around.

''Its ok Branch it was only an illusion.'' Gnomeo said.

They took her tied up to the police station and watched in the shadows as they took her inside. 

They went back to the sewers. ''So I take it it you took care of Volpina?" Bog asked.

''Yes Sensei we did.'' Archer said.

The others were watching the rest of the alien show.

''Are you ok Branch?'' Asked Archer.

''Yeah I'm fine I saw Poppy with Creek and they were dancing.'' He said.

''Is that all you go after Branch?'' Asked Archer raising her eyebrows.

''You know she has a crush on you right Branch?" asked Gnomeo.

It was clear to the others that Poppy a beautiful pink troll had it bad for Branch she would always come over and hang with them and Branch would gush over her it was no secret they liked each other.

''Are you sure I don't know she sends me these mixed signals.'' He said.

''Its obvious dude if she wasn't into you she would be dating Creek he has been pestering her. Just tell her how you feel and I'm sure she will do the same.'' Archer said.

They all laughed and got back to watching the show a job well done.

Here we go this was a request for Chipmunklover16 the picture belongs to her. I don't own the shows or characters only Sunset. This was a TMNT crossover with Trolls and Party Crasher. Garden Gnomes and A chipmunk with Volpina from Ladybug and Cat Noir.
