Selene and the Gnomepalings

This is for and the oc and pictures belongs to Wenwig..

One day a precure character named Selene was busy reading a one-shot crossover about Gnomeo and Juliet meets the Koopalings.

''Hmm I wonder what it would be like to meet them. We could all have so much fun I could show them the memes I do and all the fun games and whatnot we can do!

As she said this it was like something, or someone was listening and the next thing she knew there stood the gnome couple themselves Gnomeo and Juliet as they looked around.

''No way!'' Selene was excited and jumping up and down at this.

Suddenly two others appeared Koopalings Wendy and Ludwig.

''I can't believe this the four I'm obsessed with are here.

''Hey your Selene, right?'' Asked Gnomeo going over.

''Yeah! And it's so wonderful to meet you guys!'' Selene smiled excitedly.

''Yeah, apparently you read about us and so we decided to meet you.'' Juliet said going over and hugging Selene.

''Yep, same here.'' Ludwig said going over to Selene.

''This is great! Welcome to my room! And we are going to have so much fun!'' Selene said.

She hurried and pulled out games, puzzles and all kinds of things for them to do. ''Well since your here I think we can all hangouts.

So all day the Gnomepalings and Koopalings were hanging out playing Monopoly which turned into a heated play with tempers flying about certain places to buy.

It ended with Ludwig and Wendy winning the game.

But something was bothering Gnomeo. ''So Selene what do you actually do?''

''Oh, I write fanfics about you guys, and I also do Memes.

The gnomes and koopalings looked confused.

''So, what are memes?'' Asked Wendy.

''Oh just fun little things of characters and people doing crazy things. Like this meme...

Selene pretended to be a judge. As Gnomeo and Wendy looked confused.

''Who are you acting as?'' Asked Gnomeo.

Selene let out a laugh. ''I'm a judge because I can.''

Juliet and Ludwig looked and saw a picture.

''Who are those?'' Asked Ludwig.

The other three came over and sat down listening to her.

''Oh, those are the gnomepalings precure and that werewolf fairy over you is a girl named Ellie.'' She said happily sitting across from them.

''Pretty much you guys are gnomes and koopalings most of the time but later on when there is crime going on you guys known as Gnomepalings precure along with me go and defeat the villains.

''How often do we win?'' Asked Wendy going over and sat next to Selene and wrapped an arm around her.

''I just don't like seeing me as a girl.'' Gnomeo said.

''Oh, you're a guy with cute long hair. You guys are amazing, and I love you so much.'' She gushed happily.

Juliet got up and turned on the radio as fun music came on and they all started dancing.

Gnomeo got up and pulled Selene into a fun goofy dance as she smiles. ''And you say you don't dance.'' Selene laughed.

''Well Juliet has been teaching me.'' Gnomeo laughed.

Then Gnomeo went over to Juliet as they danced together, and Selene joined in as well. This went on for a couple of hours. Selene was exhausted and smiled. ''Alright let's watch a movie!''

''What are we watching?'' Asked Gnomeo who sat down and Wendy.

''Inside out.'' Selene said as she brought in snacks and drinks for them, and they all sat down as the movie began.

Gnomeo let Juliet sit in his lap, while Ludwig patted a spot in between them for Selene who sat between him and Wendy.

Throughout the movie Selene was drinking soda and eating popcorn, about halfway through she stood up. ''I'm going to the bathroom.''

''Ok, we'll pause it.'' Gnomeo said.

''Do not pause the movie!'' She calls and took the remote with her as she went to the bathroom.

Gnomeo was sitting as Juliet stood up. ''I'm getting some more snacks.'' Juliet stood up seeing the movie before.

''I'll go with.'' Ludwig said following Juliet.

Gnomeo and Wendy sat next to each other watching the movie suddenly it was paused they were surprised. 

Juliet and Ludwig came back and were surprised.

''I thought you were supposed to pause the movie?'' Asked Juliet going over to Gnomeo.

''We didn't.'' Gnomeo defended himself.

They heard the toilet flush and out came Selene who was shocked and upset.

''I said in no certain terms DO NOT PAUSE THE MOVIE!''

Wendy looked at the camera. ''The moral of the story, don't underestimate a paused video.''

They all laughed about the lesson.

Later the movie was over, and Selene noticed the gnomepalings were standing side by side.

''We are having so much fun with you we got you a few things.'' Juliet said.

They moved and she saw some cute outfits. ''These are precure outfits just for you.'' Wendy said.

Selene took them and was so happy she started crying and hugged all of them.

''You guys are the best! Thank you so much! I got something for you guys as well.

They were all happy and hugged her.

They were watching stand-up comedy and they were laughing and enjoying their time together.

They all looked at each other and said a meme together. ''I'M NOT PLAYING THESE GAMES!'' 

Everyone laughed.

''Oh, Ludwig and Wendy thank you for the anniversary gift you got for Gnomeo and Juliet, it was the best.'' Selene said.

''Yes, thanks guys.'' Juliet said as she and Gnomeo held hands.

''Oh, and Gnomeo and Juliet, we have a double party to celebrate, the day your first movie came out is my birthday!'' Selene shouted excitedly.

''We got to go its getting late.'' Wendy said.

Her and Ludwig hugged Selene. ''Good luck on the 8th.'' As they disappered.

Selene looked at them confused and then turned to Gnomeo and Juliet. ''You guys leaving as well?''

''Yeah, we have to, and you have a test coming up tomorrow, which I know you will pass.'' Gnomeo said as he hugged her.

Then Juliet hugged her as well. ''You got this girl; we are rooting for you.'' Juliet said pulling away.

''How did you guys know about my test?'' Asked Selene.

''A little birdie told us.'' Gnomeo winks at the writer.

They left and Selene was so happy to meet the gnomepalings and they gave her some nice clothes.

''I'll see you guys soon.'' She smiled getting ready for bed.

Here we go this is a request for Wenwig who loves these four characters, she got a big test coming up on the 8th so wish her well. And the pictures besides the inside out pic belongs to her.
