°•¤●The Essence of Light : Feeling●¤•°

[Chapter 29]

I looked at the ceiling, my back still spread across the ground. It's like the world is... spinning again.

What... is this? It feels different. No, I feel different.

It's freedom, isn't it? Yes.

From 2024 to 2026, I have been trapped in my own mind. The world never stopped spinning, I was the only one who stopped moving forward with it...

Finally, after so long...

Goodbye, old friend.

His face gazed at me from the heavens, holding my hand.

"Goodbye, Akato."



"Wh?!" I pulled myself up in a hurry.

Wait, I passed out for a second, didn't I? Oh, pff- I guess I did.

I quickly got up, forcing myself to stay on my toes so I don't end up fainting again and have the Amusphere log me off-

Hm? Footsteps?


I turned to my right, seeing a pair of arms dashing towards me. Its force was ready to push me off my feet once more.

"WOA-HE-" I braced for impact.

She crashed onto me, jolting me backwards, going for a hard fall.

My back slammed to the ground, cracking a vertebra somewhere that wouldve been fatal IRL.

She wrapped around me, her face was filled with glee. Giggling uncontrollably and showed no signs of letting go.


Looking up at her, too many tears of joy flowed in her eyes. Her worries have disappeared... the mission is complete. These knights, they have fulfilled their wishes...

"We... did..." I continued, still stuttering. In the beginning, I ended up on top of her, and now she's turned the tables effectively. Wonderful. Karma at its finest.

"Aaaahhh... I'm drop-dead tireeed!!!" immensely glad and satisfied, I shouted with all I had left.

She collapsed herself onto me and rested her whole body, sore and weak. Myself, being her personal cushion.

"Hehe~! You're warm~"

"I was putting all my trust in you on that last one. Boy, I'm so happy we pulled through..." I patted her head as thanks, gently caressing her hair. I'm too exhausted to even care about how close we are at this point. Let the girl do what she wants, she deserves it.

"I was pretty cool wasn't I?" She boasted, eyes closed and cheeks pressed on my chest.

"The coolest."

"I'm really glad I met you, god knows how grateful I am."

"Actually," I protested a little, "I might be more grateful to meet you than you think... Yuuki."


She looked up at me a little bit in excitement, darting straight to my eyes. Greeted with my delicate expression as I continued to glow at her, she found herself skipping a beat. My unwarranted, endearing smile proves itself as my sole asset.

My core melted, overheating beyond limitations. The chains of ignorance to my emotions were broke free.


Ah, so this is what it is. Isn't it?

... A sense of care?

Suffice to say, love?




The three other men of our guild fell on their knees, faces crushed on the floor. Their heads together formed a triangle and their butts reached for the sky.

"UwaaaaAAhhh~" Siune sat on the floor letting go of her staff, crying out a never-ending sigh.

Nori planted herself on Siune's thighs and took a nice nap on her new pillow, face flat. "Wake me up when we've activated the next floor alright, see ya..."

Yuuki and I looked at our party and began to burst into laughter. We clumsily got up from our heartwarming position and sat across one another. Everyone was so done and I mean 'So, Super Done' now that the boss is gone.

The boss room door broke open, the hundreds of players respawned along with the two leaders who seemed to, like-wise, clumsily make their way inside in a hurry.

Both of them had no armour left on them but clothes and leather. We must've shredded them to pieces from that fight, I'm sure.

Sumeragi's jaw dropped, seeing an empty, dimly lit room with a huge ass "Congratulations" menu above the centre of it all.

Eugene just stood there giggling, unable to even comprehend what is seen before him...

I glared at them, a pretty disgusting smirk on my face worsened the mood of those raid parties.

I pulled a 'peace' with my fingers, pointed straight towards those idiots with the ego of a sly fox and the pride of a lion.

Yuuki wrapped her left arm on my shoulder and with her right, she 'peace' with me.

The three guild members did so as well, with their faces and butts still as they were. Siune and Nori followed shortly after.

The Tyr was surely beaming with anger in his veins, his face was more fierce than any great white shark of the seas.


"EAT DUST SUCKAAAAA!" I victoriously screamed.


I quickly covered Yuuki's ears knowing exactly what was to come:



I grabbed Yuuki by her waist and laid her on my shoulder running towards the next floor staircase as fast as I can.

Sumeragi already speeding towards all of us, screeching. His blade was drawn and swung psychotically as he chased.

Tecchi and Jun panicked and made a run for it, accidentally leaving Talken behind before the Tank quickly came back to carry him out.

Siune smacked Nori's head and woke her up, pulled her hand and dragged her across the floor with everything she got.


[The End of Chapter 29]


Author's Notes


