°•¤●Before Bewilderment●¤•°

[Chapter 51]


[ °●12th of January, 2026●°]

[ °●The night before he woke●°]



"We're almost there."

"...Hah..." The struggle under his breath remained audible even through this probe.

"Hey... come on, now. You're already so close. It'll be hard to get someone to pick you up at the side of an alley like this."

"Eeegh... Engh..."

"Take your time. Easy does it."

Hanging on for dear life, he leaned on the sidewalk railing, slowly inching towards his home with both legs seeming to have been sapped off their energy. His groans make him appear so helpless and tired beyond comprehension, which I couldn't help but feel sorry for.

No, it's not just the tiredness he's experiencing. At the pace he's going, even I can tell that it was nothing short of total exhaustion from every cell in his body.

Ah... I can only wish to help him up with my own two arms. Maybe that way, he wouldn't have to stumble so bad.

There was no sign of sparkle left in his eyes. What used to have shined so brightly merely an hour ago was now drained, swallowed whole by the fatigue.

Oh, Akashi...

His body has been on edge, and only now did it begin to rapidly decline. All that accumulated strain on his body suddenly caught up on short notice.

I'm sorry I can't do anything for you. There's only so much I could do through a probe like this.


Oh, dear...

Perhaps I should've known this would happen. The doctor had made it apparent since yesterday. When Akashi visited me, he had been exerting himself for several days now. On top of that, he suddenly had so many things to take care of today for other people. No wonder he got himself into this mess... Who knows what could happen if I didn't talk him out of that selfless cycle. Maybe tomorrow, he would've pushed himself more than he already has.

Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you to head back sooner...

It was such a physically and mentally taxing day for you. Now you can't even walk straight...

How am I supposed to take care of your well-being like I promised if I can't even tell you to rest?

"From now on... I won't let you do this to yourself ever again..." I said to him somberly.

"I-It's... fine. You don't-"

"Please, we're caring for each other now. So don't go back on your word, and neither will I."

"Mmh... Under-*pant*-stood..." He submitted, finding it difficult to oppose my boldness.

I'm not letting him undermine my efforts. He needs to know that I'm here for him regardless of what he says...

How far are we, exactly?

I hovered the screen in my virtual dark room to my left, showing a map with a route to the address he gave me while we were on the train.

I wasn't sure if he could recall his way home from the station, and it's even less likely that he would have enough brain power to figure it out himself. So to avoid any problems while we're on our way, I thought helping him navigate would be the least I could help with.

"Judging from the local map I'm using, your house is a few blocks away. Give it another 10 minutes, and you'll be able to say 'Hi' to your bed. Sound's fun, right?"

"Beeed~" He moaned, calling out for the furniture to come and pick him up.

"I don't think your bed will start growing legs to fetch you if you keep making that sound. Save your energy."

"Engh... Yuuki... now all I can see is my comforter~." His humour still seeped through despite his current state.

"Oh no, don't start hallucinating. Hey, just focus on my voice and stay awake..."

This isn't good. I don't think Akashi can make heads or tails of what's happening around him. There's a chance I have about 5 minutes left before he passes out completely.

Haih... What am I going to do with you...?

He's getting slower, losing grip of the rails. I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly slipped and fell, which would knock him out immediately.

The alley was spaced, at least. Not as narrow as some would assume, but just as dark as one would expect. There are rows of houses around this area, each appearing similar in design to the others. I don't see housing settlements like these all too often in Japan. I wonder why his family settled here?

"Hahhh..." His breath continues to grow thin. Please, stay with me...

So long as his heart keeps pumping, I'm sure he should stay conscious enough to make it. That is... if it so much as to slow down even a little, I might be in trouble.

Speaking of which, when exactly did he start losing strength earlier?

At the train station?... No, it was before that.

On the train, after we left my hometown?... No, he was already trying to sleep by that time before I stopped him short.

When could it be?...

I gave it some thought, twirling my thumbs together in contemplation.


... It was during our moment with the skies, wasn't it?

Yes, of course.

There was something that I said that made his heart fall into a state of ease, resulting in his body being under the impression that it should rest.

Right... I remember.


==Flashback, Chapter: Lovely Moon==

"Hey, hey, Akashi!"


"Tsuki ga kirei?" (Isn't the moon lovely?)


Those words... They didn't quite cross my mind as I spoke them out. I was overwhelmed with emotion at the time, and I couldn't make sense of why I said them.


My heart palpitates erratically... Though not as drastic as it had been several times earlier today.

The meaning hidden behind those words, yes. They weren't simply for admiring the elegance of the pearl-white moon.

They were meant for a union of souls...

I was aware of it...

I knew what those words implied...

I said it... because it was sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Even when I didn't take the time of day to sit down and think through what it could mean for us, I just... couldn't help myself.

It felt right...

I wanted him to know... that I was serious.

It was worth the effort to convey to him how I felt... even if the means to say it was indirect.

A tight squeeze grabbed my chest, making me dizzy from the rising heat.

The decision to say them aloud came so naturally to me. It was like I had used those words before, yet that was the first time I had heard of them...

I don't know where they came from. It just happened.


I want to embrace these feelings with open arms and enjoy them until the last moments of my life.

Caring for him like how he cared for me... created an incredibly complex barrage of emotions in my core that defies all reasoning.

At that moment of enlightenment, seeing the stars in the sky for the first time in years, all I could think about was... how happy I was to have been able to make him find peace. Saving a tortured soul from self-blame and immense guilt was... like saving myself.

This was why I made such a strong promise, to care only for him above all else in return that he does the same.

I want to be with him, by all means necessary... that way, I can see him enjoy his life again.

He has done so much for me, and so have I for him...

It couldn't have been more apparent that we needed each other, in one way or another...



I will do the right thing.

You might not like what I have in mind, and it might hurt you at first... But I have faith that at the end of all this despair you're going through, there will be a warmth waiting to engulf you whole.

You don't have to bear your burdens alone... You don't have to be afraid to move forward.

I am here now, and I have the courage to take that step for your sake.

Just leave everything to me...

"... Yuu-" He mouthed something barely audible.

"Hm? What's wrong?"



Before I could assess the situation, it was already too late.

He had got on his knees, looking upwards while his lungs struggled to take more air.


He's reached the final seconds of his sentience and will completely cease to move.

"Hey! No, stay with me!"

His eyes rolled back into his head, leaving his vessel temporarily vacant before falling to his left side on the ground.

With that, he was truly unconscious.

"Akashi? Can you hear me? AKASHI!"


Nothing is working. I can't grab his ear or slap him senseless to wake him up. Even if I screamed to get someone's attention, the probe's internal speaker can't transfer a sound loud enough for an entire neighbourhood to hear.

Oh, please, please, please!

What do I do?! I can't just have him sleep here for the night...

I'm so sorry it turned out this way. Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Agh, we're so close!

"Akashi, wake up! Hey! Get up! Your house is right around the corner. Come on!"

His eyes were shut tight, but at least I could hear some faint breathing. That's good... He's just in a deep sleep.

"Come on... Your bed is calling out to you too. Don't just give up now..."

I begged him to listen, holding onto my clothes with all my might.

"Please... your sister is waiting for you..."





Of course, she's right there, a few minutes away! She can help him up!

How do I tell her he's here?

Contact? Contacts.

Is there any way for me to reach her?

His phone? As if I can access it.

Do I call for anyone else who might be nearby? I wouldn't know, actually.



I need to think of something fast.


"... In-game calls..."

A brilliant idea came in at the right moment.

"I have her on my friend's list in ALO, right?"

Yes! Kirito was able to call Asuna using his menu, which means I can call for someone through there too!

Oh, thank god!

Alright, I need to log in first. No time to waste. Akashi needs to get some proper rest as soon as possible.

"Please, stay safe while I'm diving... I'll be back in just a minute."

I looked up at my screen, eyes mellowed with the essence of hope in my heart.


"See you..."





I see a silhouette approaching in front of us through my screen, but there's no need to be alarmed.

Although he's still lying down unconscious, it doesn't appear that he was hurt while I was gone.

Assessing the situation at hand, the person before us gave a calm response:

"... How long has he been like this?"

"Not too long, don't worry. I didn't waste any time before coming up with ways to help."

"I see... You did very well. He seems to be okay, all things considered. Without you, there's no telling how long he would've stayed here."

"Thanks, but you're too kind..."

Her appearance was striking, even in the dark. She wore a comfortable peach-shaded sweater paired with long slim-fit trousers. The subtle details on her face are hard to make out, but that stunning hair remains the most noticeable feature overall.

Kneeling down, she brushed her fingers gently over his hair, followed by a gentle smile carved on her face.

"No... Thank you. Calling me was the best thing you could've done."

All I could sense was gratitude in her voice. It was delicate and maintained, far different from the last time I'd seen her.

Like brother and sister... both seem to have an underlying side behind that highly exaggerated front they put up for others.

"Well, it's not like I had any other options... In fact, I was quite afraid that you wouldn't pick up."

Hearing me talk from the probe, she averted her eyes elsewhere somewhat nervously.

"Oh, y-you didn't have to worry about that. I... was waiting for Akashi to call, actually."


"Well, he IS late, after all. (Close to 9 p.m, last I checked.) Though, suffice to say, I certainly didn't expect YOU to be on the other end... That-uh... caught me off guard..."

"S-Sorry..." I gave a shy reply.

Yeah. When I first dialled Yorozu's contacts in the menu in ALO, I expected her to sound worried. I mean, she did at first when she picked up, but after hearing my voice... Uhh... things got out of hand.

"Please forget everything I said while I was excited... It really wasn't the right time." She pleaded for me to ignore her previous outburst of joy.

I'm afraid that won't be so easy... She went full nosy-big-sister on me out of nowhere, which made me laugh a little, but that's out of the question.

"Ahah... I-I'll try."




Having a firm hold of him on her back, carrying the both of us, she made her way back home.

"I'm... really sorry for occupying his time..."

"Hm?" She looked to her right, the source of my voice.

"If I had told him to return sooner... or if... we didn't go out together at all... maybe he-"

"Don't say that~! You couldn't have known that he would overwork himself to this point."

"That's not true... I knew he was getting tired. I just didn't think about it enough to prevent this from happening."

"Haih... I'm sad to say, even if you did try to convince him to head back earlier, he'd still find ways to get himself passed out on the side of a street." She gave a loud sigh as she walked.

"Eh?... How come?"

She scoffed, though not in a mocking manner, but a humoured one.

"Well... Sometimes, the only way to get him to stop is by letting him finish what he's started. And among those times, his body couldn't keep up with his determination."

I listened carefully, sitting on the ground of the dark room, waving my body left and right consistently.

"To put it simply, he has-"

"-done something like this before?" I cut her sentence short, piecing together what she could mean.

"Haha... yeah."

That... does sound like him.

But, in truth, that isn't a small matter for one to easily overlook. Akashi's health has been and is currently being challenged here... yet, she seems to be taking it all like a champ.

I wish I could have such confidence as she does, but I can't help but feel anxious about his well-being.

"He's going to be okay, right? This wouldn't leave him bedridden for a few days, would it?"

"Not at all. Give it a few extra hours of sleep than usual, and everything should be in top shape by tomorrow."

"What about you? I hope this isn't causing too much trouble." I persisted in concerning myself.

"Absolutely not. Akashi's the only one I have nowadays, so it's only natural that I'd do anything for him. Plus, this is a piece of cake..."

Now that she mentioned it, I realized how she's not even breaking a sweat carrying someone a bit taller than her.

"Isn't he heavy?"

"You know what? Yes. No doubt about it. He's always been heavy since he was a kid. But us Toriyus are born resilient and quick. We can take a good beating or two on our own, run a few laps no problem, and weights aren't so much of a hindrance to us compared to normal people. Haha!"

Eheh... even her pride reminds me of him.


"He must've needed to do something important for you, right?" She asked suddenly.

"Huh? Um... yes."

"What was it...?"

"... I... wanted to visit my hometown."

"Ah, I take it must be far."

"It is."

"That explains plenty."

I looked down, and a pang of running guilt began to fill me.

Aaaa~! I feel so bad about it now... I just want to cover my face and bow down in front of her to apologize!

"I'm so so sorry. Again, I hope you'll find the heart to forgive me!"

She sighed.

"I suppose he really did rub off on you. Ah, geez."


"You're starting to sound just like him. Constantly apologizing for stuff even after being told it's fine, it's alright, it's not your fault. Haha, you've spent way too much time with him today, I guess."

"Uh, I-I..."

"Hehe, that's not a bad thing. Don't get me wrong. It's... kinda cute, actually."

"Haahaaahaha~" I gave a nervous laugh.

Weird, I never noticed the irony until she pointed it out. Great, now I can't stop being conscious about it.

"I'm glad we get to talk again, Yuuki." She proceeded.

"Me too! I was looking forward to seeing what you looked like in the real world. Though, preferably not in a situation like this." I added with sweat running down my forehead.

"Right, but I suppose that can't be helped... I texted him a few times (more or less) this evening after he told me how he was taking you around. Okay, maybe a few hundred spam messages, but he didn't humour those. After explaining a few things, I could tell that he was eager to make the most of it, so I wasn't too strict with him."

"I see. That explains a lot. Akashi WAS struggling to ignore your phone calls while we were on our way."

"Eh? HE WHAT?" Her voice was raised abruptly.


"This rascal... He really does love challenging my patience... Well, that's how he is. Can't have a perfect little brother, after all."



Mm... This is nice.


It feels like I'm the one being piggybacked, sleeping the night away while letting... an older sister... take me home.


It must feel great, doesn't it, Akashi?




"K-chak!" The front door was promptly locked.


Slamming her foot on the wooden floor, she mustered all her upper body strength into this one massive throw.



Flew did the little sibling across the living room, crashing onto the sofa like a summon of chaos. With me, still strapped onto his shoulder and suffering the same fate.

"waaaAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!" I yelled, terrified.



I completely underestimated her.

It was a hard landing. Akashi's head fell to the side of the furniture while his foot hanged over the left armrest.

She didn't have to say it, but there was a personal vendetta and unbridled frustration put into that throw. So she WAS angry about not returning her calls and arriving late. Oh god!

I'm starting to think that the whole myth about the Toriyu's hair only turning dark once they get strong is actually true. No human being can pull that off without stretching, giving a warning, or even preemptively building up towards it!

"Hahaha! That felt good, and the best part is he can't even complain about it! That's what you get for making me worry, Aka!" She proceeded to cheer, dancing into the living room.

"Y-You scared me! I almost had a heart attack!"

"Ehehe~! My bad, I got a bit carried away for a moment there."

"Is he okay?" I asked for assurance.

"He's fiiine~! He's a Toriyu! I can throw him off the roof into a dumpster, and he'll still walk out unscathed!"

"R-Right, whew..."

Not long after, she got hold of herself and decided to fulfil her responsibility. "Uh, I should probably get Akashi to his room."

"Go ahead, and please avoid the urge to hurl him around again. Uuugh, I might- throw up..."

"Yes, of course. My bad! Hehe~!"





She pulled his eyelids open and shined her phone's flashlight on them to check.

"... He's passed out completely. I doubt the month-old cheese we left in the fridge could have a smell strong enough to wake him up."

"Oh, for god's loving grace. Please don't do that."

"I'll reconsider."

"No, no, no, no. No reconsidering. That's just cruel. Please don't do that!" I pleaded.

"Mmm... I don't know~."

"... Please... for me?"

"Aww... when you put it that way, okay."

Whew. Crisis averted.


The light shining from outside his room was enough for us to see him tucked in bed, silently snoring with a content complexion. The camera was taken off his shoulder and placed on his study table, making it easier for me to see around.

Suddenly, he started to adjust himself accordingly upon feeling the familiar sensation of his bed, curling himself into a ball under the thick blanket.

It's like a natural response, something he had done several times before since he was young.

"..." Yorozu seemed to stare at him endearingly. Her eyes were ones... I hadn't seen in a long while.

"I often keep forgetting that he's not a kid anymore..." She told me. "Everything just started moving so fast nowadays... I'm a bit scared that I won't be able to keep up."

"Ah... I understand that feeling."

"Yeah... Before Akashi woke up from that death game, the world seemed to be moving at a snail's pace. It was emotionally draining to see him in a coma every day, and I was begging for it all to end so I could see him again."

"He has told me what you've gone through while he was in SAO... I can't imagine what it must've felt like for you." I shared with her.

"Indeed, it was unbearable... But when he was finally awake, everything started to pick up rapidly. Suddenly, he wasn't my sweet 14-year-old little brother anymore... The brother who would hide my glasses to get back at me for teasing him and overreacting to local TV Dramas. His behaviour was so... different... that it felt like culture shock."

I closed my eyes, ensuring that I stayed strong while hearing her words.

"His preference changed like heaven and earth, from cold soda to tea, from cold showers to hot showers, from wanting to spend the weekends in the arcade to visiting the beach, staring at the night sky after dusk."

"Then he... started to treat me maturely out of the blue. I guess... that was the final straw. When I expected him to groan and say no, he nodded and held my hand instead whenever we came to an argument. That seemed so inconsequential at first, but it was such a big change that it started to make me cry..."

I twirled my thumbs together.

"I know it's a good thing that he's grown so much, but I wasn't there to see him learn. After being with him for years, I felt the need to always be there through every step of his life, you know?"

"..." I listened carefully.

"Agh, it's just me, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Akashi's back... It's just... I wanted him to slow down a bit for me."

"There... There was something he experienced in that game that made him this way. I attempted to ask numerous times for the whole context of what happened, but other than the stuff about Kirito and his friends, he hasn't told me anything."


"Haih... maybe one day, he'll tell me."


I'm sorry.

I don't think you'll be able to hear it through his own words...

"... We should be glad he's here with us now," I suggested to her to look at the bright side.

"You're right..."

She turned to me, leaning on the wall before asking:

"So, how was the probe today?"

"Huh? Oh, it's been doing great. The camera quality is superb. There haven't been any issues at all."

"That's good. Akashi worked really hard to make it as perfect as can be."

Huh? What did she say?

"Akashi?" I asked.

"Yes, that table you're on is where he conducted maintenance for the camera after picking it up from Kazuto's. He filled me in on how it was meant for you, so I gave him some of our dad's tools from the attic. Agh, that table's a mess... I should clean it later."

"Oh, I thought only Kazuto was in charge of making this."

"He was, but Akashi took it upon himself to ensure it remains sturdy and functional. That's why I had the confidence to throw him while you're still strapped."

"Ahah, right. That must be why there were no problems even after running across the school."

"He ran? Pfft, he must've been fast."

"Not quite. He was holding-uh... something, so he didn't go too fast."

I can't tell her he was holding Asuna's hand, or this would be a long night.

"Ah, well, if he went for a full sprint, he would've been exhausted sooner."

"I suppose."

"... By the way..." She tilted her head.

"He never told me why you needed the probe in the first place..."


"I never got the chance to ask, what should I call you?" I averted her attention for a moment.

"O-Oh, well. Um, h-how about you call me big sister?"

"Ehe, I can, if that's okay with you."

"Hehehe! You know what? As much as I would love to hear it, Akashi would probably feel embarrassed. Just call me Yorozu."

"Alright... Yorozu, I will tell you why tomorrow."

"Eh? Okay then... W-When exactly?"

"... Before noon, be sure to check your phone by then."



[The End of Chapter 51]


Author's Notes

I almost ran out of time to write all of this, oh lord. It seems Yuuki has something she wants to say soon, something important.

What it could be is up for debate, but keep reading to find out!

Crap, it's time for the chapter release. Alright, be sure to vote before moving on!


