Chapter 5

I was lying down on my bed thinking about yesterday. Man was I happy. The happiest I've ever been in a while.

That happy moment was over when I had to look at the clock and it read 7am. School. Really? It's basically Hell and I don't want to go to hell, I'm a good person.

I was walking downstairs to go to the kitchen when I heard Simon and Ethan talking. I stopped at the stairs eavesdropping.

"You know I love you right? I'd never leave you. Why did you think that I'd leave you?" Ethan whispered. Simon sniffled.

"You were talking to that girl. And she hugged you and everything. I guess it was just jealousy and I thought you preferred her over me. So I thought you would leave me. I shouldn't have been so stupid. You deserve better."

I was on the verge of tears while Simon was bawling and Ethan was hugging him tightly.

"I love you too much to let you go. You're perfect the way you are and no one should tell you otherwise. I love you Simon." Simon pulled back and wiped his eyes. "I love you too Ethan." And they kissed. They were so relationship goals jesus christ. (A/n let the feelz just pour out of you soul. Continue)

I went back upstairs just to come down with all my stuff and banging my feet a little so they know I'm coming down. "Hey guys I gotta go. See you guys after school." I waved and left before they got to reply.


I was sitting down in math not really paying attention to the teacher, but I did hear the door open and who it was, lets say it made me happy yet confused.

"Hello. Who might you be?" Mr. Bright asked. "My name is Lachlan. I'm new here." He gave a small wave and looked around the class. There were many girls staring at him with flirtatious eyes and all that lovey shit.(a/n holy shit i just went from romantic Continue XD) But I guess I can say I was doing the same thing.

His blue eyes landed on mine and he smiled. I smiled back giving him a small wave.

"OK Lachlan. You can go sit next to Vikk over there." He pointed towards me. Lachlan walked over sitting in the desk next to me when someone whispered.

"Hey, don't catch the gay from him." The ones around him snickered. "Hey, only reason why you're saying that is because you want me to catch it from you." Lachlan sneered and the same group that snickered were laughing their asses off. Luckily the teacher wasn't in the room at the moment.


"Mind if I ask you something? Holy shit I'm nervous." Lachlan managed to get out before shuddering. "Sure why not." I replied stopping at my locker so I can get a snack for lunch. I turned towards him. "Well. Vikk. I liked you for a while now. A-And I-I was wondering if you want to be my b-boyfriend? If you don't it's ok. I just hope we can st-" I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tippy toes and I kissed him. It was magical. He kissed back instantly. Our mouths moved in sync as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His thumbs rubbing the skin under my shirt. I pulled back smiling leaning my head against his.(a/n mini fluff. A little. I tried a little)

"I would love to be your boyfriend." He smiled. "I love you Vikky." I smiled even harder. "I love you too Lachy." I pecked him on the lips again. We were walking to lunch and I dragged Lachlan to my table.

"Guys this is Lachlan. My-" I looked at Lachlan and he nodded his head. "My boyfriend. Lachlan this is Preston and Mitch." They both awed. "Vikk's got a boyfriend! That's so cute!" Lachlan was blushing so hard.

"Shut up. How about you guys? Where's your lovers?" I wriggled my eyebrows and laughed. "They've been sitting with us for a while and here they come now." Preston explained smiling like a goofball at Rob.

Jerome, Rob, and Ben strutted towards us. I scooted next to Lachlan more. "Babe, that's Rob, Jerome, and B-ben" I stuttered a little bit. Lachlan looked furious. "Calm down babe. I got this. Don't say a thing unless I need you to ok?" He nodded and pouted a little.

Ben sat next to me not a surprise. "Hey babe. You look sexy today. Not that you don't look sexy any other day, but damn." He bit his lip. This is disgusting. I was gonna take the compliment anyway. "Thanks for the compliment."

Ben put his hand on my thigh near my crotch. I stiffened up. Lachlan was taking deep breaths. "Babe watch this." I whispered to Lachlan he nodded his head.

Ben was rubbing my thigh with his thumb. I tried to hold in my laughter as best as I could. "Hey! Haven't you been to Sex ED?! No sex in the cafeteria Ben! No sexual moves either!" I yelled and the whole cafeteria started laughing.

The principal came over and grabbed Ben. "That's for my boyfriend only. Right babe?" I sat on Lachlan's lap giving him a kiss. "Right babe." He said hugging me tightly. Ben was so flustered it wasn't even funny.

"You know I love you babe. And I would not have let that happen right?" I sat on his lap straddling his hips. He nodded. "Yeah I know. Don't even worry about it. Boyfriend privileges only." He winked giving my butt a little smack. I laughed as the bell rang.

Can't believe that Lachlan, a vampire, a nice one, pretty sexy if I say so myself, is my boyfriend.
I must be dreaming.

A/N A lot of shit happened in this chapter. By far the best because Emon and Vikklan confirmed. Bad news though: Only 10 chapters in this book so five more left. Good news: I am so happy with all the support this book is getting. I like writing this more than my other one. I'll be starting Merome soon. It will be a new writing style and updated multiple times a day. Or so. I have to figure it out. Hope yall is enjoying!

QOTC: Single? Taken? Crushing?

AOTC: Crushing even though I don't consider him a crush, just someone who I wouldn't mind if they asked me out i would say yes.

Stay Safe<3
>Gg Rochii<
